[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players
I’m relatively new to the game, about 3 months lvl 85 skele mage necro, looking for a guild. I started mapping about a week ago and just now getting into Delve and Heist.
I play on PS4, no taunting please lol, and Menbik1369 is my PlayStation ID. Game name is Menbik. |
Hi, I am a lvl 94 cyclone who is looking for a good established guild with knowledgeable members. Could you please invite me if you have a spot open for me? ign: PoeTooComplicated
can you invit me
IGN Rabid_Grinder
Currently just playing standard league to have better mastery of the game before doing any league play. Seeking to join your ranks! |
Hi, Im a casual player looking for a group of people to chat and enjoy the game with.
I'm an active standard player. I'm 97 deadeye playing vaal ice shot. Looking for a good guild. IGN: kahluasipper
Casual player coming in late this league, but plan to prep for next league. Enjoy socializing while mapping.
IGN: DuoFlask |
Returning player looking for a chill place to stay ^^
IGN: EleonorAfterDark |
Id love to join , I am a fan of your YT series :P
Account - biw_weh Char SkRRRRRRRRRT Lookin for some chill people and a place I can put my extra gear for others to use, feels bad wasting all the maps and stuff haha |
possible to join?
ign:turilose playing std+league. |