[2.3] King's "Close Stalker" - Blast Rain + Puncture Trap + 50/25 Block [HC and Atziri deathless]

Exiler17 wrote:
Another theorycrafting question:

Did somebody try to go crit on marauder/templar side of the tree (leaving out Resolute Technique)? Our second Lioney's gem in templar area is turning some melee crit nodes to bow crit nodes but i don't know if it is enough for crit build, Chin Sol has quite low crit roll and you would probably need different gear too ...

So far this build (non crit) proves to be solid for me, it's tanky enough to survive where my evasion Ranger would die. Keep up the good work mate.

I honestly feel there's no need going crit. I've been doing T14 maps and had more than enough damage. Your gear is cheaper, you are tankier and all builds are crit so you go hipster here :)
Updated text
I promised to post my progress with the AoF spec, so here we go. My current DPS is 10,140 after penetration/curses (but it doesn't say anything since Chin Sol and PB are not included), 15,300 armor with Rumi's + 6 e-charges, 5,200 life at level 80 (I'll get some attack speed + 90% increased damage the next few levels). Most of my gems are level 18. Because of Vitality Void the build requires a rather aggresive playing style (you need the leech to survive), but it's ok since trash is generally getting one-shot.
Will post again, maybe even with a vid, when I reach level 90.
[2.4] Riff Raff - under 1ex Reave RT DoT Gladiator: http://poeurl.com/C6q
Last edited by Weißenberg#1537 on Jan 10, 2016, 7:27:51 AM
Could you please post your skill tree?
First of all i would like to thank you, Very interesting build, now at 56 in hc talisman.

I just have a couple of questions; do you think is it really necessary to run double course, I mean, is it worth to sacrifice the stats you can get on a ring..I'll try it anyway cause I dropped the ring while lvling, just want to have your opinion.

And about the course, it's not better to use flammability since we're basically doing only fire dmg? It's similiar to ele weakess but it would need less int to use.

Thanks for your time^^.
IGN: Mad_Brululul
Last edited by valerio07#4990 on Jan 13, 2016, 6:35:28 AM
If you Feel you don't need enfeeble in hc, ditch it, but I'd highly recommend it since you already have the ring.

You can use flammability, I chose ele weakness because it's almost the same but works better in a party.

Last edited by kralj87#7793 on Jan 13, 2016, 12:31:28 PM
kralj87 wrote:
If you Feel you don't need enfeeble in hc, ditch it, but I'd highly recommend it since you already have the ring.

You can use flammability, I chose ele weakness because it's almost the same but works better in a party.


Yeah I was thinking the same, it can be useful in hc.. I'll use it asap, lvl 61 now, just need some res on the rest of the gear.

IGN: Mad_Brululul
I started the hc league as LA ranger but found that this build is particularly good against large groups of mobs and against bosses it's just not usable at all. I swtiched to Blast Rain and I quite like it.

In the topic start it says that when using 4L the best setup is:
Blast Rain + Faster Attacks + Physical projectile damage + Weapon Elemental Damage

I believe however that Slower Projectiles is better for blast rain than PPAD because PPAD seems to only increase the physical part of BR while Slower Projectiles gives more projectile damage so counts for both.

As comparison... I have a lvl19 PPAD that now gives 48% more physical damage. My slower projectiles gem gives 29% more projectile damage. Tooltip DPS is higher with slower projectiles because it's double counting.

I'm not an expert but I think the 29% more of sp gives 2x29% more damage on blast rain so 58% more damage vs the 48% more damage that PPAD gives. Anyhow... projectile damage increases give more dps than physical damage increases.
You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.
nice build :) enjoying it lvl 78 in hc. jewel are less than 10c now
Glad you like it!

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