[3.0]PewPewPews Official Cheap Firestorm Build - Perfect for Newcomers/SSF

While it would give us a good boost in damage, I'm still hesitant in using staffs over a one-hander and a board. Damage isn't really an issue at any point in the game, especially if you manage to get a 6 link. What does matter are your defenses. A shield will provide with extra resistances, life and a bit of block. I say, for early to mid maps, you will be fine, but once you want to tackle the higher maps(13+), you're better off with a shield instead.
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Found your build and decided to test it out for my first real character. Loving it so far and im currently lvl 86. Since I don't have that much experience, i'm lacking the knowledge of what to upgrade next.

What would be upgrades I should strive for? Would it just be more life/ES on my gear, or is it any items that would benefit the firestorm build?

Currecntly have around 350c saved up.

Thanks a lot and have a good day!


I started playing PoE a few weeks ago and decided to go with your build. So far I've reached lvl 90 without major problems. Unfortunately I'm dying quite often and it starts to hurt my progress. The problem are attacks that bypass my minions. Those kill me without a chance to react (lags ftw).

A few days ago I had my first attempt on Atziri but couldn't beat her. Felt like my damage was way too low. Combined with my inexperience I started to get hit and died.

Today I managed to chance and sell Skyforths, which leave me with about 55ex to spend. Could you take a look at my gear and tell me what to get next?

Best regards!
Sorry for not being for such a long time! Been waiting for the new leagues haha.

@Pontius1007: See if you can get better rings. Especially those with more life(aim for 50+, but T1 life would be best of course). And if you can miss the Geofri's, see if you can find a helm with +2 to minion and a firestorm enchant. Boots with the leech enchant and high life would be the next step :)

@ProV4: Well, Atziri is a tough cookie to crack, but once you get the hang of it.. There are a few things you should upgrade asap though.
- The Deodre's Scorn is fine for leveling, but right now you want a helm with +2 minions on it. Preferably also one with a nice firestorm enchant on it. Make sure you put your minion sockets in the helm once you do :)
- Your rings and amulet all have one slot free. They have nice stats, so you might want to see if you can put something good on it. If you don't know what, resistance is always nice to have. That way, you can drop other gear for gear with even more HP or offensive stats, without being undercapped.
- If you are keeping the belt(You could try to get a belt with even more life, 120+ total, but keeping this one if fine nevertheless), see if you can get a Movement speed master craft on it.

As for atziri, just practise a lot. Watch a lot of atziri vids, and you'll master her :)

Also, the build should be fine for the Prophecy leagues. As far as I've seen everything, there shouldn't be any major buffs or nerfs for this build. Especially with the +2 ascendancy points, I can only imagine this build shine even more brightly!

Also, Finally started with the mapping section. It's gonna take a bit before I complete it, but at least I got a start :D

Give me pokes to remind me I should finish it. I need them :(
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Last edited by Appels_Zijn_Gezond#0575 on May 25, 2016, 7:53:27 AM
Hey PewPewPew,

What's your take on the 2.3 Ascendancy changes that were announced today (https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/4l3raa/passive_tree_changes_23/ for reference)?

With the two additional Ascendancy points, would you recommend Pendulum of Destruction or Beacon of Ruin (I assume Pendulum, since it seems the build is set up for raw damage over status effects).
.. are they insane? Are they going to do this every patch? Massively buff firestorm??

If the datamined info is right(Keep in mind, it's not official), we will definitely pick up the pendulum of destruction. We have little to no use for Beacon of ruin as our status effects aren't all that great(We deal relatively small hits, so the burn won't do much, unless we stack it with Emberwake(and even then it's kinda meh)).

But. I'm shocked. I really am. I can't believe this is going to be in the game. I mean, I'd love it of course. But. Let me make a quick list.

- Pendulum of Destruction - we will get this one with the last few ascendancy points. Especially the increase in AoE makes this incredibly strong(massively buffs clear speed for normal mobs etc)
- Paragon of Calamity - THISISSTUPIDWHATTHEHELLAREYOUTHINKINGWHAT will most likely allow us to even run elemental reflect maps now.
- Liege of the Primordial - we get to run.. an extra golem?? Most likely going to be the lightning golem, even though Chaos is still an option if you fear hard hitting physical attacks(Recommend this for HC)

.. I'm speechless. I really am. I know then Elementist ascendancy wasn't the most used one, but for us, it was already perfect.

Let's just wait how this will roll into release :D
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Appels_Zijn_Gezond wrote:
.. are they insane? Are they going to do this every patch? Massively buff firestorm??

If the datamined info is right(Keep in mind, it's not official), we will definitely pick up the pendulum of destruction. We have little to no use for Beacon of ruin as our status effects aren't all that great(We deal relatively small hits, so the burn won't do much, unless we stack it with Emberwake(and even then it's kinda meh)).

But. I'm shocked. I really am. I can't believe this is going to be in the game. I mean, I'd love it of course. But. Let me make a quick list.

- Pendulum of Destruction - we will get this one with the last few ascendancy points. Especially the increase in AoE makes this incredibly strong(massively buffs clear speed for normal mobs etc)
- Paragon of Calamity - THISISSTUPIDWHATTHEHELLAREYOUTHINKINGWHAT will most likely allow us to even run elemental reflect maps now.
- Liege of the Primordial - we get to run.. an extra golem?? Most likely going to be the lightning golem, even though Chaos is still an option if you fear hard hitting physical attacks(Recommend this for HC)

.. I'm speechless. I really am. I know then Elementist ascendancy wasn't the most used one, but for us, it was already perfect.

Let's just wait how this will roll into release :D

So would you go?

1. Elemental Damage, Status Ailment Duration -> 2. Shaper of Desolation

3. Elemental Damage, Status Ailment Chance -> 4. Liege of the Primordial

5. Elemental Damages and Resistances -> 6. Paragon of Calamity

7. Elemental Damage, Attack and Cast Speed -> 8. Pendulum of Destruction

IGN: Dupa_Zupa
Last edited by DoopaZoopa#6212 on May 30, 2016, 11:34:41 AM
Hmm can you be more specific about this build..im not sure every detail is listed :D
I'm waiting for OP to say what he thinks of the final patch notes.
Firestorm hasn't been mentioned in the patch notes, and as far as I've seen, nothing has changes for us in the new tree as well. So the only changes are the ones made to the Elementist tree. And well. You know how I think about those changes.

Firestorm will definitely be a great for starting off the league. You can easily smack a bunch of mf on her if you plan to earn some early starting capital. And with the new changes, I can see her also farm Atziri early on as well, or run the laby for those early enchants. And even if you just want one character to get far with, I'd say Firestorm is a solid choice :D

Also I'mm sorry Crowman, I'll try to be a bit more detailed next time! ;)
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