[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]

I just made a leveling video guide for you guys, especially for newer player!

currently uploading it, will be ready in around 1 hour.

It covers gems to pick, some tricks for crafting/gearing, which skills to use when, where trials are and so on.

its a boring, low effort 23 minute video with no plan in my mind, with editing i could've reduced it to 10mins :p

the reason for the low effort is time (patch hits today) and 3.0 will change most of the process :p

i hope it will help newer players or those unfamilar with rf totems

I will post it here and in the guide

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Mar 3, 2017, 7:10:47 AM
Thanks for all the work you have been doing in keeping this upto date and all the feedback Milky.
My shitty leveling guide for 2.6 RF Totems

like i said, no editing and just sat down to make a "quick" video before the league starts, so no ziggyD quality standard video :P

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Mar 3, 2017, 8:19:05 AM
NoDiscoSisqoOrCalypso wrote:
Hey I´m gonna try your build as a League Starter bc for this League my goal is Atziri Farm.
I play since Prophecy league and i´ve never killed her before. So now is the time.
My question is, would you reccommend Berserker or CHieftain for that.
ALso i am HC exclusive. My own common sense tells me Chieftain for the totem fire immunity,
but then again in drawn out battles, the Berserker seems to shine because of the Warcry node.

I am really unsure which ascendancy to pick. Thanks for all the good work. ANd i hope I´ll be successful with this cool build.

Adding to what Milky said, as I have done a lot of Atziri with the build in the past.

Chieftain means you don't need to recast as often, which means you can concentrate more on your positioning.
But once you reach a certain level and get half decent gear, it isn't really a drawn out fight. Everything goes down extremely quickly. But if you are trying to get some early runs in, when it's most valuable, you do have to actually respect the mechanics.
The value in atziri runs hangs around a lot longer in HC though so less of a rush.

GJ, thanks for video.
i hope it was somewhat informative.

Also did the math (radius calculator) a bit:

lvl 1 rf without any aoe node/gem is now almost (1 radius) as big as before with a lvl 20 aoe gem!

lvl 4 rf is bigger than this.

This means the aoe is acceptable to start early act 3, the duration is very high (what a berserker would have anyway) with purity and the damage will be from my experience way higher than firestorms.

But really cant stress that enough: Don't give up before that point, i know its not enjoyable to level until you can use RF.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Milky I used your RF totem guide in the perandus league to great effect. Looking forward to using it again this league.

Stupid question with the buffs to RFs radius why can't we use RF totems as soon as we can link RF to spell totem?

Thanks again for all the effort you've put in.
good question

You can try it, but i think with the skillpoints aviable at that point you wont have enough totem resists (ancestral bond and between templar and marauder have some) to have a smooth duration.

waiting til a3 is a safe suggestion from my side, but just try it out (i will too)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Skilltree links are made with tinyurl instead of poeurl (poeurl needs an update).
Every link works fine now :)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
lvl 16 using a single rf totem, works fine with the first totem cluster

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc

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