[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]

Hey Milky, can you help me on something? Im now level 77, at level 75 i tryed merciless lab and did it without any issues... but im not able to prepare myself to the endgame... i wasted like 400 alts trying to make a blue totem life + totem res with NO SUCCESS!!! can you give me tips to get em more easyly? Wanna meet me in game to check if your stud is doin fine? xD

Im atm 6 challenges away from 24, i really think im able to get em with this totem marauder before it ends xD
Sarcarconn wrote:
Hey Milky, can you help me on something? Im now level 77, at level 75 i tryed merciless lab and did it without any issues... but im not able to prepare myself to the endgame... i wasted like 400 alts trying to make a blue totem life + totem res with NO SUCCESS!!! can you give me tips to get em more easyly? Wanna meet me in game to check if your stud is doin fine? xD

Im atm 6 challenges away from 24, i really think im able to get em with this totem marauder before it ends xD

do you use crimson jewels for crafting? Those have the highest chance for totemrolls.
Besides that, just buy them on poe.trade, i would never craft specific jewels myself :D 1-5c per jewel on ESC.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
I did, no success... aaand, i forgot about POETRADE to find jewels at that moment...
I did a search and got the best ones from there... (searching for totem life +10% and totem resist +9%)
Im a berserker so i needed resists for sure, right?

I got 3 just now... the deals:

12% totem life
10% area damage < this player sold me for 3 chaos
10% totem resist

16% fire damage
12% totem life < this one was a pain in the ass to make deal, but i got from 20 chaos to 10 chaos
9% totem resist

10% totem life
11% area damage < this one was cool, 4 fus
9% totem resist

What do you think about those deals?
those are pretty good.

The totems have:

25% base all resists
13% all resist from the skilltree

so we need 37% totem resi via four jewels to cap the resists without purity, results in 4 jewels with 9.25 average resists or 3x9 + 1x10 resists and so on.
chieftain doesnt have that big of a need for those jewels, but for high tier maps lightning + cold resists arent bad either ;)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Nov 13, 2016, 4:21:13 AM
I have some paint skills to show too...
Best thing to do to boost my totems right now? Im stucked, theres no good jewels to buy atm... need tips :S

Im wondering why get the 0,4 + 0,3 life regen and jewel instead of 4 elemental damage + 4 elemental damage and jewel?? Are they really that necessary? im asking about how it feels, when playing, 0,7 life regen helps a lot? Thanks


Edit: Cant upload using tinypic dont know why... :/
Last edited by Sarcarconn#7460 on Nov 13, 2016, 9:35:22 PM
I just like 0.7% more than 8% ele dmg. I mean thode 8% are just 10% of a doedres scorn alone, life regen % is not that aviable via gear and helps agains several degens, minor damage and uber lab traps. Its almost the effect of a stone golem for me :p

totem life is the maindmg source, so jewels are your best bet for damage.
Another route is switching defensive curses with offensive ones like elemental weakness and vulnerability (which could even be used via witchfire brew and the blasphemy switched with a purity).

For t15 maps ele weakness + temp chains + enfeeble was is than enough damage wise, i rather go for more aoe to increase the clearspeed.
For t16 and shaper i consider offensive curses more since many abilitys can oneshot anyway with some mapmods.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Hmmm will work on that curses too... but atm all maps i find are tier 9 tier 10 and rarelly 11 :/

Got my 5 jewels finally on..

They are: [4 with resist (to cap totem resists out) 1 without]

12% totem life
10% area damage
(want to change this one to a resist, life and another damage stat later)
10% totem resists

12% damage over time
12% totem life
9% totem resist

16% fire damage
12% totem life
9% totem resist

15% fire damage
12% totem life
9% totem resist

10% damage over time
16% fire damage
12% totem life

Should i try to get something better or its all good?
those jewels are pretty good.
Personally i preffer totem life + resist + playerlife, but those are rare and expensive, so your rolls are good like they are.
I would more likely focus on other stuff now and keep the jewels like they are.
lvl 21 spelltotem for excample is a great upgrade, probably some rares or even a +1 curse amulet if youre totally into it ;)

For the mappool just buy all maps until t9 which you havent unlocked and run them for the atlas bonus. Those are around 1 chisel per map.
After that point i would buy like 10-20 t10 maps and build a red mappool on the base of those. Chisel maps at tier 13+.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
For now my items are ok i guess, working on an amulet and then quality gems i guess? (didnt enchant my boots yet)
Current mana 49, thats why bloodmagic is linked with searing bond :/

Hi, it seems this is a hotly discussed build and I'm not sure if the following has been asked.

If I party with a Necromancer support, will the damage bonus from Commander of Darkness affect the DoT damage from Spell Totem-Righteous Fire against enemies? Also, if I am using The Scourge, will the increased damage affect the DoT? Thanks.

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