[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]
" good point. edited. I guess the difference is: 75% res = 4.44 second duration before death 79% = 5.29 duration 80% = 5.55 duration How do you find a 4.5 second duration works for you? Would the extra second make a difference in many scenarios, or are things mostly just dead by then? IGN: Starlight_Seraphim
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I guess that 1sek doesnt matter.
But why care about AA so much? You hardly stand still, you always move! Better using 3curses in blasphemy. Stuff dies fast er and less Chance to hit you. Another mid\maxing point i posted a page ago: - are THE 7 skillpoints worth it using a 3rd curse with 30℅ effectiveness? Considering trashmobs die fast anyway and bosses have -60%? |
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" This interests me a lot. I have a feeling that AA is a wasted skill. I move all the time. Besides i'm making this build with the sole intention of finally killing Atziri for the first time. In fact i'm not even going to use it to reach Atziri. I have other "carrier", CI ZO witch that can easily pass the Vaals and the Trio, but is unable to kill Atziri (not enough damage). So i plan to use her to reach Atziri, and then switch to RF totems toon to kill her. For the purposes of Atziri fight it looks to me, increasing fire and lightning max resist is more important than physical damage reduction i'm not even getting most of the time (constantly moving). Another argument about 7 points for curse effectiveness. Our gameplay is not race to the finish (who kills first). Our gameplay is waiting out. We cannot prop our damage with life leech, LGOH, fortify, determination, grace auras, like race-to-the-finish guys. We have to wait it out. In this regard 7 points at the end of the build is awfully a lot of tankiness lost for the sake of shaving off 2-3 seconds on the boss fight that is going to be long anyway. |
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AA is nice for kiting melees/leaper/devourer slow/etc.
And you get the bonus while stunned. i absolutely don´t care if my totems have 75% resi or 80% resi. packs die too fast, bosses can have only 1 rf degen, so its easy to get 100% uptime. like starlight said, minion resists is the best option if you dont have superb jewels. it was the must have gem, but rapid decay makes this one a joke. "Another argument about 7 points for curse effectiveness." first you skill at least 3 for an additional curse, which is mandatory for a build like this. With one additional point you gain 10% effectiveness. With intuitive leap you just need 2 points additional for 20% increase. "Better using 3curses in blasphemy. Stuff dies fast er and less Chance to hit you." vulnerability is shit with this build on blasphemy if you have cwdt 1. it doesn´t increase the dot multiplier with level and its better to use the mana for something else like a 25% aura. a 3rd blasphemy curse requires 3 additional points, which could be spend. you could also run 1 blasphemy or none with grace/determination/whatever https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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I'm in love with this build. Any obvious upgrade suggestions?
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" You´ve got the basic stuff and some good items, pretty decent overall. My next upgrade with your gear would be: Shield: more armour. 1000+, hell even 2k would be awesome ;) Boots: Life + 30% movementspeed. Doryanis Catalyst: use regret-recipe on you gems! sell each gem with one regret for lvl 1 gems OR buy new ones at the vendor. you should keep Cast when dmg taken on lvl 1, vulnerability on lvl 5 and tempest shield can be lvl 1 too. You take Tempest Shield for the block, which doesn´t increase with level. vulnerability stays the same on each level too (the degeneration part). You would have higher trigger rates. Or try enfeelbe for survivability. After those 2 Items and gems you could look out for gloves with dex, could help with respeccing the 30 dex node. Ring/Amu/Belt as the last items. The life is good, could get some more resists on it. 135 all resi is enough, but 175 makes you "immune" to ele weakness mapmod (165) and resistcurses by enemys. maybe a high armor/life helmet for swapping in curse immune maps https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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I think you should consider upgrading your jewels ;)
When you have the currency for that chest, you should be able to get a significant upgrade. I'm 87 now, and the build hasn't fallen off yet, doing tier 10/11 maps. If someone out there is like me, and doesn't always have to race through a map, i can highly recommend enfeeble + temp chains + flammability/ele weakness as your curses. Temp chains with quality on the gem + quality on blasphemy + curse effectiveness nodes just trivialises most content. Even bosses become way slower. Right now, the only stuff i've been near death to is an orchard map with chain, fracture and those quill spike monsters (which you shouldn't do jfyi) I've died to twinned orchard bosses, but that was due to screen freeze + 1 shot fireball, and not something i would recommend doing unless for the twinned challenge. For normal mobs i find 1 fire weakness curse is enough, where i can still stroll through the map, and for bosses/curse immune rares i will always have 3 vaal lightning traps up, and then they melt anyway. I've gotten intuitive leap and taken the scion aoe nodes, and with my gems at lvl 19, the curse aura aoe is reaching the screen edge, which is huge for survivability and quality of life. Also, i did some math on the difference between a dory's catalyst and a +3 fire sceptre with empower and blood magic. I used my character as it is now for the calculations, and here's what i've come up with. With catalyst i deal 23,9k base dps with RF totems and 10,9k base dps with SB totem for a total of 34,8k (with no curses/EE/shock) With +3 fire sceptre with blood magic master mod i do 20,2k base dps for RF totems and 13,3 base dps on SB totem for a total of 33,5k base dps (with no curses/EE/shock) I used my ingame tooltip for the SB totem dps, anyone know if that has some errors? Anyway, this is with relatively low inc. damage on trees and jewels and with a lvl 1 empower. They almost match up. But from now on i think the +3 fire sceptre is gonna pull ahead. Empower levels + more inc damage on tree means the catalyst effectiveness becomes less. The ultimate dps spec would be to dual wield a +3 fire sceptre and a catalyst, which i can almost do with barely capped resists 73/76/77 xD. All of this math is done with lvl 19 gems, no quality gems. Pretty good if you ask me. Another upside to the +3 sceptre is that you get another 4Link, compared to a 3Link in the catalyst with ele prolif :) Another difference to consider is play style. When RF totems do the bulk of the damage, in some cases you'll not put down SB and just move on, while when the damage is spread out between RF and SB you'll wanna have 3 totems up constantly while moving through a map. This allows for the first RF totem to stay up longer, as you have 3 effective dps totems to cycle through, which means more effective AOE ( as i see it) Anyway, nice to see people digging the build and guide. I really like that you update the guide to make the guide better, and not just the build better. It's becoming a very well written guide too, and not just a nice build |
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oh, i see you got lucky with the fusing of that chest ;)
Anyway, another thing i'm curious about is the 6th link. I see you put in Inc. burning dmg. Have you considered trying faster casting? It really depends on your dps, but i could see the faster casting of both the totem and the totem's RF to be good for clearing maps (while bad for most bosses) and just 1 more thing. I'm running cwdt arctic breath, gmp + inc duration as a defensive mechanic. Someone on reddit i think was talking about phase run with cwdt, and it sounds good, as you loose aggro and the totems get it instead, but haven't yet tried it. Last edited by TheLoneliestMonk#5972 on Dec 27, 2015, 9:28:34 AM
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you wrote quite a lot, will answer later ;)
traps wont work on cwdt :( ill have to use my calculator tomorrow with my gear and tree and test it. saw a nice Sai with +2/+1 gems and 6% block ;) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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Stupid Question: does %totem life increase the damage more then %burning damage?
example: 20% totem life compared with 20% inc burning dmg. TY <3 |
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