[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]

you really don't wanna do this build without at least 2 AoE wheels. (Templar, Witch, Scion) atm you have none of them.

Also just a minor thing, your tree is CI (chaos inoculation), that's a bit different than low life.
and low life doesn´t make any sense for this build, because we have no spelldmg scaling and one additional aura doesn´t justify the downsides

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Pro tip:

A crystal scepter (20% ele implicit) with fire damage (27-30%) and leos DoT craft (15-30%) will outperform a doon until you have 496-640 str or more, and is a lot cheaper. I made mine for 3c + 5 alchs. Doons are 1ex.
IGN: Starlight_Seraphim
Last edited by Starlight85#5093 on Dec 29, 2015, 2:17:54 PM
currently i see one for 1 alch on poe.trade ;)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Just wondering why do you take life regen nodes? totems dont benefit from that right? Or was that changed recently?
i take them for my own survivability, only wanna use flasks if i am in danger, not when i get hit from time to time. Doesn´t affect the totems at all, thats right.

0% regen with no leech is annoying if you have to use flasks between packs because an archer hit me once or twice ;)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Nice build I am doing something similar myself and I am at tier 9 maps and having no problems. Got this far running inc burning, inc area effect, and rarity as my support gems on a 5 link. I am also running flammability plus enfeeble on blasphemy, and purity of fire. I am thinking of going to the shield defense node and dropping purity of fire and adding in temp chains on blasphemy and using a corrupted spell block amulet to get the third curse. things die so fast I haven't bothered yet with elemental eq or searing bond. If I get a shavs I may try this on a witch.
Hey Milky

Saw your build and thought i had seen it before but hardcore viable


Also i don't understand why you use Culling strike, as far as i can tell the %damage doesn't show any noticeable effect on the damage output of the totems.

Then again i could be wrong

anyway keep up with the good work and good luck with the build

Tombs aren't empty.Humans have always told stories of vampires,ghosts and zombies because we know that sepulchres are as alive with possibility as any womb.There we give birth to our fears-which,like our desires,are not always pure or entirely what they seem.The crooked letter, by Sean Williams
Last edited by Night_aengel#1366 on Dec 30, 2015, 4:50:04 PM

i dont use culling strike, but its a possible gem that gives "some" increased damage, for the case you have a green socket too much ;)

My build is hc viable too ;)


yeah the damage is great like it is, but Searing Bond gives some more aoe coverage and almost double the singletarget dmg, EE is just great for resistant mobs and bosses.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Dec 31, 2015, 7:49:29 AM
Do you have suggestion on which gems to get quality on? Priority in ones to work on first?

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