[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

Hi I'd like to join. I've been playing your Cyclone build in talisman and it's easily the most fun I've had playing in a long time =] IGN: Raaaager_
Last edited by nolovecansave#3592 on Jan 28, 2016, 9:34:33 PM
Hey, I would also like to join your guild. I play mostly the Temp Standard Leagues but might try a bit Hardcore when Ascendancy is released. I would appreciate it, if i get accepted.

IGN ihato__
IGN: Lashlar

Mostly play SC Tali, but looking to try out some races. I'm very active and having a lot of fun, but it's getting a bit lonely playing solo. Would be very interested in joining an active group. Thanks much!

This serves as the order of invitation for applications and will be updated upon additions or subtractions of applications daily.
Calaphoenix wrote:
IGN: Calamatty

Hi, I'd like to join for some nice teamups, chats and farms :)
Phoenixbl wrote:
Hello, I'm interested in joining this guild. I play Hardcore Talisman league for now.

My IGN is Bird_of_Hermes
automater wrote:
Hello, I'm interested in joining this guild, I'm a daily player who play mostly permanent leagues but I'm also interested in temp leagues and hardcore gameplay. Actually I have many chars in Standard and few in Talisman both sc and hc. My new main char is using a Lighty build :D

I'm really curious about Ascendancy expansion and I'm looking for a solid group. I have TS, Ventrilo, Mumble or what is needed for the guild, but I'm not a native speaking english user.


my ign: WanderingOverlord
lofanatolia wrote:
Hi I'd like to join too. I have been playing for almost 2 years now.

ign: lofaThethunder
DiverGent_95 wrote:
IGN - DiverGent_95

Hey,I have play for a long time with my brother in this game, but he's stop playing and now i'm on my own (this is pretty lonely =) ), so i want to join the guild, to make oneself useful, help new players, farm items, maps, and actively participate in the life of the clan.
I'm Alex, 20 years, i'm form Europe, would be grateful for be a part of your family)
nolovecansave wrote:
Hi I'd like to join. I've been playing your Cyclone build in talisman and it's easily the most fun I've had playing in a long time =] IGN: Raaaager_
donsigo wrote:
Hey, I would also like to join your guild. I play mostly the Temp Standard Leagues but might try a bit Hardcore when Ascendancy is released. I would appreciate it, if i get accepted.

IGN ihato__
Lazlash wrote:
IGN: Lashlar

Mostly play SC Tali, but looking to try out some races. I'm very active and having a lot of fun, but it's getting a bit lonely playing solo. Would be very interested in joining an active group. Thanks much!

Guild Lighty is officially full with 250 members. Feel free to keeping applying and I will invite you in the order of your application. The way I check player activity is linked to when you last logged onto the forums, its the best method available. Make sure you log onto the forums every 30 days otherwise you risk being kicked ( with zero penalty so you can be re-invited).

Thank you,

Last edited by Lighty#2687 on Feb 2, 2016, 7:03:21 AM
IGN: Computer

Always watched your youtube vids, stream, etc. I've been looking for a nice big guild to join with a big community :)
IGN: Izhmael

Played mostly on Talisman SC. I wanted to try more of a challenging experience, therefore I just started on Talisman HC recently. I've also tried a little bit of racing, which was fun. I've been playing solo for quite awhile but I wanna meet new people ingame. Thanks!
Ur cool streamer
Im interested in joining the guild wanting to play more but need people to do it with. I play HC temp leagues and standard.
Hi, my In Game Name (that's what IGN is, right?) is Airedeth.
I'm a fairly active player, I'm usually on during the weekends, and sometimes on during the week.
I am a level 73 Ranger on the Standard league and I'd love to join your guild! :)
Hey im interested in your Guild:) i play mostly Standart.
I have a lvl 90 Scion , lvl 92 Witch and a new lvl 77 ranger who i play the most at the moment :)

Last edited by Pynea#0149 on Feb 2, 2016, 5:12:50 AM

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