[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]

CoolColJ wrote:
for 2.6

2x Kikazaru rings, so curses don't do much to you from the 80% reduced curse effect

Casting totems with soul mantle you can get a max of 12 curses on you, with a perfect self flagellation jewel that's up to 240% increased generic damage

and you'll be able to run all map mod curses without much trouble

With this i have think to play templar guardian with "Time of need" for 25% reduced effect of curse on you for maybe 105% reduced curse effect,but i don't know if we can 100% reduce effect of curse.Sorry for my english.
Milkyslice wrote:

Really don't like the idea of running dual kikazaru, though it would make curse maps trivial.

Its not as bad as it seems i think.

with lvl 90 its 180 flat liferegen and the elemental weakness cap is reduced by a lot.
instead of 169 resi you would need 142. maybe add 10 for stuff like flammability, dont have the numbers on hand.

so resists on those items are not that bad with this in mind.
they enable self-flegallation for 120%+ increased damage and easy use of soulmantles up to 50% totemlife.

The biggest downside is the loss of life ofc. so not a hc option.

But lets say for a shaper kill where overcapped resists dont matter and life neither (basically oneshot by most not dodged shit anyway) and just pure dps is needed... soul mantle + kikazaru is probably the best choice the build has.

you can respecc ancestral bond, debuff everything with oos and scorching ray.
Curses do shit on guardians/shaper anyway (80% less effect), 8 stack scorching ray is stronger than two flammability + ele weakness on those ;)

Hmm, guess it might not be too bad though, but even 20% curses might start stacking up if you have a few on you! And no Doedre's so dual curse only unless can get a corrupted amulet.
Might just stick with a warding flask.
Milkyslice wrote:
Does it still make sense to prioritize Increased Area of Effect over every damage support in 2.6? And does it still make sense to wait for IAoE before switching into RF totems?

yes, there are no good damage gems to replace aoe support except conc effect ofc.
the gem lets us drop aoe from the skilltree.

dunno, havent played 2.6 yet and tested the aoe in a 3l on a lvl 1 gem.



...but I don't see many changes, if any, along those lines in the guide, so I'm wondering whether I'm reading too much into this.

ive changed A LOT, except in the leveling section. the damage of rft is never a problem while leveling, its just the aoe that needs to ramp up to clear a pack decently in the early game.

I havent played 2.6 yet and cannot tell 100% if crematorium a3 normal, at the end of a4 with aoe gem or somewhere between is point to switch in the next patch.

I can just predict what can potentially work and what will work.

Ancestral bonds + purity of fire is enough to start using rf + spelltotem, however ir starts to ramp up with lvl 38 and inc aoe.

even with those changes its a must have gem, except more aoe nodes like in the witch, scion or gear is used.

Sorry if that part about changes came off as criticism! This is a great guide, and I'll be running this as a starter build for the third league in a row, so I really appreciate all your work. All I'm doing is reading off absolute and marginal AoE numbers from the nerf visualizer, and I wanted to defer to your judgment. As you said, we'll be able to figure this out for ourselves in the live game. For the sake of experimentation, I'll try out a level 28 or 31 RF totem transition and deprioritize IAoE (5th link in a 6L), and I'll report whether it works out well.
Last edited by Felraiser#4173 on Mar 2, 2017, 7:11:35 AM
With this i have think to play templar guardian with "Time of need" for 25% reduced effect of curse on you for maybe 105% reduced curse effect,but i don't know if we can 100% reduce effect of curse.Sorry for my english.

the node also dispells all curses every 5secs, its not useful with self-flag, but still to counter the downside of soulmantle

Sorry if that part about changes came off as criticism! This is a great guide, and I'll be running this as a starter build for the third league in a row, so I really appreciate all your work. All I'm doing is reading off absolute and marginal AoE numbers from the nerf visualizer, and I wanted to defer to your judgment. As you said, we'll be able to figure this out for ourselves in the live game. For the sake of experimentation, I'll try out a level 28 or 31 RF totem transition and deprioritize IAoE (5th link in a 6L), and I'll report whether it works out well.

np, critizm is never wrong, hell it even helps optimizing the build (even added a suggestion to the guide 1 or 2 days ago with devotos devotion).

just wanted to explain my point that i reduced the amount of aoe on the tree and items (carcass) because i think templar aoe + gem is enough. Since there is no good replacement for inc aoe and a 4 link without rapid decay is enough for a looong time... i kept it that way.

its hard for a guidewriter to draw a line between "take this only route to play the char" and "i have 10 options, pick one".

the first way enrages experience players, the second route overwhelms new players.

thats why i removed ci/low life/hybrid/mom versions

Please keep on with suggestions or questioning decisions, that way we can all learn something. Maybe i am. wrong with something, you guys or different approaches are good :)


My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Mar 2, 2017, 9:31:46 AM
Hey Milky!

I will play this build as a starter in the legacy league.

For a relatively new and inexperienced player.. Which combination of build/ascendancy/setup would you recommend me?

Thanks a lot for your great work!
sorcita wrote:
Hey Milky!

I will play this build as a starter in the legacy league.

For a relatively new and inexperienced player.. Which combination of build/ascendancy/setup would you recommend me?

Thanks a lot for your great work!

Chieftain with Bloodmagic, orb of storms + curse on hit setup, Ancestral Bonds, Icetrap for EE on bosses.

Gear: Mostly Rares at the start to get enough life and resists.

Itemgoals: Doryanis Catalyst, a rare corrupted 6 link with the correct colors (they are relatively cheap after a week!) or a Belly of the Beast (which is harder to color), Hrimnors Resolve and the rest rare items.

items to test for you over time (if the gear allows a loss of resists): Doedres Ring coupled with Asenaths gentle touch gloves

Thats the stuff i recommend for a new and inexperienced player.

If you enjoy it up to that point you can think about investing in a Tukohama shield.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
I keep changing my mind, but my current thinking is

- Go Berserker. Mainly for a change, but I don't mind a more active playstyle, and be interesting to see how far I can push damage. The MoM mana nodes do look good, and I think Hierophant might be an interesting option, but I'm going to save for a different build.

- Use Soul mantle, at least until my gems are levelled. I'd really like to super overcap my resistances so I don't insta die if I'm slow on the warding flask - but if you get really unlucky and get hit with ele weakness + flamability/conductivity/frostbite against an enemy doing that damage, you would need about 220 resistances which may be tricky without getting it on every jewel. A perfect chemists stibnite of warding will give 24 seconds of immunity though. Could run a second warding flask too, especially if using Hrimnors and don't need an anti-freeze flask.

- Blood magic nodes plus the huge flat life on lioneyes remorse now should more than make up for the life loss.

- Once gems are levelled and I have a bit of currency, may switch to a more defensive chest and back to ancestral bond. Depends how often the Mantle is getting me killed. Or may want to wait until I can get a Tukohama.

One thought though, how about less duration for a 6th link with soul mantle? I'm sure I used it previously and it was ok, or is the downside just not worth it since it's been nerfed by 10% more damage?

good plan carlovski ;)

less duration is a good 6th link (better than 21 spelltotem) for a berserker on soul mantle.

I think the total duration is lowered by around 0.5 sec (the limited one by the degeneration, not theoretical totemduration).
Since berserkers totems are more fragile anyway it should work good.
For a chieftain i wouldn't use it since they stay alive longer, but is an option.

I will, if i find the time, make a "matchplan" for the leaguestart too so you guys can maybe orientate. Will test some things out obviously so i can discuss different aspects with first hand knowledge

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Mar 2, 2017, 11:52:56 AM
Cool, maybe I will just go all out for soul mantle then, Berserker, pseudo 7l should be serious damage!
Be a slightly different flavour on it too.
And will make early atziri pretty easy (As long as I keep the curses off!)
I'm assuming soul mantle will still be fairly cheap - it was a pretty common drop. I'll get some livesearches going for it.

Other later option might be to wait for some chains that bind turn in spidersilk robes to turn up and try and chance it. Problem being that you can also end up with the Covenant, but that has been heavily buffed and would be valuable too.
Okay here is my plan for the start:

level to marveils waypoint with groundslam/molten strike, buy 7 spelltotems over time to 20/20 them and corrupt em.

At marveils waypoint i switch to firestorm + firestormtotem, skill the first totemcluster, afterwards i sprint to ancestral bonds to use dualflametotem.

a3 crematorium gives purity of fire, i will use it and try rf totem for the first time if the new aoe is acceptable.
yes? level with it. No? Firestorm until lvl 38 again for the aoe gem.

Do library quest (only normal) inbetween which enables all non drop only skillgems.

If i reach malachais waypoint and are lvl 38 i will start the first labyrinth with rft.

do cruel until malachai waypoint, run the lab.

After the cruel lab i skill bloodmagic and drop purity of fire IF my resists arent horrible at that point.
If they are i will use purity of elements + fire for myself.

progress to act 4 merciless.
Farm the aqueduct (you heard right) for tabula rasa cards and corrupted zones until lvl ~75.
Buy remaining cards for a tabula rasa. With the farmed atziri sets (hopefully) run a few atziris for early valueable drops and hopefully a doryanis sceptre.

Those atziri runs will grant a good mappool of lowlvl maps.

I will unlock any map til tier 10 and sell all i dont need anymore (ppl buy those like candys for the atlas the first days).

check poe.trade for corrupted 6links, none aviable, process.

Depending on the prices buy a 37%+ belly or soulmantle, buy 5link prophecy, use instead of tabula.

buy lioneyes remorse and hrimnors if the price is right.

farm farm farm

buy tukohamas shield


find a cool foiled item, maybe make a build with it or push the char to the limit for a shaper kill... the buildguide really needs a shaperkill video :p

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Mar 2, 2017, 12:39:33 PM

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