Additional Improvements to Content Update 2.1.0
Thank you GGG! Talisman is great!
Shop: /978503
im enjoying the league. There was a lot of times recently Id sign in and find between 0 and 2 people online on my friendslist. There were 32 online earlier today when I looked, so Im guessing a lot of people are pumped for it.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
I'm really enjoying the talisman mechanics so far. Being able to summon strong creatures at will is alot of fun. I do hope that when the league ends, the talisman mechanics/stone circles stay in game at a very high rate. They won't even have to give talismans after the league ends, just keep the mechanics and ability to summon monsters like these.
Talisman is a well conceived league. Get that cntl+click and showing tiers to put that last bit of polish on it.
Enjoying the hell out of Talisman League :D
"Teamwork is OP"
-The one and only one Dark_Reaper115 at your service. |
My favorite League so far. +1 GGG
Hate to be "that guy", but so far my experience is bugs, bugs and even more bugs.
- Bonespire, and dying to it. - Dead Reckoning, which was advertised by Qarl doesn't work at all, for now (making my build completely unplayable - I can level up only thanks to my friend, who is exploiting Blade Fall being OP as hell) - Soul Mantle, kek'bur - Blasphemy being 35%, snapshotting (which is now fixed) - Many others While I like Talismans so far, it feels like there is no point in wearing regular amulets. I assume it is going to change later on, but so far it was all Talisman = free amulets. But to look at the bright side, patches are coming out fast, so in a day or two, it will be all ok! Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. | |
Loving it! thanks again, keep up the great work.
Steam: teemu92
The new skills are excellent! Thanks guys.
Talisman is the first temp league in a while I've thoroughly enjoyed. The limited chance to get a truly one-of-a-kind amulet is very cool and a compelling reason to play. Add to that some decent new skill gems and rebalancing of old ones - its been a blast thus far.