[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]

that is a typo, said wilson on reddit. Its just More dmg. maybe theyl change it to melee the next week, who knows what happens.

Never did ubee with this build, cant answer you this :/

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
You would use an entire Ascendancy for a 40% More Damage bonus? And a 10% Increased Damage Taken penalty? That doesn't seem worth it to me. Actually 5% Increased Damage Taken if you take Rite of Ruin because there'd be nothing else to take anyways.

On the other hand with Chieftan you'd get 16% More Damage, Totems immune to fire (and thus RF), and probably at least 100% increased damage with Ngamahu and the smaller travel nodes. Oh and enemies deal 8% reduced damage.

I dunno man, just not seeing a better option than Chieftan. Of course this is all speculative pending on patch notes and a lot of other info.
So far the best ascendancy class is going to be either Guardian or Occultist

For Guardina go to unwavering faith and time of need
For Occultist go to malediction and wicked ward

Run tri curse enfeeble, temp chains, elemental weakness
Base auras discipline, purity of elements, vitality change out as needed.

Your regen rate is going to be crazy. Maybe over 600 energy shield a second. with huge mitigation.
run with a solaris lorica or shavronne and prism guardian. If you have a shavronne you can skimp on energy shield on some of your other items. Here is a quick sample of the guardian tree.

Guardian is going to have crazy defense.

People are using the Fragile Bloom jewel for 2% regen and 10% inc dmg which is in my opinion worth less.

Guardian and Occultist are obviously sweet options for LL and CI builds

I would pick 7% block over a random regen effect with the guardian ;) Lorica will probably raise in price. The build seems good, would do it almost the same for a low life one.
Its actually possible to run Grace + Determination + Disci in a Prism Guardian + 3 blasphemys on mana with 8% reduction.

Occultist is nice on paper for a CI build, but you want Discipline + 3 blasphemy curses, maybe even vitality... thats hard to run, still needs free mana for utility/searing bond because BM isnt possible to use. For LL the Guardian is simply stronger.

Chief seems well rounded, but the fireimmunity node is, for me, unusable on this build. This would result in losing a 50% multiplier where i need it the most (high resist/curse immune maps and bosses)
The regen for endurance charges is sweet if you invest in those, the 35% inc dmg node is meh.
That arohongui node is good, nothing to say against it.

edit: those chieftain skillnames are shit ':x

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Feb 22, 2016, 1:12:34 PM
So... I've been theory crafting. Something I do, alot.


I got no experience with RF Totems Raidus in its current form (due to it's recent +40% base AoE multiplier (Patch 2.1))

My question is: Will +159% inc. AoE% make 1 totem (a RF totem ofc') fill the entire screen with burn (like a Flameblast would)?

- Requiring two totems seems wasted, if covering the screen by 1 is possible (due to dual-RF-Totem's DPS don't stack), it would also make my Ice Nova (covering 1½ screen (tested), destroy urns/barrels, trigger curse on hit & proc' EE for me) -In case 159% is enough to cover the screen, which is why this thought COULD be viable in the first place.
Last edited by LePenseur#3755 on Feb 22, 2016, 8:38:00 PM
No it wont, ive got everything on the tree + aoe gem, which is halve of what you wanna reach and i dont think you will cover the whole screen.
Two totems also allows you a 100% uptime on bosses (placement+casttime) and you wont need EE on every pack, i use it only on curseimmune + resistant rares and bosses. In the time you cast a nova mobs are already dead.

Trap+multitrap/clustertrap+icenova/shocknova might be a thing for you if you wanna cover big areas without staying too close to mobs.

edit: if you tested the ice nova radius already just throw in a 3l on that character with rf+totem+aoe and test this too ;)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Feb 22, 2016, 11:04:56 PM
Added all the aviable classes that could somehow work with this buils to the Ascendancy section with my opinion to them.

Scion still missing and there may change some nodes until release and this may also change my opinion.

My top picks so far:

Berseker: The strongest offensive wise, higher mobility if a movementskill is used.

Juggernaut: strongest defence on a life based character, especially for hardcore.

Chieftain: solid mix of defence and offence. Lets wait for the small nodes.

Guardian: Low Life class, in that case the best class, HUGE defence.

Hierophant: best for a mind over matter char, if you dont go mom there is no reason for this class.

Elementalist: raw dmg, hybrid life/es and ci prefered

Occultist: fine for an offensive low life variation, too hard to utilize the additional curse on a ci/hybrid build and i think its better to use an item for it.

Necro and Inquisator are picks i would not use (for this build)

For more details check the Ascendancy section in the main thread. If we get more information about the tree changes i will update the Main-Thread and let it move to another class section if needes

Edit: Elemental Focus support gem announced, probably a new Must-Have supportgem for the rf and searing bond totem if it works (it totally should).

Possible links would be:

RF + Spelltotem + Elemental Focus + inc AoE + Rapid Decay + Burning dmg or Totem. resistance

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Feb 23, 2016, 6:56:02 AM
So i looked at your tree and now i get it , You used an intuitive leap ( scion aoe) and a lot of inc aoe passives for blasphemy+ 3 curse to matter.
Definitely Gonna be rolling this.

My choice was between RF vs Flame totems and its potential scalibility to uber ( basically uber = more damage )

The play style is what i like. curse with temp chains to slow things down and let RF totems do their work.

But this looks definitely better to start on a new league with.
Domine Non Es Dignus
I will most likely, if ggg doesnt destroy this build, reroll this again, dunno if hc or sc, depends on what friends play.
But not the whole league... i have so many builds in my mind that i wanna try that arent possible in the first days.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
tbh , I am looking at this for a HC league something tanky but with enough scalability .
Domine Non Es Dignus

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