[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players
" " " I will pm you all ingame for invitation before stream. If I forget/offline Pm an officer or myself and you'll get an invite. LightyGaming.com
Can i join you guild ? lv 77, talisman
Hi can i join your guild? im new to the game and would love play with you guys. :)
IGN: fukumthafker |
Hi, i'm a returning player after a long break, currently Lv 76 2H-Cyclone Mara in Talisman SC, looking to join an active guild for mapping, atziri and such pve fun times )
ign: Windfallx |
Hi, I'm interested in joining your guild. I'm currently a lvl 58 witch but I had a late start on the talisman season and have done everything solo. Looking for some people to play with. IGN - Fastwillly
Hi, I'm looking for an active guild for hardcore group play. I just switched to HC, because SC got a little bit boring.
IGN: Struckii Regards Strucki |
" " " " " I'll invite you before stream or pm myself or an officer for an invite! LightyGaming.com Last edited by Lighty#2687 on Dec 18, 2015, 6:34:13 PM
Hi! Would like to join your guild! Active and new(ish) player from EU region. Talisman SC
IGN : Miekkoja |
Hey there..
I'm newly started player, playing on Talisman league would much like to join your guild. I'm from Europe and I have lvl 48 shadow, but I'm working my way through to highest lvls! Hope to hear from you! |
pretty experienced European player here and I would like to join [Lighty]. I would say that I am a middle class player above casual. I played since 3 years now, with breaks and I found in love with PoE again with the talisman league and played now until I hit level 78 and its pretty boring alone. I would love to map with others regulary, share missions and share stuff with some nice and helpful people. I am willing to learn more about PoE and also to share the experience i made in my career with others. I don't really like TS and such stuff, but for some low-mid tier mapping it is not so important i guess. This was my part, if there are still any questions feel free to ask via PM or ingame and i hope there is some space for a newcomer. Klenkogi |