[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]
" Hard to tell before seeing everything in action. RF aoe is buffed, Flameblast aoe is smaller in 2.6, but Flameblast can still doubledip which will be adressed in 3.0 ;) It also depends on which Flameblast totem version is played, elementalist, inquisitor or something else :p Here are some bulletpoints: + RFT doesnt need any expensive gear to shine, FBT felt clunkier (for me) without good gear (and castspeed!). + FBT can scale better in the lategame thanks to double dipping and potential crit, RFT scales great earlier since most of the damage comes from stacking several more multiplier (curses, EE, EO, Shock, totem life...). + the targeting is totally different. RFT needs totem replacements if something dodge (chimera etc)/runs away (apes), but the guaranteed area of impact results in a good precision to damage enemys. The delay where the totem starts to deal damage (rf activation vs flameblast release) is lower. FBT doesnt need constant replacements (well they arent as durable) due to their autotargeting. This can be annoying sometimes if the totems target a single enemy instead of a pack, which might get worse with lower aoe (but elementalist prolif helps a lot). + flameblast totems stack their initial hit damage, rf can only be applied once (which is somewhat compensated with searing bond). Overall there are more changes coming in 2.6, especially new/updated uniques, which might favour one of the builds more or less. 3.0 with the announced doubledipping overhaul will reduce the difference in lategame dmg even more, but also there i cannot look into the future and see all those changes coming ;) Thats from my experience with playing rf totem several times as chieftain, hierophant and berserker as well as an inquisitor flameblast totemer (i think elementalist is better for general mapping). Offtopic Hoping for quick announcements on patchnodes/uniques/etc. Wanna decide on a league starter (while having little to no time the first month :( ). RFT seems even better to start now, but i also liked BV hidden potential Berserker and i am tempted to run a Orb of Storms + Balllightning Fire Burst Elementalist which was fun on my standard tests, too... lets wait :p https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Feb 27, 2017, 2:11:59 AM
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Flameblast totems are WAY better, its not even in same league, FBT can be ran in 4link even in red maps, and when you have money and go crit its just gg at that point, especially big difference is single target damage and coverage of the screen. I played righteous fire totems to lvl 99 in perandus hardcore iirc and it was fine, safe, but it is nowehere near as good as FBT.
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" I wrote that with the latest developer manifesto in mind which basically says: increased aoe for rf, lower aoe for flameblast which brings them a bit closer in terms of mapclearing. Ofc doubledipping fire damage is extremely powerful and compared to skills/builds which dont do that is not a good idea ;) besided that, pizzablast is easier to build for CI than RFT, but es vs life is a whole different topic :p edit: Got some reddit math/infos here: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/5q0ofk/the_radius_range/dcws1o3/ The base Radius of Flameblast is 23 at 10 stacks. 5 base radius (1st stack) + 2 per stack (18 radius at 10 stacks) http://imgur.com/a/Qlx8h lvl 20 Righteous Fire has a 23 radius, too. So both will have the same aoe in 2.6 (without proliferation which doesnt work with rf), if those numbers are correct ofc. i will rethink the skilltree since stacking aoe is not that important anymore, maybe removing one cluster or just the notables with included area damage. Edit2: Updated the main post with a 2.6 section https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Feb 27, 2017, 5:05:10 AM
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Yep, it's looking fairly good for RF Totem. Especially at lower levels when AOE used to be harder to get. As melee splash isn't looking as good as promised, will probably be my league starter.
Might still grab AOE, even with diminishing returns. Tend to run out of nodes to grab unless go very far out of the way anyway. Hope not everybody jumps on the bandwagon though, I want my cheap jewels! I can't say I agree with the FT vs FB totem argument either. I've played both, and have a pretty well geared flameblast totem char in standard and I don't find it that much better at all, and that is at least 10 times more expensive than any RF totem builds I have run. I think it's partially how 'indirect' FB totem feels, even for a totem build. At least RF is fairly instant, and goes where you cast it. |
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I currently have two versions in progress, one with the setup i am currenly using in the guide, but a different skitree.
the 2nd one is more expensive with bloodmagic and the tukohama shield. Has the advantage of EE + EO + cursing with a single OoS and allows the use of scorching ray + duration to debuff tough enemys. got a bit away from the scion area, but more about it later when i got time to post everything. I will update the skilltree sections once the new skilltree is up (which shouldn't change much in the builds area) EDIT: Ok here is what i came up with: I intenionally gave everything max stats to make everything compareable. Xophs Heart is a great dps item, but hard to use (dex is great on the slot), but just for fun added in there :P Also lvl 100 trees, just remove some smaller nodes for a more realistic skilltree ;) Those are Path of Building links, this offline planner is needed to open. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1716360 Install and go on "import/export build" and enter the code there. I don´t know if the configurations are in the links, but i turned Endurance charges, covered in ash, "is the enemy a boss? Shaper Guardian" and enemy was hit by lightning dmg on.
Standard RF Totem Gem Setup
Tukohama Shield Bloodmagic Setup
Both Skilltrees are similar, one uses aura nodes + ancestral bond, the other one Bloodmagic and no ancestral bond (but could be used with it for triple rf totems which is faster to faceroll strands :P) Ok first, whats different from my 2.5 skilltree? Pathing down to ironwood instead of the Witch Area + Scion jewel/curse nodes. The reason? On paper those aoe changes result in a big dimishing return with too much aoe. One cluster, aoe gem and maybe dying sun should be enough with the rf radius increase. While toying around with the skilltree calc i noticed that shaper/guardians have 80% less curse effectiveness instead of 60% like the other bosses. To optimize the damage the pathing down to ironwood is overall stronger. the old and new tree both have access to the same amount of jewels. The differences between tukohama shield specc and the "classic" setup? Many people get annoyed by traps for EE. Orb of Storms with the tukohama shield can apply all debuffs/buff with one click. Also blasphemy radius will most likely be lower and it allows a safer gameplay on harder bosses (distance). With bloodmagic we have more life and regen which is never bad :P However the shield is expensive. On top it allows the use of scorching ray to further debuff bosses without any penality (like curses), which is not possible if we dont deal damage. It also has fewer buttons to press and more free gemslots for cwdt/utility stuff. Searing bond can easily used on a 4link to deal even more damage (and benefiting from scorching rays debuff) In general i would start with the blasphemy route and later switch to tukohama. everything is the same for a berserker btw. The new pathing allows the use of 2 (3 with bandits) additional endurance charges. With those Ramako is really good with the auto charge generation and lifereg, early on tawhoa is better for the resists and armour. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Feb 27, 2017, 10:03:42 AM
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I saw the RF AoE buff and am also here to theorycraft a league starter.
I'm thinking up alternate ideas, depending on how bad blasphemy radius AoE will be. I'm thinking of maybe CoH Flamm+Vuln for high resist mobs. My idea is to run triple purities instead and full blue gear (except Doryani's) with hidden potential jewel (180-225% increased damage). Do you know if general % damage affects totem RF damage? It exists as a jewel mod but you leave it out of your potential jewel mods in the guide. |
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" my last post before you has some updated theorycrafts for 2.6. tl:dr oos + coh + dualcurse with tukohama shield and no ancestral bonds (but blood magic) general dmg increases the damage (like hidden potential)... maybe forgot it, but hidden potential is hardly worth it on a non doubledipping build. in the beggining it might be fine, but later on we have opal rings with firedmg essence craft ready, doedres scorn and 1-2 dorys which is already a ton of elemental dmg on the gear. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Feb 27, 2017, 10:13:56 AM
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Are you sure about the not being able to apply scorching ray debuffs with Ancestral Bond?
There was a thread (Without much evidence...) that implies it should work fine. On the Hidden Potential option, I agree. I'm currently running a hidden potential build but I wouldn't want to replicate for RF Totems. You can't really calculate based on all blue gear either. You would want at least rare boots unless you are happy with no move speed or no life. And realistically you would want at least one rare jewellery slot for capping resists. I'm also trying to work out if a Hierophant version is at all viable (Thinking EB/ZO/MOM) - may depend on how much mana they are on about putting behind MOM. |
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i remember testing it in dried lakes, having no visual debuff on the enemy, but i have no problem at beeing wrong with it ;)
Eb/Zo/mom seems bad without any way to leech life back. No regen or warcry heals :/ I would rather try life/es + mom. Did that on my scorching rax hybrid hierophant, 16k+ life+es+mana was pretty nice. It could be potentially replicated on rf totems. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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Hi I just wanted to stop by and say that this is a really incredible build guide! One of the most fleshed out ones I think I've seen, and that I'll be following it in Legacy. One thing I noticed with your 2.6 changes is the scaling of the radius with level, it seems to me from the dev post that the radius will actually increase at 5, 9, 13, 17 and 21 although I'm not sure about their wording. "Righteous Fire gains +1 radius every 4 levels" seems to suggest the first increase is at 5, any thoughts?
EDIT: Ah nevermind they clarified it in the previous paragraph my bad! "Some skills now gain additional range at certain thresholds. For example, the Cleave gem has +1 radius at level 3, +2 radius at level 6, and so on. These bonuses are larger on skill gems that first appear at lower levels, and have a cone shaped effect. Cleave gains +1 radius every 3 levels" IGN: Darunia Last edited by LaazyMonkey#5663 on Feb 27, 2017, 12:57:28 PM
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