[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]
It could work, but it's not worth it, the investement would be huge for lazyness.
I stick with 3 blasphemy curses and one on cwdt (enfeeble or vulnerability). Vulnerability doesnt benefit us with levels (degen. bonus stays the same). Enfeeble is already strong on a lower level, but hc guys probably want it on blasphemy. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
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But how do you manage to maintain all 3 blasphemy curses while each reserves 35% (_105_% total)? Are there some nodes I'm missing which allow to reduce the amount blasphemy reserves? What's the trick?
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I got 8% reduced reservation on the tree. It counts for all reservation, even the jewel you mentioned.
Conquerers efficiency alone wont decrease the reservation because its too low. 35% x 0,98 = 34,3%. The game does round up so you got 35% again. It calculates every single blasphemy curse/aura not the sum off all. 8% reduced reservation result in 33% reservating blasphemy curses = 99% total 6% would be enough, but i better spend one point for reservation than 2-3 for the jewel (where i want the totem life). https://poe.mikelat.com/# you can play around there with reservation stuff https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Feb 1, 2016, 7:35:39 AM
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Dear Milky, i'm at level 90 with my shockwave totem doing 44k, doing high tier maps, but feel squish I try to move most the time avoiding get hit, I'm evasion.
I was thinking to swith to this build, but seems the same results, with my actual build I can play most of map mods, with high clear speed. I have to put Blood Magic gem because high mana cost of this skill, but gain one more aura (Haste & Hatred) Hatred is must have to this build and haste gives me an extra movement speed. My guildmate it's running grace. I have the currency to make the change but tue question if it's worth anything, let's say the pros & cons of each one. I Read every page trying to get an answer to this. I'm quite sure at my level would gain more life. My Actual Tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwUBBAcEswVCBx4NzQ5ID8QRLRGWFm8Wvxo4HM4dFB8CJKomlScvKgsqEytQLJwtHzLRNsU26TpYOtg7fDwFPQ89X0GWQ8hEoUSrRUdJUUyzTq5PBFJTVUtVrlXGWOVaK1ugXfJeXWHiZJ1mVGaeaPJwUnIPc7N8DnyDfLt-WX_GghCCm4Pbg_OFe4nTjDaOZI-mj_qQVZRvlSCVLpeVl_SaO5_fogCio6Pyp1WnlK4SrrOvp7E2tvq4ysBmwfPQH9D10f3Vpt-w42rr7uv17DjtPO987-vwH_DV8h33pvrS_lQ=?accountName=diegodgo87&characterName=Ed_Snowden My Actual Gear: As you can see i was doing some testing of this skill in my carcass, I can buy some High level RF gem too, but something tell me that RF damage will not increse with gem level. Some quality in Spell Totem it's needed. "This Is A Buff" (Bex_GGG august 30, 2016) Last edited by diegodgo87#3061 on Feb 4, 2016, 8:39:28 AM
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you need like 80+ regrets to go for rf totems with this character.
Spelltotem level are important, rf can stay on lvl 1 :P quality isnt that important too, only increases the placementspeed. i will answer more detailed tomorrow, got no time atm ;) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
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" Currency it's not a problem for me, i want run High tier maps more smooth, relaxed, with my Actual Shockwave i'm always looking behind my shoulder, one blink, one second, one slow finger and bam, i'm dead. (I only have one death at tier 10, 11 or 12 maps but thats not the point). "This Is A Buff" (Bex_GGG august 30, 2016)
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Getting B-B-B-R-R-G on a 6-link armor piece is not hard if you use Vorici's minumum 2 blue sockets recipe, it should average on about 150 chromes to get it ( https://siveran.github.io/calc.html )
I got a 6 link Astral for 2 ex and it took 2 tries to get the right colors (50 chromes). Currently at lvl 93 in Talisman league. I have 5,2k life, 55 mana unreserved, 40% phys.dmg reduction, 105+ all res, -9% chaos res, +17%move speed. I changed out the curse boots for Doedres ring, having decent movespeed is a big key to survivability with this build (as you just kite all the time). Gear and gems setup atm:
My skill tree: Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874 Last edited by Dkodr#6088 on Feb 4, 2016, 4:44:04 PM
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Well i playng your build at hct, have alot of fun with it pretty glad i start it, ty for sharing us your build, and i have one question, i guess someone already ask you about it, but i am too lazy to scrolling 24 page, want to know your opinion about Self-Flagellation jewel, should be usefull to use instead windscream or doedre ring probably ?
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self flaggelation is +1 curse on YOU, not on the enemys.
But its a good jewel if you use a soulmantle. @diregodgo87 comparing SWT and RFT is like comparing fireball and incinerate. swt should have a better pack clearspeed due to the aoe but lower singletarget dmg. swt needs more investment into crit and needs to sacrifice some defence for it, rft on the other side can be pretty tanky, like all noncrit builds. Blasphemy Tempchains and/or enfeeble help too without sacrificing too much dmg. I wouldnt respecc your swt char to RFT, better create a new one instead :P You could just swap to a ES shield, go for some hybrid life/es nodes and get more tanky (more effective hp) with the swt char if you want. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwUA73yf3zwFg_OxNk6urhJaK6PyWOUqE5Rvdf2Eb9gkNsWD2zpYVcYdFI_6Fr_60mZUTLMRlr6KoS8snCSqNunjahZvj0auswVCQZbwVU8Ecg_Xz_k374hJsX_GfA6nVVugIvRsCxo4Jy-QVe_r0B_Q9R8CBAfyHev1ZJ1-Wd-wYeImlVVLXl3R_aeUWfPAVAj096aOZLb6UlOX9JeVRUdtGVWuj6ZEqz1fghAy0Yw26-4c3I8aXfJqQ8BmkyeiAPAfBLNJUfDVlS4HHmjyES8rCnyDcFKJ0yoLQ8inCA5IZp4= ive made some modifications for more life/es. @dkodr Sweet jewels and chest <3 I would upgrade the gloves, shield and boots next for armour pieces and swap one lifeflask for a granite/rumis/taste of hate. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Feb 5, 2016, 6:13:02 AM
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Since my resists are well above 100% I can not see any better option than Lioneye's Remorse shield
to be honest, the high block, armor, life, -25 phys from projectiles and stun recovery is hard to match from any rare shield at all. Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
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