Durian | 0.6 | Automated Item Search | Discounts from Guildmates | Works for Perandus Leagues!

Hi all, would like to share Durian to all.

What is Durian?

It's an open source fan-made tool for easier search of Path of Exile items. It features searching by 'search terms' (or PoE jargons) like 6s5L chest 70life 60res. All your searches are saved in a search history so you don't have to repeat yourself when you've already search something previously.

(click to enlarge)

It also features:

1. An automated search that will notify you (by playing a sound) if any items are found.
2. Affix and Tier labels which shows if a modifier is a prefix or affix as well as the tier.


Checkout the releases page.

How to Install and Run
There are two versions:

1. durian-x.x.x.standalone.zip - this includes Java, so you don't have to install Java into your computer.

a. Unzip
b. Double click on run.bat

2. durian-x.x.x.zip - this is for those who have java (at least version 8) installed.

a. Install Java if you don't have it yet. Minimum of Java 1.8.0_xx is required.
b. You might need to restart after installing Java.
c. Double click on the .jar file.

Basic Usage
1. In the Manual tab, try typing tabularasa 25ch and click the Search button (or press enter).
2. This should show you results for searching Tabula Rasa with:
a. max buyout of 25 chaos
b. online only
c. buyout only
d. talisman sc
e. sorted by price
3. Right click on any of the rows will run verify the item.
4. Left click on any of the rows would generate the "Want to Buy" whisper message and is copied into your clipboard. (no need to ctrl+c)
5. Switch to Path of Exile, open the chatbox, and press ctrl+v.
6. To switch to tasliman hc, go to Config tab and look for manual.search.prefix and change tmpsc to tmphc.

Detailed Tutorial:

See next post below.


Reddit Threads (contains a lot of useful info as well)

Enjoy! Hope you find it useful. Feel free to post any feedback.


How to make it work for Perandus Leagues:


All you need to do is go to the Terms tab and put in the correct league names: Perandus or Hardcore Perandus.


In case you wanna buy me a beer:

PoE-TradeMacro - https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/
ExileTrade - http://exiletrade.github.io/
Last edited by ManicCompression#1304 on Apr 28, 2016, 8:20:54 PM
Last bumped on Dec 5, 2017, 2:07:08 AM
Very nicely written detailed tutorial by Kyri0, last update: 02-21-16

Welcome to Durian!

First thing you need to do is configure the basic search parameters for your search: the league, if an item has a b/o (or not) and if the seller is online (or not). For that, go to the config tab. Durian is set by default to search in the temporary softcore league, for items with b/o only and for players with online status only. Durian also has two search modes, manual and automated, and you can make them search with different parameters if you want. In the image below you can see how Durian express these parameters:


Like this:
manual.search.prefix=tmpsc bo online
automated.search.prefix=tmphc bo online

Those lines are added to every search you input on Durian, so you don't have to specify every time on your search which league, b/o only or not and online only or not.

The terms for the leagues are the following:

Standard = standard or sc
Hardcore = hardcore or hc
Temporary Softcore = tempstandard, tmpstandard, tempsc or tmpsc
Temporary Hardcore = temphardcore, tmphardcore, temphc or tmphc

Those are the only required parameters you need to have on your config file.
If you want to show items without b/o, simply erase the
'bo' parameter, same goes for the online status, just delete the 'online' parameter.

Now go to the manual tab to start searching. The idea of Durian is to search by common used terms, but sadly, not all mods have jargons within the community. But go there and try out what you want, if it doesn't work, look for it on the terms tab (explained below).

My first search
I want to search for a ring with at least 70 life, 60 total resistances and 30% increased weapon elemental damage. Weel, it's a ring, so we type 'ring'. Life is pretty much life, so we add '70life', total resistances is usually refered as totalres or res, so we can type any of those: '60res'. Increased Elemental Damage with Weapons is refered to as wed, so we add 'wed' to our search. That sums up to 'ring 70life 60res 30wed'.

If you want to search for a unique item, you simply have to type its name, without spaces.

Example: If I want a Kaom's Heart, i'll have to type 'kaomsheart', 'kaomheart' or kaom'sheart'. As you guys can see, there is space for variations on it.

Base Types
If you want to search for a specific base type, you also only have to type its name.

Example: I want that first ring to be of a specific base, a Diamond Ring, i'll have to add to our search simply 'diamond': 'ring 70life 60res 30wed diamond'

Sockets and Links
If you want to search for sockets and links, it's also pretty easy.

Example: I want a 5 linked Lightning Coil. I just have to type: 'lightningcoil 5l'. But honestly I want it to already come with the colors I need, 2 red, 2 greens and 1 blue. So I type: 'lightningcoil 5l 2lr 2lg 1lb'. Why not have all sockets on it? 'lightningcoil 6s 5l 2lr 2lg 1lb'.

Searching for gems works in the same way as searching for uniques, type the name of the gem without spaces.

Example: I want a Blade Vortex. 'bladevortex'. I want it to be at least level 18. 'bladevortex glvl18'. I also want its quality to be 15+. 'bladevortex glvl18 q15'

You can also add bo's to your search, if you only want to see items under a determined price.

Example: I want a 6l Vaal Regalia for 1 exalt. 'vaalregalia 6l 1ex'

A list of common trading currencies terms (as buyouts):

Orb of Alteration = alt
Orb of Alchemy = alch
Orb of Fusing = fuse
Orb of Chaos = ch
Exalted Orb = ex

Looking for a talisman? You just have to type its name along with the other parameters.

Example: 'ashscale 10firedmg 70life 20res'

Too many results? Wanna sort them? Sure! You just have to type along with the rest 'sortwhatever'.

List of common sort terms:


and so on.. If you can't sort by whatever you want, look at the terms tab for the sort.txt file, there you can find all the possible sortings. What you want to sort isn't there? Well, you can add it yourself or tell us on Git Hub, reddit or on the forums and we'll add it.

Terms Tab
Can't find a mod you want? Look for it on the terms tab. There, on the right, you'll see all the .txt files where the terms and mods are stored. Just go to the .txt file related to the mod you want.

You can also add or modify terms there. Look at the next session for a 'how to'.


Adding Terms, by zocke1r
Okay here is a little guide on how to create your own terms.

Step 1:

duplicate an existing entry, this is just to save your time

flatfirequiver = mod_name=Adds #-# Fire Damage to Attacks&mod_min=&mod_max=&$MG
(\d+)(flatfirequiver) = mod_name=Adds #-# Fire Damage to Attacks&mod_min=$GROUP1&mod_max=&$MG
(\d+)-(\d+)(flatfirequiver) = mod_name=Adds #-# Fire Damage to Attacks&mod_min=$GROUP1&mod_max=$GROUP2&$MG

Step 2:

Replace the mod name with the mod you want to add, if you are not sure how the mod is correctly called and spelled open the corresponding file in the reference folder

flatfirequiver = mod_name=Adds #-# Physical Damage to Attacks&mod_min=&mod_max=&$MG
(\d+)(flatfirequiver) = mod_name=Adds #-# Physical Damage to Attacks&mod_min=$GROUP1&mod_max=&$MG
(\d+)-(\d+)(flatfirequiver) = mod_name=Adds #-# Physical Damage to Attacks&mod_min=$GROUP1&mod_max=$GROUP2&$MG

Step 3:

Replace the RegEx(the actual search term) with whatever term you want, as long as no other entry uses it

An example RegEx for your mod, could be f(lat)?(at+(ack)?)?phy(sical)?,

which would give you this result

f(lat)?(at+(ack)?)?phy(sical)? = mod_name=Adds #-# Physical Damage to Attacks&mod_min=&mod_max=&$MG
(\d+)(f(lat)?(at+(ack)?)?phy(sical)?) = mod_name=Adds #-# Physical Damage to Attacks&mod_min=$GROUP1&mod_max=&$MG
(\d+)-(\d+)(f(lat)?(at+(ack)?)?phy(sical)?) = mod_name=Adds #-# Physical Damage to Attacks&mod_min=$GROUP1&mod_max=$GROUP2&$MG

But a Final Node, it would be the best for everyone using durian if you would post your resulting term in the forum this way it can easily be added to the release version of durian, another option incase you don't want to create the term yourself is to post it as a comment in GitHub in the issue "Search Terms?" [/quote]

Customize WTB message
So, you want your own WTB message. Go to the scripts tab, select the 'fm.js' file. You will have to look for 'function setupwtbmessage', it's right at the start. You want to change the text in pink. Notice that some characthers are recognized by the scrit as a 'command' of sorts, so you will have to put a backslash in front of them, so the js will understand you want it as a normal character instead. Example being '. You'll need to type \' for it to be understood. You can better understand it in the image bellow:

I like to inform the seller of the lvl and quality of the gems I wanna buy, so I added this options to my wtb message. Notice that for doing it I had to add a couple lines to the "var wtb = java.lang.String.format(" part. You have to add them in the order they appear in your message, so it won't mess it up.

Excluding Mods from search
You don't want the item you're searching to have life on it, because you're CI. How to make Durian search only for items without life on them? Right now, you'll have to do it manually, because it's impossible to guess what people won't want on their items. What follows is a simple guide on how to do it.

First go to the terms tab on Durian, there you can add the following terms to any of your terms files.

The example here is the life mod:

nolife = mod_name=+# to maximum Life&mod_min=&mod_max=&group_type=Not&group_min=&group_max=&group_count=1

Notice the "group_type=Not", here the 'Not' tells Durian that this mods should not be on the item. So, if you want to add more search options like that, you just have to use the above example as a model.

This tutorial will be updated regularly to reflect changes.

If you have any suggestion or a question, tell us on Git Hub, reddit or on the forums.
PoE-TradeMacro - https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/
ExileTrade - http://exiletrade.github.io/
Last edited by ManicCompression#1304 on Feb 21, 2016, 2:47:48 PM
Durian is Open Source:

Which means that the source code is available for public viewing or modification without asking permission from the author (me).

More importantly, for community collaboration; as I can only do so much, but with everyone contributing, we can make this a great tool.

Having said that, I would appreciate any pull requests (means contribute code), especially on the search term definitions.

For Advance Users Only
How to use Tor with Durian (now that's a combination huh? onion and durian):

This might be a good workaround to the captcha problem when running automated searches. Below are the basic steps on how to run Tor with Durian. After this, you might need to tune Tor to tailor your needs.

1. Download Tor Expert Bundle here. In my case I choose Windows version.

2. Unzip the the zip file in a directory. In my case "tor-win32-".

3. Run Tor.exe found under the Tor directory with this command:

tor.exe | more


4. Take note of the port number used (though it seem to be 9050 by default).

5. Run Durian with this command (or put this on a .bat file)

java -DsocksProxyHost=localhost -DsocksProxyPort=9050 -jar durian.jar

(old guide) How to define search terms
Durian does not have all the common jargons in-place yet, so here a guide on how to define one. This is also very useful if you want a custom search term defined:

* reddit comment
* page 7 of this thread
PoE-TradeMacro - https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/
ExileTrade - http://exiletrade.github.io/
Last edited by ManicCompression#1304 on Jan 31, 2016, 10:13:36 PM
Why Durian?
Does it stink and you can't use it on public transportation and in hotels in Singapore? :D

Anyway, since I don't really understand where it searches the items, I wanted to try it, but upon running the jar I get:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: qic/Main : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:800)
at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:142)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:449)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(URLClassLoader.java:71)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:361)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:355)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:354)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:425)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:308)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:358)
at sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.checkAndLoadMain(LauncherHelper.java:482)

Any idea why this is?
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar

I think you have an older Java installed.

To check the version that is being used:

1. Type Windows Key + R and you should see the Run dialog:


2. Enter cmd and click Ok
3. Type java -version, and you should at least have version 1.8.0_xx.


4. If you have the older version, you can go to Control Panel > Java > Update Tab. See this screenshot:


Hope that works for you. Let me know how it goes.

PS: Durian is a superfood, that's why. For some reason, it doesn't smell bad for me. But yeah, others have said the same when I announced Durian v0.1 on reddit.
PoE-TradeMacro - https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/
ExileTrade - http://exiletrade.github.io/
Last edited by ManicCompression#1304 on Dec 30, 2015, 10:33:27 AM
Got these with the help of the Automated Search:

Bought those for 1 fuse each. There's 4th one but I sold it since I had no fuse left.

With knowledge on which items are valuable and it's price. You can surely can make a lot of currency.

Enjoy trading!


Got these for total 6 alts:

PoE-TradeMacro - https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/
ExileTrade - http://exiletrade.github.io/
Last edited by ManicCompression#1304 on Dec 14, 2015, 9:59:00 PM
Hah, yes, I don't run java 8, yet. That must be it.
I'm also not running Windows, but that shouldn't be a problem when the code is in java.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
Mikrotherion wrote:
Hah, yes, I don't run java 8, yet. That must be it.
I'm also not running Windows, but that shouldn't be a problem when the code is in java.

Cool, let me know how it goes on non-windows. As far as I'm aware, all the code I've used are cross-platform.
PoE-TradeMacro - https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/
ExileTrade - http://exiletrade.github.io/

got it working now with oracle java 8. No problems.
Now, I'm not much of a trader, but I think this would be useful for me if I were.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
V0.3.5 now released!

Hi all, with this version,

1) You now Blacklist account names. So if you don't want to see items for sale from someone, you can now do so, for example:


# comma separated values

You have two blacklist, one for manual search, and automated.

2) Search terms validator. You can now see which search terms are invalid. See this screenshot:

3) I've also implemented an Auto-Verify feature so you're not shown items that are sold (or gone) already. You can enable this in the Config tab.

See full list of tickets closed for v0.3.5 in:



I've been using Durian myself today, and I must say, it's really convenient to be able to just double click on your manual search history. For example, I wanted to find cheap deals for a perfect Weight of the Empire jewel, and I need 3 of those. All I needed to do is to double click and the search will run. And by default, results are online only, buyout only, and sorted by price --> all in one double click.

See screenshot

Also, clicking on the search result will automatically copy the WTB message to your clipboard. So it's a total of 3 mouse clicks (1 double-click and 1 click).
PoE-TradeMacro - https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/
ExileTrade - http://exiletrade.github.io/
Last edited by ManicCompression#1304 on Dec 14, 2015, 10:46:22 AM

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