Whirling blades

Since the buff, It's way too fast. It's easily abused for running away. Running away to generally lame matches out. On top of the poor server performance and the nerf to leap slams effective range, It's nearly impossible to catch such players. This skill is unnecessarily this fast and leap slam, flicker have pathetic effective line of sight effectiveness. Not to mention since the last few patches I notice name locks are constantly lost, I think you stealth nerfed how far/long you can hold a namelock against a moving target. Either you did or It's simply the server performance doing work again. Before the last few patches namely 2.0 I was able to hold a name lock on a player and successfully chase someone down with a mix of leap slam,flicker,temp chains...It's barely possible now. Barely possible against normal movement or lesser movement skills. Whirling blades it's just impossible. Point is, dagger didn't need this and other non dagger melee are continually shafted why?
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Dec 13, 2015, 7:12:13 PM
I agree that whirling blades is currently the BEST chasing, running and avoiding skills in pvp right now. Excels by far when compared to others like warp, leap slam, flame dash, blink arrow and etc. You can literally move 2 times per second with quite good range, i actually wish the skill had a longer animation so it wasnt that fast. Before 1.3 i remember that it was fairly doable to catch a whirling blades dagger build with a projectile spell, but with shotgun removal and how fast they can whirling now it's pretty impossible and so is for another melee build.

The thing that comes to my mind though is how could GGG adress this issue ?

Can they cap the attack speed JUST for pvp, is that possible ?

I also doubt they would reduce the attack speed for shadows on the tree, MAYBE if it becomes an issue for pve as well though.

It all goes to IF ggg can actually cap the speed for pvp or not.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Dec 13, 2015, 8:27:38 PM
Problem is its not as dependant on attack speed as the other skills. You can literally equip it on anything and it performs. Casters use it over LW and we know they aren't stacking attack speed. Leap slam needs a lot of attack speed and even then the shit is mega slow and the range is poor now. LW has always kind of sucked and still does. It takes at minimum a 3 link, great movement speed, cast speed and duration reductions plus will still snag up and not warp at times if you don't find the "g" spot to click at. Whirling just flat out out performs every movement skill plus doesn't stop there it does everything but scale elevation.

They didn't need to speed it up in the first place but at least make it depend on attack speed similar to leap slam. You have hands down the best melee,caster 1h option in the game...able to use the best movement skill, crit, bleed, poison, run +++++ if iI was to make a list of detailed pros and con's to every PvP build/item/build choice it'd be very apparent.

IGN: MullaXul
I think you are pretty angry about my ST Bleed/poison but for my defense I must say that I have massive attack speed because i'm using daggers instead of swords (I'm even running a lvl 21 Haste) so I think the speed of my WB is legit.

That said I do agree that it is too convienient as an overall escape tool and that caster shouldn't be able to use it that well whithout investing points into attack speed (A 20/20 faster attack is usually enought for acceptable results).
Last edited by IceDeal#5895 on Dec 14, 2015, 4:16:44 PM
IceDeal wrote:
I think you are pretty angry about my ST Bleed/poison but for my defense I must say that I have massive attack speed because i'm using daggers instead of swords (I'm even running a lvl 21 Haste) so I think the speed of my WB is legit.

That said I do agree that it is too convienient as an overall escape tool and that caster shouldn't be able to use it that well whithout investing points into attack speed (A 20/20 faster attack is usually enought for acceptable results).

I'm not mad about anything haha. It's plain and simple, whirling blades didn't need the speed buff it received. Even with 0 attack speed and any dagger it moves faster then most leap/lightning warp set ups. It shouldn't be that good out of the gate. They need to revert the buff and put it back where it was speed wise. Again nothing in this game surprises me anymore and getting mad about how stupid PvP is around here would be the biggest waste of energy I can think of. It was obvious the moment it was buffed it didn't need it and now with all the bleed,poison augments you easily get along side the enormous damage crit does...it's just another slap in the face to non dagger, non crit melee.

Plus I don't know who anyone is in the arena, people change names so frequently and I don't follow the players at all. I've only seen 1 runner ST dagger so I'll guess that is you haha.

It doesn't take a genius to see the association and potential of things in this game. How they mash up, why they are over tuned, how they have synergy with this and that. Why certain things are leagues above other things, why they shouldn't be. Fixing them it just as easy, if you wanted to actually fix them in the first place. If someone wanted to fix the stuff around here it would of already happened. If the same someone wanted PvP to work from the beginning with less effort towards balance we wouldn't have legacy gear or half the stupid stuff that still remains in PvP like 0 button builds, aegis discharge micro penis builds, casters that out dps out tank melee yada yada.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Dec 14, 2015, 4:50:33 PM
Whirling Blades + Puncture = instant death , that´s a disavantage with other skills like ligthing warp or leap. I agree with XUL that whriling blades need a GAP of speed ! Enough with the cowrds who run like flys all around the arenas. This is PVP game , if u want race REROLL TO NEED FOR SPEED!
Honestly, I have to agree with Mulla on the abuse of this, it started bugging me recently, and I thought I was the only one with a stick up my ass about it, but it's definitely used too much to run away and draw out rounds, and it's much better than most of the other movement skills out there since it's instant and, for whatever reason, it doesn't have cooldowns like Flame Dash does, and I think it could use the 3 cooldowns or something. I dunno, it just irritates me.
Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016
You'd better run.
“EA is fine” -relith
The problem is every single movement skill is bad in comparison to wb at the moment.
I'd suggest to buff other movement skills and don't touch wb.
No, you don't get it. This is the way GGG wants melee to play: using wb. If you don't know what I mean, just ask yourself, what do you do if you see a spellcaster/bow in pvp?

I know the only skill gem I need equipped in pvp is wb.

As for why spellcasters can also use wb...that's actually a bug GGG conveniently "let through" :)
Devilian Live Update - Patch Notes

Skill Balance Pass:

•Evokers skill “Lightning Bolt” damage interval has been decreased by 20% but with an increased chance to deal damage.
•Evokers skill “Lightning Blast” damage has been decreased from 180% to 170%
•Fixed a bug where Evoker skill “Flame Swing” would be unexpectedly shortened.
•Recovery Field debuff for Evoker Skill “ Recovery Field” will be applied at 15-25 second intervals depending on the number of debuff counters on the player.
•Fixed an issue with Cannoneer skill “Time Bomb” damage field from continuous explosion passive dealing the same damage as the original skill. This should now deal the correct 20% damage.
•Increased Shadowhunter Devilian form base skill damage while slightly reducing damage done by attacks made to the opponents back side.
•To reduce gap caused by physical defense vs. magic defense, damage reduction for physical and magic attacks from all Class PVP attacks have been set even. Melee classes now receive a 2.5% resilience bonus during Class PVP.


•Salvation fee for Devilian Gear has been changed to 100 silver.
•Increased amount of training tokens acquired from salvaging Master Class PVP gear.


•You can now queue for 3vs3 Corrupt Courtyard matches as a party.
•Party is no longer disbanded after Courrupt Courtyard finishes.
•Updated Battleground finder interface, separated Normal Mode and Devilian Mode PVP into separate tabs.
•Unified terms for PVP:
o 20vs20: Decayed Sanctum
o 3vs3: Corrupt Courtyard

•Changed leaderboard reward for 3vs3 class pvp.
o Rank 1: Kavels Tear x25 > Archgemstone x320, Frenzy Crown (7 days)
o Rank 2-3: Kavels Tear x20 > Archgemstone x250
o Rank 4-6: Kavels Tear x12 > Archgemstones x150
o Rank 7-10: Kavels Tear x10 > Archgemstones x125
o Rank 11-50: Training Tokens x60
o Rank 51-100: Training Tokens x40
•Added 10 Daily Quests for Devilian Mode PVP

UI Adjustments:

•Proficiencies are no longer shared between characters, levels are. This means you can allocate the points you’ve earned how you want for different characters. As a result, all proficiency points have been reset.
•Players can now see guild UI’s without actually being part of a guild.
•Mini-map size can now be adjusted.
•Some icons have been resized.


•Hell Freeze event has been turned off.
•Added fix for memory leak issues.
•Field boss - Fixed a bug where Boss monster stops attacking other players, when the player with highest threat move out of boss’s attack range.
•Hell Dungeon - Fixed a bug where HP of monster from Hell dungeon is set to ‘heroic’ when players enter the dungeon using ‘search party’ or in a form of party
•Quests - Fixed bug where players were able to repeatedly gain quest items.

Path of Exile patch notes on any given day:

*Introduced new busted ass skill, more exploitable trash, more automation, more stuff so lazy fat ass nerds can play the game without using their hands.

*More low level race inspired items

*Fuck PvP and fuck you for PvPing. Also fuck you for thinking PvP happens beyond level 28.

Stash tab bundle this weekend WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!

Face it, that's PoE. Stop posting feedback for PvP.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Jan 6, 2016, 7:59:52 PM

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