[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]
" Depends on what you want to do mainly. For general mapping the shield adds clearspeed with the extra totem, a 6link belly helps more for singletarget if you attempt guardians etc. I cannot generalize whats the best. If you´re playing HC i would recommend 6l belly + lioneyes remorse. If you play sc and wanna kill many guardians/shaper/uber atziri n shit i recommend a 5link soul mantle and dual doryanis if you dont care for some deaths. There are item combinations for different approaches and you have to decide whats the best for you and your goals. Personally my goal on the char was to kill uber atziri and Shaper, get quickly 36 challenges done and didn´t care about leveling after lvl 90. Thats why i am using the items i showcased on my character. " I noticed no major difference after the fix. Swapped in normal jewels and killed every major boss i encountered like before https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Apr 16, 2017, 1:36:49 PM
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i just started poe but i am kind lost, ill play with my brother and i like what you posted here, would this be a good build for a new character ? with 0 currency ?
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" yes its perfect for that, but keep in mind that the first like 30 levels can be pretty slow compared to other stuff in the early levels. besides that it doesnt need any uniques or expensive items to work well https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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Tried Uber Atziri twice today and failed miserably. And 7 of 12 my RIPs were on trio. That degen myst is incredibly dangerous, is it chaos damage or what? Killing me instantly each time (made mistake by killing bosses in center and got no room to maneuver outside the myst).
Atziri himself is not so dangerous, died only twice in her fight, both times from red rings, they have much more AoE then in normal version and her cast time seems higher as well. Probably I should bring ruby flask for this encounter next time because I'm not fast enough to run from them. I watched your videos with Atziri kills. Could you explain what flasks do you use? Because you have only 1 hp flask in these videos. For me 1 hp flask is never enough, I run out of charges quickly, and dying. I'm thinking about using next time 2 insta-hp anti-bleed flasks, 1 slow-hp anti-curse or anti-bleed as well, 4th flask switching between Topaz in first fight (mb even with additional movespeed), Amethyst (is it really chaos damage or not?) with anti-bleed in second and Ruby in last one. Or even using Quicksilver flask for Atziri to run from circles. And 5th flask is Rumi Granite (mb even Quicksilver instead of in in last fight). Definitely it's possible to kill her, last time I bring her down to 55% from only one try. And DPS is not an issue at all, I compared it with what I've seen in videos, it's more or less the same. My issue is survivability. Probably 4th endurance charge is most priority to get now. | |
" Cant remember the excact flasks on the run, but the amethyst flask helps a lot with the trashmobs and trio. Bleed removal on 2 flasks because of the trio and atziri spear as well as Granite + basalt to survive a trio hit and atziri spear. Didnt bother to swap flasks for the vaals/atziri because i have practice with the encounter. Dunno if aa ruby flask helps there, its probably still a oneshot :P i only use more than 1 hp flask when i am in the uber lab with a vaal pact life char :P bleed removal should be on utility flasks and not lifeflasks. Overall the vaals are easier with a topaz flask, just get em down together and run in circles. I try to stay close to the middle after they go down the first time, they spawn close to you and this gives room to dodge stuff. trio > dodge the bonerainthing, thats the most important thing. As you can see decoy totem is the best friend in the fight. Decoy + rf + searing bond and wait in the distance. atziri just needs practice. I rather use more quicksilvers than ruby flasks, since dodging is the most important part there. The good thing is, there is the normal atziri to test. Homework: just use RF + Spelltotem, no other supports on it. Reserve 50-70% of your life with auras. Then make a few normal atziri runs, if you do them deathless you might be prepared for uber atziri ;) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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" Thanks a lot. I will practice in such conditions, good advice. Usually I faceroll normal Atziri, for example usually I'm killing normal Oversouls before they even go down. And normal trio is not dangerous at all. Imo even Vaal Temple trio is easier then Uber one, because arena in Vaal temple is much bigger, it makes maneuvering oustide degen myst easier. Will try something like Amethyst with anti-bleed for trio next time. Atziri herself is surprisingly easy in comparison with trio imho. I'd definitely kill her if not spent so many portals on trio fights. " What good suffixes should I get on life flasks then? Last edited by fwd#2278 on Apr 22, 2017, 2:47:55 PM
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Either additional bleed removal or you use the unique flask which instantly heals 100% hp (forgot the name).
trio fight is 33% dodging those projectiles which can stunlock / instakill you, 33% decoy totem and 33% patience and no panic. after a few kills the routine kicks and you're less nervous/scared of the fight. It gets much easier then. There is a reason why dudes like mathil kill guardians, shaper and uber atziri with practical any build and others struggle with the same build - practice. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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Hello , Thanks for everything and the great work in guide
But im new player here so i dont know which skill tree to follow or do to be honest and i got around 40 chaos for build so if u got any advice would be great :) |
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Hello! My RFT character is still alive :D
I'm considering trying out Uber Atziri on HC, but have some questions before I attempt it. 1) Are your Uber Atziri / Shaper videos with or without more than one Self-Flagellation? I'm in HC and using a Belly, so my DPS would be lower than yours with Soul Mantle and 1 Self-Flagellation, or much, much lower than yours with Soul Mantle + multiple Self-Flagellations. 2) What's your Path of Building DPS in those videos? My current DPS (configuration: standard boss, everything else default) is ~167k and it would be helpful to measure how long it would take to kill Uber in comparison to your DPS in the video. 3) This one's a more general question about Uber Atziri. I've completed about 50/100 regular Atziri runs so far for the challenge (in HC) and feel confident about dodging her spells in the regular fight but I'm unsure about Uber. Does Uber Atziri cast her spells faster/larger/differently than regular Atziri? 4) I'm also not used to using Vaal Lightning Trap during clone phase because I set my skills to Ice Trap + Flammability Trap so I can hit her with EE/Flammability both during clone and solo phases. Do you think VLT is necessary for clone phase, or can you comfortably and quickly end her clone phase without VLT? Thank you so much for your build & guide! |
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" 1. They are Ethical, Soul Mantle + 1 self-flagellation only. 2. i dont know anymore, maybe i posted it in the last 20 pages. I only checked shaper/guardian dps. 3. havent noticed any difference, but i would check the wiki for that. Havent killed her often, maybe 4 times. 4. vlt is WAY safer in the add phase. the add dies quicker and there is less stuff to dodge. " its basically just one. the core of the variations are 98% the same. The big difference is if you wanna keep ancestral bonds or not later in the game. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
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