Skill Development - Blade Vortex

Norc wrote:
Any word on how this works "under the hood"? In other words, when you cast it, is it essentially just an AoE spell (like a mobile Firestorm centered on you) or is it basically a buff effect on you (like an orbiting blade version of Molten Shell)?

Based on the fact that there's no buff icon, I'm leaning towards 'Firestorm', but I'm not 100% sure yet.

P.S. - This looks totally awesome... I love it already.

Now you add the information that it stays on your character (=moves with the character) like molten shell and other buffs do, and suddenly it looks very much like a buff. At least to me. :)
Crit happens.
Nerf CoC !
*runs away*

Seriously though it's quite sad to see 99% immediately think CoC instead of self-cast (some even implying its uselessness otherwise).
Last edited by dyneol#3245 on Nov 26, 2015, 3:08:19 AM
I was thinking more along lines of this with CWDT and Knockback, to keep those pesky melee mobs at arm's length.
The more you depend on forces outside yourself, the more you are dominated by them.
--Harold Sherman
MoonnieDarko wrote:
Can we have a counter showing how many blades do we have active? Would be really useful

First thing I saw missing to. come on GGG we like players like counters! <--- mirror Thread
Last edited by PaladinSMD#6827 on Nov 26, 2015, 3:27:33 AM
For a MTX I would really want the leafs that floats around Zana :D I think it would look really cool.
Maybe just a bit larger leafs ;)
Last edited by BonumNox#2732 on Nov 26, 2015, 4:05:24 AM
Could this skill bring back the crown of eyes? I mean cyclon, blade vortex & crown could be an interesting option.
Inb4 CoC cyclone blade vortex.
very nice
dyneol wrote:
Nerf CoC !
*runs away*

Seriously though it's quite sad to see 99% immediately think CoC instead of self-cast (some even implying its uselessness otherwise).

Its synergy with CoC cyclone is too obvious, unless its CoC interaction will be specifically nerfed by low damage + cast time or no crit chance (like Incinerate).
When you self-cast it, you should stop and cast, with CoC cyclone you cast it while moving. Since BV deals damage around player (just like Cyclone), it'll be extremely potent when used in that way.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Last edited by MortalKombat3#6961 on Nov 26, 2015, 6:16:19 AM
Please make a vaal version of this that sucks enemies in like vaal cyclone.
Lab is 0 fun. Free the ascension points from lab

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