Unique Item List — Old Thread, New One Linked Inside

Kongmings is awesome!!

too bad the stats are lame ... ... ...

should have animate guardian or something like that ... kongming one of first makers of automatons...

it really should be WAAAY cooler and totally an OP 100exalt type of item...
actually fact its not severely diminishes my liking of the poe devs ...
bad GGG BAAAD!!!

i mean seriously.. Kongming in history is like the most OP dude ever
only people that can compare is Da Vinci or Tesla , but they were military .. sooo..

seriously should have like spell echo or something... cast on spell hit
... i cant get over its too lame

it should have some more badass stats, spell echo, supported by blind, supported by multitraps or something and another 2 more mods

and then .. cant use weapon
Last edited by CaoMengde#7666 on Nov 16, 2015, 8:35:05 PM
lol misread thought it said
blinded enemies take less dmg from spells

.. like it forces you to use fire trap or fire spells on traps

still should be better :P

socketed gems have level 7 mana leach thatd be sweet (or blind)
viperesque wrote:
Right, almost all alt arts are in. I'm missing the following. If you can link any of these in this thread (remember, you don't have to own the item, only find a post where someone else has linked theirs and copy the code), I'll pay you 2 ex on standard for covering my laziness.

PvP Season 1 Dream Fragments
Race Season 10 Taste of Hate (FULL)
Race Season 9 Voll's Devotion
Race Season 11 Warped Timepiece

I've also added screenshots of the four uniques spoiled in today's announcement to the "unreleased uniques" spoiler at the top of the OP. I was never much of a fan of this thread only showing linked items — misses out on a lot of juicy new info that way!

I don't know how to copy the code (can anyone explain this?), but I found one:

Dream Fragments


dan7 wrote:
viperesque wrote:
Right, almost all alt arts are in. I'm missing the following. If you can link any of these in this thread (remember, you don't have to own the item, only find a post where someone else has linked theirs and copy the code), I'll pay you 2 ex on standard for covering my laziness.

PvP Season 1 Dream Fragments
Race Season 10 Taste of Hate (FULL)
Race Season 9 Voll's Devotion
Race Season 11 Warped Timepiece

I've also added screenshots of the four uniques spoiled in today's announcement to the "unreleased uniques" spoiler at the top of the OP. I was never much of a fan of this thread only showing linked items — misses out on a lot of juicy new info that way!

I don't know how to copy the code (can anyone explain this?), but I found one:

Dream Fragments


Ah bother. I forgot to edit that post - I've since found Dream Frags and Taste of Hate. Still, I appreciate the effort, and I'll contact you in game momentarily to give you your 2 ex regardless.

(To copy the code you have to quote the reply to get it in plain text, then find the right piece of code in that.)
Have you done something awesome with [url=http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Sire_of_Shards]Sire of Shards[/url]? PM me and tell me all about it!
Is there no way to get the code from the wiki? The items are all on there, even the alt art Voll's Devotion and Warped Timepiece. Not many people have those items, it looks like only 12 or 13 of each even exist.
dan7 wrote:
Is there no way to get the code from the wiki? The items are all on there, even the alt art Voll's Devotion and Warped Timepiece. Not many people have those items, it looks like only 12 or 13 of each even exist.

Nope, only way to generate it is to actually link an item as far as I know. I've tried a bunch of methods to hunt down the last couple of items, but google doesn't seem to fully index threads so it hasn't been too successful.
Have you done something awesome with [url=http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Sire_of_Shards]Sire of Shards[/url]? PM me and tell me all about it!


By the way, I'm aware of the issue where splitting the first post into two caused every item to move up by one. I'll fix it when I get the chance.
Have you done something awesome with [url=http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Sire_of_Shards]Sire of Shards[/url]? PM me and tell me all about it!
Last edited by viperesque#7817 on Nov 18, 2015, 5:44:31 AM
viperesque wrote:
By the way, I'm aware of the issue where splitting the first post into two caused every item to move up by one. I'll fix it when I get the chance.

I was going to comment on this, but now I don't have too.

Also, not sure if this is needed in this state or not, but...

Last edited by ChronoExile#0033 on Nov 18, 2015, 7:01:23 AM
ChronoExile wrote:
Also, not sure if this is needed in this state or not, but...

Thank you, but I do need it full unfortunately.
Have you done something awesome with [url=http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Sire_of_Shards]Sire of Shards[/url]? PM me and tell me all about it!
Oh wow, Izaro's is gonna be hot shit for cold-to-fire builds.
50% damage in a jewel that doesn't need to be 4-affix rolled is awesome.


Thanks for taking on this responsibility, viper. :)

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