The Ascendancy Supporter Packs!

I would buy some points, but GGG fixed the USD:BRL ratio... so, no.

EDIT: GGG restored the ratio. Thank you!
Aspirant Social Portrait Frame is kinda shitty :((
Playing marauder @ Hardcore leagues

Last year was 50% off on everything.

This year there's just enormously expensive packs.

Well, it's not my game.
Gruentod wrote:
Reinhart wrote:
Guess this went unnoticed for some:

Pets: From the release of 2.1.0, you'll be able to have any two of your pets out at once! You can show off your new Gargoyle pet at the same time as pets from previous supporter packs or ones you've purchased from our store. The pair of pets doesn't have to include a new Gargoyle pet.

My problem is the way they handle pets now. I preferred it when they stayed in your stash. (I also preferred the "cute" black cat to the hissing version we have now, but that's beside the point.) Now, you have to keep track of which character had which pet, just like with other MTX, which just makes it that much easier to lose MTX when you delete a character, so far as I'm aware.

You cannot delete exlie with MTX on him / items

Hello from Brazil!
Many people are disappointed with the value proposition of these new supporter packs. While I am personally very pleased with the new effects, and handled the pricing myself, I am very ready to admit I was wrong.
We will be adding portal effects to the two lowest packs and will be creating new weapon effects to go in all packs (four tiers total). Like with other recent packs, higher packs include all lower effects.
The team are hard at work on these new effects and we'll unveil them as soon as we can (next week?).
All packs purchased now will of course retroactively have the new effects added to them once they are ready.
Thanks again for your great support and the positive comments about the new packs. They just got a lot more tempting, I hope!

AWESOME! Great job listening to your community!
Will custom weapon art ever be a thing? I really think weapon effects are a little overdone and most of the effects are either barely noticeable or aren't very appealing. I would REALLY love to seem custom weapon skins that fit over a specific weapon type (2-H Axe, Staff, Dagger, etc). THAT would definitely provide incentive for me to buy more supporter packs. And it leaves potential for some very cool looking weapons.
What were you guys thinking when releasing those supporter packs?
-I'm not much of a pet fan and never really have been. Don't get me wrong the art is great. If there was a skill that used your pet skin I could consider this - in fact a lot of people would but sadly there isn't any. -1
-Portal effects look mean and nice +1
-UI Borders are meh -1
-Grabbing early points to throw at nothing doesn't really support you guys early on since i have to wait for item skins or skill effect to exist. -1

Overall i'm holding back until I can actually use the points otherwise i'm throwing my money at you guys with little interest it.
>Alt 'Entrance' & 'Quest NPC'|
>Alt 'Character Panel'|
The first 3 gargoyles are actually really awesome, but the last and highest one is so over the top. It should have been a 3-headed gargoyle (same heads heh) or 1 head with 3 headed snake or something. The trailing wings are a nice touch but I can't get over the damn bird heads - wtf.

What to do...

Edit: the scale of these pets is really nice as well with respect to the char, but it's pointless to request that you just drop the damn bird heads. Less is more GGG... Less is more!
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Last edited by cgexile#1534 on Nov 26, 2015, 8:39:00 PM
Virago3 wrote:
hm pet is super ugly, and best thing is the portal, but 440$ for portal hmm

maybe first support pack i won't buy

My opinion too.

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