Rapid Decay

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Last bumped on Aug 20, 2019, 9:45:35 PM
Doesn't seems to work with Righteous Fire, is that a bug or the skill is voluntary excluded ?
IceDeal wrote:
Doesn't seems to work with Righteous Fire, is that a bug or the skill is voluntary excluded ?

Given that RF is not a duration skill, presumably they were never meant to work together and not a bug.
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Still RF deal DoT damage (amplified by tree and items) so it should work.
Last edited by IceDeal on Dec 12, 2015, 3:45:15 PM
I find that this is a great Gem
When I read the description of Rapid Decay and Contagion/Esscence Drain I was very excited.
But when I got more information about it ( aquiring it ingame) the let down was hugh for me.
It is basically a worse Controlled Destruction / Void Manipulation at least for Contagion/ Esscence Drain.
Damage wise it does the exact same thing but reduces your duration and i think the name "Rapid Decay" is missleading here, when i heard the Name "Rapid Decay" I was like : Sweet something like half duration twice the damage. Because that is what the name suggested for me, Very short DoTs with immense Damage.

I've not played enough to say this applies to poison / viper strike builds aswell but i do hope it gets changed towards being more in line with its name.
The numbers are just too low compared to other supports that could provide "more" damage, such as Melee Weapon Damage (as an increase in the initial hits will increase the poison), Faster Attacks (to get more stacks at once) and things like that.

Normal monsters will die to the attacks of Viper Strike anyway, so DOT applications work better on bosses. Rares and Map Unique monsters might be good to have this gem, Act Bosses or other with tons of health will probably not matter if the poison takes 4 seconds or 8 seconds to tick down since they just have far too much HP.

I think there's just too little use in this gem thanks to the numbers. To be honest, this mechanic should just be built into "duration" for Damage Over Time.

For example, instead of saying a skill "Deals 1000 damage every second for 8 seconds", it should instead say "Deals 8000 damage over 8 seconds". This way, reducing the duration of the damage over time in question would increase the damage done during that time, where a 50% less duration would mean "Deals 8000 damage over 4 seconds".
Last edited by darkwolf7786 on Dec 14, 2015, 3:27:59 AM
darkwolf7786 wrote:
For example, instead of saying a skill "Deals 1000 damage every second for 8 seconds", it should instead say "Deals 8000 damage over 8 seconds". This way, reducing the duration of the damage over time in question would increase the damage done during that time, where a 50% less duration would mean "Deals 8000 damage over 4 seconds".

Not only would that make Less Duration entirely mandatory for all Damage over Time setups (over 100% More Damage? Yes, please), it also means you never really get any, you know, Damage over Time. You'd always be looking at maybe a second of Damage over Time, which might as well be an instant Hit. :/ Sounds like a bad idea to me.

Rapid Decay is not good for Viper Strike. However, that does not mean it's a bad Support: Essence Drain and Contagion benefit greatly. The fact it's not The Best in every case makes it good design.
So I guess this doesn't work alongside the new poison support gem. Can't seem to use it on a skill that doesn't typically apply damage over time supported by Poison.
Why does vulnerability work with Righteous Fire, but Rapid Decay does not?
Both gems affect damage over time.

Magma orb gets the benefit of slower projectiles even though it isn't affected by projectile speed - leaving this (lack of) interaction between righteous fire and rapid decay to be counter intuitive based on precedent and wording.

Would it have been that hard to say "limited to skills with duration" or "does not work with righteous fire."

My guess is designers/testers knew that interaction and so just assume other people will automatically know those gems aren't supposed to work together. Things like this and the fortify not working with trigger gems are reasons why I have discontinued supporting the game with money.

It's not that I'm mad it doesn't work, I'm just unreasonably annoyed that the limitations aren't spelled out better. For the record, fortify still gives no indication that it won't work with vengeance.
Last edited by Donut_Harvest on Dec 15, 2015, 10:41:01 AM

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