[Known Issue] Deutsche Telekom

ZkyFox wrote:
Antikerhacks wrote:
m1nx wrote:
@Antikerhacks ja du hast schon recht mit VPN läuft es schon besser, aber meiner meinung nicht perfekt und VPN ist kein dauerzustand, denn lagspikes hab ich mit lockstep trotzdem, was aber momentan wohl an dem 1 monats race liegt, denn die server sind mit den ganzen mods völlig überfordert wo selbst VPN nicht hilft, zumindest nicht bei mir.

Also klar - ich kann nur berichten was ich selbst erlebe und zwei Kollegen von mir. Wir sind alle bei der Telekom und benutzen den VPN Service von Hide.me jetzt schon knapp 3 Monate. Während dieser zeit hatten wir nicht ein einziges mal lagspikes (selbst in 1 Month Flaschback nicht also kann es das nicht sein) und einen konstanten ping von 30-40!

Vor ein paar wochen gab es mal einen server Ausfall bei Hide.me der allerdings nur ne knappe halbe stunde anhielt.

Also finde ich es recht merkwüdig wenn du sagst es läuft nicht perfekt.

Und warum sollte das kein dauerzustand sein? wie gesagt wir nutzen es jetzt schon 3 Monate durchegehend.

This is not a German forum, so please stick to the English language in order to let all players participate in this conversation.

"deutsche telekom" <-- its just available in germany!
i am connected to german server i think.. am from Georgia. it is not possible to play game from here.. server is blocked, unable to download game since 2 days
My normal ping 50 to EUzone.


For the last 4 days I have stoped playing for the day cause I get kicked from the game repetedly. Usually start when I get randomly kicked, then I get kicked each time I try to enter a new zone, then 5-15 tries later i give up depending on how sleepy I am.

I read the post now at 05:17 local time GMT+1 (EU) and i just got the same problem right now.
I normaly route thrue Amsterdam node but since post talk about that been big issue i tested Australia and it was no difference at all. (Remarkably good ping tho untill crash)

Don't know if this helps or not.

Wile staying on same character i could swap between act 1 WPs and act2 without a problem but going into last parts of Act4 crashed me 5/5.
Last edited by Krossar#4068 on Nov 8, 2015, 10:27:02 PM
I am also experiencing the perma load screen upon entering a new zone.....Has been going on a couple days now on two different accounts and two different computers here at my house. We do use Comcast as I am in California USA. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
argoniashawks wrote:
I am also experiencing the perma load screen upon entering a new zone.....Has been going on a couple days now on two different accounts and two different computers here at my house. We do use Comcast as I am in California USA. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Why are you posting in the Deutsche Telekom thread when you are connecting from California????? Your issue has nothing to do with this thread.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."

"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
Hi, always (24/24 7/7) lagspikes on Frankfurt only and since long.

Even with a higher latency, it's better to play in us because the game is smooth.
I put finaly winMTR : http://pastebin.com/k3nVS9ht
Last edited by Zat0ichi#7171 on Dec 4, 2015, 8:13:53 AM
| xe-7-3-3.franco32.fra.seabone.net - 0 | 240 | 240 | 51 | 53 | 187 | 52 |
| - 4 | 240 | 232 | 65 | 69 | 118 | 67 |

Your problem seems to be on this hop. If you can avoid this in your route, you will avoid the packet loss.

Try MTR on the London gateway.
Thx for the answer, I have no idea how to avoid this route but I will search.

From London : http://pastebin.com/wV0UJenA

ae-2-70.ear1.Paris1.Level3.net - 77 | 240 | 56 | 53 | 55 | 58 | 54 | seems scarry but game is perfectly smooth.

Zat0ichi wrote:
Thx for the answer, I have no idea how to avoid this route but I will search.

From London : http://pastebin.com/wV0UJenA

ae-2-70.ear1.Paris1.Level3.net - 77 | 240 | 56 | 53 | 55 | 58 | 54 | seems scarry but game is perfectly smooth.

Yes, that's only dropping some pings because it's a busy node, the destination looks great:

| a4.c1.7a9f.ip4.static.sl-reverse.com - 0 | 240 | 240 | 57 | 58 | 72 | 59 |

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