LLD porn

I had to...

296 base Pdps shield throw meme???

VZ58 wrote:
Old Spectral Shield Throw craft

232.0 dps

And this guy

Last edited by VZ58#1297 on Dec 6, 2018, 9:09:51 AM
VZ58 wrote:

Reflect mod RIP

But honestly nice chest :o
RIP master crafted mods.

This is the only thing I can find in my standard bench worth a damn to craft on any lld gear

Honestly LLDING must be people just running around getting 1 shot with incursion, syndicate, delve, abyss....

probably good for one shotting or getting one shotted?
VZ58 wrote:

probably good for one shotting or getting one shotted?

now that Bestiary is core, you should be able to craft 30% quality onto that, right?
Shazamarang wrote:
VZ58 wrote:

probably good for one shotting or getting one shotted?

now that Bestiary is core, you should be able to craft 30% quality onto that, right?

Guess that would be a safe upgrade. I'd probably throw it at corruption chamber if I could get a t3 to spawn...
Couple Betrayal crafts.

VZ58 wrote:
Couple Betrayal crafts.

Sweet crafts, is that Mercenary's or Reaver's hybrid phys mod?

And damn, the balls to temple corrupt that godly chest...

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