Making builds for everyone! Come and check it out!
" Personally I'd slot a golem into that spot. Some extra passive damage/phys mitigation can't hurt. |
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" Would you like me to PM it to you, or post it here? because its getting too clustery xD Twitch:
Helping people with their builds, its somewhat a hobby, and a passion of mine, so don't be shy! <--- Build help forums thread thingy. |
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" i figured that since he has alot of life already, maybe he can go fire golem for the extra damage :) Twitch:
Helping people with their builds, its somewhat a hobby, and a passion of mine, so don't be shy! <--- Build help forums thread thingy. |
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Hi, great thread! :D, hope it survives for a long time.
I was hoping to find an MF build for running dried lakes/malachai solo in standard, possibly add low lvl maps later so viability to run any mods would be nice. Maybe around 80-85 lvls? Requirements would be that it's a caster or a bow user since I hate how melee works (unless its cyclone), that its a stutter step char (not self cast incinerate or super high cast speed preferably) since I like the play style and that there would be as much "passive" defense spells as possible, I even put fire golem on cwdt setup with minion life&fortify since I dislike keeping to recast him, one curse is fine to manually cast on high life packs though, but that's about it. :) I'm currently leveling an Incinerate dual totem char, but I'd prefer to cast spells/shoot myself if possible, I saw some EK MF build, but it seemed to get lot less IIQ/IIR compared to the totem guy. I also have two old IIQ gems from ~beta or something, so could build around both IIQ/IIR gems for the main skill, other than that I don't have much currency, maybe 30-40alch, 10chaos and random stuff. Life based would be nice, since I tried ES again and I got tired of being perma stunned and having to buy gear to be able to advance (or I just suck)... |
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" I only have one MF build done, but unfortunately its melee, Poison arrow is a great choice, i could make you a Poison Arrow MF build, but my best man "Serleth" has already done that, the link to his build guide is here: i know i said in the thread that i would make a build for you, but, in this case, this is just as helpful :) If you have any other builds in mind, shoot! Twitch:
Helping people with their builds, its somewhat a hobby, and a passion of mine, so don't be shy! <--- Build help forums thread thingy. |
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The most fun build you can come,up with for solo self found 1Mhc
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" My mind isnt that creative at the moment :P its nearing the time where i gotta sleep, also, this comment doesn't exactly follow the criteria, you need to choose your own build, or idea, and copy paste the "form" and just, fill it out, that way, i can properly make a build for you :) Twitch:
Helping people with their builds, its somewhat a hobby, and a passion of mine, so don't be shy! <--- Build help forums thread thingy. |
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Crit/Phys, im not sure if crit viable for HC. 1MHC Selfound/solo Level: until is die |
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" Well I actually tried one PA build before in HC Tempest league, it worked fine, but I kinda got tired of the degen killing instead of "instant", idk why it bothered me since I used to love leveling with PA, I suppose the superfast mobs moving from the PA area was annoying or something, idk. One other build I've been wanting to play since beta that I've never got to work is a "roleplay" shadow, so in a sense trying to use the shadow type abilities/passives with dual claw's etc, Evasion+ES, physical->elemental abilities, possibly block in there somewhere (like the 8% block uniq claw's), I did one Frost Blades build hoping to use freezing with Hatred+Discipline+Grace... but I got tired of misses, the base function of Frost Blades (low range, requires target etc), I was thinking about swapping to Cyclone/Reave, but I figured I'd need currency to make it work (if it even would) so I changed to MF char for now. The build was: Skills: 4-6L: Frost Blades, Slower Projectiles, Point Blank, Hypotermia, Faster Projectiles + Faster Attacks/Cold Penetration/Fork, Chain/LesserGreater Multiple Proj/Ice Bite (Plenty of More modifiers, idk if it would have worked) 4L: Dual Strike, Faster Attacks, Hypotermia + Cold pen/Culling Strike/Added Cold 4L: Grace, Hatred, Discipline, Enlighten (Would get 3auras only with Alpha's Howl and only 8% mana left with no plans on mana sustain (other than 0.4% from the tree)... kinda didn't think of that. ;D) 4L: Trap, Multiple Traps, Summon Zombie, Minion Life (100% not sure if this would have worked, just wanted something else than CwDT+Immortal Call etc basic stuff, used trap+multitrap to possibly cast the zombies faster, ofc if I actually got enough freeze and started shattering a lot of mobs, would have to think something else, I was thinking riposte... but couldn't figure anything fun/useful to go with it...) 3L: Cast when Stunned, Poacher's Mark/Frost Bite, Phase Run (Auto-curse setup since I was getting so many stuns, plan was to "only" buy stun recovery gear so I wouldn't mind the stuns so much and get passive curses and phase run for another "more" modifier... although it wouldn't work with Frost Blades projectiles I think, since its "Melee") 3L: Whirling Blades, Faster Attacks, (Enhance) OR 3L: Summon Chaos Golem, Minion Elemental Resistance, Minion Life I also tried to use zero str gems, since I was getting no str from passives and only use EV/ES gear, ofc WED and Multistrike would be great and many other things, but wanted to try without them... :P That might be a bit too much restrictions though, but if there was some reasonable way to make the idea work with cyclone/reave or even possibly with Frost Blades that would be nice. :) (reroll is np.) PS. the build is using too many points, I was just playing around with what was possible, around 90-100points would be more reasonable tbh. Last edited by Nyypsy#1685 on Oct 20, 2015, 10:10:19 AM
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Feel free to try and min-max this beauty :) Core concept = CoC cold snap CI using voll's protector armor. Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes