[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]
Apologies for asking here -- but in your (Milkyslice) opinion what is the "stronger" league starter? Looking at RF totems again or your hidden potential BV berserker build?
Thanks! |
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" I don´t know how the obliteration wand explosion is hurt by the aoe changes, the clearspeed might be lower with those changes. Besides that BV is still in a great spot. It highly depends on you goals with the league starter, if hc or sc and so on. If you wanna farm strands 24/7 go BV (or vaalspark :P). For early atziri or uberlab, rft is the safer and more effective build. RFT is slower than bv obliteration, but safer. The most important thing is what you enjoy the most. Both work good on a low budget https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
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Topic: Soul Mantle
I am really tempted to use it. 2x Kikazaru (buffed) (Kikazaru: Reduced Effect of Curse mod increased to 40%. No longer has (13-17) Life Regeneration per second. Now has 1 Life Regeneration per Second per Level.) 1x Self-Flagellation or just with curse removal flasks since kikazaru has no life and bad resists. Soul mantles benefit is now: +1 totem, either 3 rf totems or the tukohama shield treatment with dropping ancestral bonds and just use coh + dualcurse + oos to trigger ee + eo The up to 50% totem life is about 20% more damage with endgame gear which is significant. Its a great starter item, too. no wait for lvl 20 spelltotem. also easy to chrome but no life/resists Did the math: in a 6 link a 21/20 spelltotem is stronger than burning dmg support. Kikazarus low resists (just the implicit) are not even that problematic, since stuff like ele weakness mapmod also gets reduced > lowering you overcap needed. On the other side you stack ele weakness + singeresi curse on you :P However the player life/survivability would be waaay lower compared to a Belly + rare ring + extra curse via doedres. I will update the thread regarding soulmantle use, basically has the same treatment than the Tukohama shield (Bm to compensate lifeloss, with/without ancestral bonds...) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Mar 1, 2017, 2:44:30 AM
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![]() Forbidden Taste is also useful now once we have some chaos resist, especially in the lategame with a big healthpool. Chaos resists and regen counter the downside. compared to a instant life flask on lets say 8k life we have ~ 1k instant heal with a lifeflask ~ 6k instant heal with forbidden taste but no/low regen for 4 sec and phasing + dodge + spelldodge seems preeeeety good https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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![]() thinking about deleting everything related to blasphemy after testing this. I rather use dualcurse with curse on hit than this aoe, which is useless against any ranged mob or boss which needs kiting. Its not like white trashmobs need any debuffs on them :P But its a good chunk of work to remove anything related to blasphemy. dualcurse is only possible except with glove corruption, cwdt, selfcurse or asenaths gentle touch... which needs to be mentioned a few times. the first gemsection could be removed however, the second would just need the text "use ice trap with ancestral bonds" i also would go for bloodmagic on all versions. Blasphemy is RIP, other auras not really that great, but a option. Those at least dont need Soveignity https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Mar 1, 2017, 4:41:13 AM
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There is a way of doing a RF totem as CI or not too mch?
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" yes ofc. even as a chieftain, but occultist would be most likely better with the natural regen. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMBAKcrHRQ5UngvWAcYaoLHKPqESFxrw20NfAth6-5aK6PyWOXDE-q6tzGMdo9GiELXz_k374hJsdgkGmydrpittAxsC5uhGFZodNpiVkhXySu2-JMQzIxG99enCHF5FxwSaZErWHdfBAN173yf3zwFVmOGrhXXJojoWrcwQ1Qd2fRxgpuaOyL0vorK06EvQnp6cJEHfPC7_BV-UlOX9JeVEVA1uR1PS64bJdlb-egsv-kC1K_fiuwYQYe3PpUuSVHw1Qceg188LYPMaPKvbLiTHNyPGjLRRUeTJw5If8ZtGfrSEZZmnsHFxq4NHzwonL49X8Bm98EAAAAA something like this. Just curse on hit + oos, discipline + purity of fire or vitality and done. Made this tree in like 2 minutes,so there might be optimations possible. for a chieftain start just take the northern str node pathing (which is somewhat useful for spire of stone jewel). low life and ci can definetly work, but haven't played it as those https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Mar 1, 2017, 4:34:59 AM
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Wow that was.. FAST xD
Thanks for the answer i might try it as a league starter then ^^ Ty ! |
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Ok this was my last update before the the passive tree is on the official site (well maybe i make another picture).
got everything done i think https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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Almost too many options now!
Shame that a lvl 21 spell totem is still the best 6 link on soul mantle. Maybe increased burning damage will be buffed in 3.0 if double dip is nerfed. But still nice as a cheap pseudo 6l. Really don't like the idea of running dual kikazaru, though it would make curse maps trivial. The buffed lioneye's resource kind of covers the loss of life too. Just need to get resists somewhere. Should be a lot cheaper than tukohama too. Curse on hit does seem like the best option. Though do like at least a defensive curse on blasphemy. But guess we could run 2 curses on hit and witchfire. Not sure how vulnerability stacks up damage wise vs ele weakness/flammability though, guess it depends on the resists. And can keep trying to corrupt gloves. Hierophant might be back as an option - No ancestral bond, so can proc EE with Orb of storms (Which we can give 20% AOE). Less damage per totem, but Damage should be ok anyway. Might need to try and just keep one up against bosses though. Then don't reserve mana and use MoM with the boosted Mana and regen from Hierophant. Maybe run Clarity. We don't get a huge amount else from the ascendancy though, some passive endurance charge generation on kill, but it's not a great source, and the other illuminated devotion bonuses don't give us anything - unless we started running flame surge or something in the helm. And less tanky totems. |
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