[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players
IGN: Zombed
Interested looking for some advice re-learning the game took a break. |
IGN: TallDrinkColdWater
Hey Lighty, I am interested in joining your guild. I play Trade league or SSF, 40/40 in 4 seasons, and play daily during active league. Looking for community to have fun with and help them get to 40/40 as well. |
IGN : GameCubeTotems
I've never really been part of a poe community and I'd like to be part of one for this new expansion, to help people and just talk about poe. |
IGN: Arkamek
Looking for shelter :| |
IGN: Grzybonator
Got into SSF through one for all series and now im addicted ;-; |
IGN: Tet_Grimheart
I need to go into homeless shelter because covid. Please accpet me. |
I'm interested in joining the guild, i mainly play hardcore and am looking for people to get to know and make friends with.
IGN: InsertCringyNecroName
Ive only been playing for a couple of days and still getting a hang of things. I thought a guild might help me get more into things since i dont really know anything about the game. |
IGN: BinbinFive
Returning to the game. Not much of a party player because of work, but would love to join and talk about the game. |
IGN: Defeat
Jumping into this league from a 2 or 3 league hiatus. Trying to see about getting into a Guild for the first time. |