[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]

Kezz123 wrote:
how do you feel about the chest piece now?

I think you were experimenting with cospris before. Still like it?
I have a 5l Belly right now. Debating if I should make a swap to cospris or maybe some new chest (id have to look whats new)

What about that new shield? 40% totem damage and 1 extra totem?

cospris is hard to justify. Its great against ONE mapmod and some rares (which arent an issue).
The evasion doesnt scale at all with the build, poison is useless and besides chaos resists it doesnt offer any defensive stats.
One could argue that a swapping out doedres for a life/resist ring could compensate that, but other chests are stronger. Belly/rare armour chest for defence and carcass for clearspeed (while it at least has life/resists with the almost useless evasion/es).

Cospris alone is relatively expensive, chroming 5 offcolors costs 3,868.6 chromes on average, some ppl need <500 chromes, others 15k.

overall the costs are not reasonable for what it offers.

The new shield is nice, but bloodmagic on this build is meh.
First we have a totem which costs 0 mana, the rest has very low mana cost. BM is not useful for us.
then we loose our blasphemy curses which means dualcurse curse on hit + 1 selfcurse or via cwdt. Some ppl do it (i did on my hierophant), but this is more stuff to do (which my hiero compensated with no need for traps to procc ee).
The extra totem and some damage is never wrong, it can potentially increase the clearspeed, but it does nothing for bosses at all.
I would not recommend it.
Its a great item for flametotem, shockwavetotem and other stuff which picks blood magic most of the time anyway.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
davc1234567890 wrote:
Druidys wrote:
davc1234567890 wrote:
i have problem early 55lvl my totem die so fast is better soon? and how do you EE with shield charge?

He doesn't proc ee with shield charge (we only do dmg with totems and traps) and if your totems die too fast you probably don't have them resist capped.

so how did he proc ee ? and where can see totems resistance?

Pretty sure that you cannot see totem resist but the guide is very clear about how much you need and it also clearly states how he procs EE, the links are in his boots.
For those who are interested in my next project. Discussions in this thread:


I want a new budget build for less than 20chaos (excluded jewels) that can potentially run almost any content ;)

Preperation for my next build

Hidden Potenial Bladevortex Berserker

The plan of this character is to be on a very low budget but able to clear most content!
I wanna use the hidden potential jewel which grants 25% increased damage per magic item used. The goal is to get as much generic damage (area, phys+chaos and increased damage) to double dip on poison and increase Obliteration Wand explosions.
The lack of decent armour/evasion should be compensated via Vaalpact and Berserkers 100% lifeleech. Cast when damage taken spell helps against mobs outside of the BV range.
I expect to potentially run any content, except maybe poison immune guardians and uber atziri. Shaper might be possible but its a long way to that point for me (very little playtime atm)

Edit: lvl 85 now, current char and vids :P


Uber Izaro first time
Tuls Domain
Eshs Domain


2x Obliteration wand (~1 chaos each). one with Culling Strike Corruption can be handy for guardians and stuff like that.
a Decay crafted wand is also a good option, but expensive
1x Tabula Rasa (selffound via div cards/drop/1divine + some chaos).
Alternatively Carcass Jack, any rare corrupted chest with the correct colors (pretty cheap as 6link). There are many useful options, Tabula is the budget one and should be enough ;)

magic gear:
- 2x prismatic ring with life + allresi
- 1x Lapis Amulet with life + allresi (lapis is needed to wear obliteration)
- Two-toned boots with 30% movementspeed + 1 resi
- gloves with life + 1 resi. Temporal chains corruption would be awesome there.
- helmet with life + 1 resist
- leather belt with life + 1 resist

all items just need an item lvl of 72 to get the maxroll, except chaosresists which is 81+

Those items grant 175% increased damage via Hidden Potential.


1x Lifeflask with Freeze Removal. No instant or Bubbling since we leech back to full instantly or die anyway. This is for Traps and to counter degens since we have no lifereg

1x Quicksilver + Movementspeed to move quickly (no good movementskill)

1x Silver Flask + Bleed removal + reduced charges used to obtain two flaskuses. Increases our movementspeed/castspeed by 20% for faster clearspeed. Bleed removal is essential! This flask can be swapped for another lifeflask in the Labyrinth/Trials.

1x Atziris Promis for the chaos resists, some leech if we dont get a savage hit and 25% extra chaos dmg based on our phys damage. Can be replaced with Dying Sun or Doedres Elixir

1x Manaflask with Shock removal. Manaflasks are only needed if you prepare BV to 20 stacks for a boss like uber izaro. Otherwise the 1% berserker manaleech is enough to cast. Can be swapped out for regular mapping.but useful for leveling

Optional Flasks:

It highly depends on the content. Some flasks are not that good in some situation, like dying sun for hard bosses.

- Witchfire brew for serious increased dot dmg and Vulnerability. Wouldn't use it with curse on hit glove corruption. Keep in mind that vulnerability is additive to Wither and not that strong in conjunction.

- dying sun is expensive, but great to clear maps for bigger aoe of Bv and Obliteration explosions. Useless on bosses.

- doedres elxir with low chaos resist can procc a savage hit on demand. One use only for bosses but if youre fast you can keep up charges while mapping with this flask.

- Vessel of Vinktar is always powerful. The shock is insane for our dmg to quickly burst down bosses. Just DONT get lightning conversion or you loose damage. Added lightning dmg to spells is the best here.

- more lifeflasks for uberlab. 2 are often enough, 3 are very safe

- bismuth flask helps with mediocre blues for elemental weakness maps.

- basalt flask for phys migration

There are too many useful flasks ;)
The fastest mapping setup is silver + quicksilver + witchfire + dying sun + atziris promise.



Bandit: help oak normal, kill all in cruel/merc

This is a lvl 100 tree, for lower level just remove the 3 point jewels below scion, right side of scion and at the shadow.

Ok lets explain why i chooses what.
First i aimed for Vaalpact and every AoE node in the skilltree.
The scion aoe nodes are not mandatory and aviable via the Intuitive Leap jewel. Without it get the duration node at least.
Vaal pact removes our leechcap and we can potentially go from 1% to 100% hp with one hit.
Duration nodes are nearby and increase the duration of Bladevortex and our poison. On top some utility skills benefit from it like phase run, smoke mine or cwdt firestorm.
I picked every lifenode on the way, you could choose less for more damage/earlier jewels. The tree has 213% life and potentially 8 liferolls on jewels :)
Stats are plenty on the skilltree and we can level any gem to the maxlvl without needing any stats on the gear (which is good with mainly blue gear!).
I didn't pick the shadow phys/chaos nodes because a jewel can potentially be better than those nodes per point. But there is nothing wrong in speccing/respeccing those on demand.


- Bladevortex + Area of Effect/Concentrated Effect + Poison + Void Manipulation + increased Duration + added chaos damage.
Thats the maindmgskill setup. With another chest like cospris there is room for Empower or Rapid Decay.
Why no spellecho? It has a less damage modifier and with increased duration its easy to maintain full stacks when needed anyway. Inc duration also increases the poison length = more damage.

- spelltotem + wither + faster casting rbb

increases our dmg against bosses

- Rallying Cry + inc duration + smoke mine rrg

Rallying Cry for manaregen and extra damave
Smoke mine gives insane movementspeed for a long duration, but is optional, too.

- cast when damage taken + Bladefall + poison + concentrated effect rggb

maxlvl. Additional damage and leech

- Phase Run + inc duration + faster casting + flamedash grbb

optional, helps to move quicker between packs and in combat

- Haste + Vaal Haste + Vaal Lightning trap + inc duration ggbr

Haste is my choice for smoother mapping, can also be replaced with purity or other stuff.
VLT is great against bosses!

Thats it.

Other stuff is possible too, no doubt ;)

If you dont like phase run shenenigans use cwdt + arc + firestorm + firegolem


My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Dec 18, 2016, 2:13:26 AM
Was gonna try this but looks like you already did lol

I think ill still try.

Any recommended way to level or did you do as usual?

Any tips on what to get first in skill tree?
Kezz123 wrote:
Was gonna try this but looks like you already did lol

I think ill still try.

Any recommended way to level or did you do as usual?

Any tips on what to get first in skill tree?

bv or rf totem? if BV then plz in the other thread so this one keeps the focus on rf totems ;) There i will discuss everything you want

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Yo Milky.

You dropping cwdt+ic combo for trap+vortex? Is the chill worth more? I thought with berserker that phys immunity would have been nice since u take inc dmg.
ShowUs wrote:
Yo Milky.

You dropping cwdt+ic combo for trap+vortex? Is the chill worth more? I thought with berserker that phys immunity would have been nice since u take inc dmg.

cwdt ic was more dangerous for me than without it in some cases.

its bad when you need charges to get the elemental weakness resi cap. IC often procc just from elemental damage.

its worse against phys bosses. I rather keep my charges after lets say a brutus hook for solis migration than temporary immunity which might do nothing for me. Gaining new charges takes even on a berserker many EC casts on a singletarget.

On the other side Cwdt + ic shines against some monster types. Standing in the middle of a porcupine pack is pretty deadly wothout IC. Its similar for leaper like goatmen.

It can also stop physical samage related stunlock.

You could use it, for me its just not worth the gem slots for the risks the setup gives me.
Its really painful to see me loosing 16 all ele res from charges because i received element damage and get rekt the same moment by the same damage source, just because it made me more vulnerable agains resistcurses

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
ShowUs wrote:
Yo Milky.

You dropping cwdt+ic combo for trap+vortex? Is the chill worth more? I thought with berserker that phys immunity would have been nice since u take inc dmg.

cwdt ic was more dangerous for me than without it in some cases.

its bad when you need charges to get the elemental weakness resi cap. IC often procc just from elemental damage.

its worse against phys bosses. I rather keep my charges after lets say a brutus hook for solis migration than temporary immunity which might do nothing for me. Gaining new charges takes even on a berserker many EC casts on a singletarget.

On the other side Cwdt + ic shines against some monster types. Standing in the middle of a porcupine pack is pretty deadly wothout IC. Its similar for leaper like goatmen.

It can also stop physical samage related stunlock.

You could use it, for me its just not worth the gem slots for the risks the setup gives me.
Its really painful to see me loosing 16 all ele res from charges because i received element damage and get rekt the same moment by the same damage source, just because it made me more vulnerable agains resistcurses

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
So I ended up getting my character up to 80 using this build and honestly, I feel a little squishy. I feel like I've got all of the end game gear possible and I'm super vulnerable to damage. I was RIP'ing in T11's last night pretty easily. It's possible I suck at the game (I do) and I am playing wrong but I wanted your opinion. Skill tree and equipment is below.



CarpeOmniAurum wrote:
So I ended up getting my character up to 80 using this build and honestly, I feel a little squishy. I feel like I've got all of the end game gear possible and I'm super vulnerable to damage. I was RIP'ing in T11's last night pretty easily. It's possible I suck at the game (I do) and I am playing wrong but I wanted your opinion. Skill tree and equipment is below.



You can probably get a way better shield with around 1k armour, life and resists for 1-10c. That helps a bit.
Then i would remove the quicksilver for a stibnite flask, helps you against some of the fat breachguys and reduces the overall incoming damage.

For the skilltree i would respecc that liferegen node near scion and specc life for it. The next levels pick every life node aviable on the tree (the 5% one and heart and soul).


My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc

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