[2.1] [SC] Bibou's ShockWave Totem [282k - 914K DPS] (4 900 life) [atziri easy - uber possible]

This guide is currently in update so if you have any suggestion please leave a comment on this post thanks guys and enjoy it

Hello guys, this SWT is my version based on Lucinda's Shockwave totem.
right now with the new passiv it's better to start with shadow from physical node but that stay good with witch

For uber atziri it's possible with experience but i can't give you a video cause of my really bad conection sry.

i hightly recommended to do same passiv "lvl 92" the time to level up.
after when you are at the level you want, that your choice to out some life node for more dps :)



The best jewels is:
-7% increased maximum life (préfixe)
-16% increased totem damage (préfixe)
-12% increased damage or area damage or spell damage (suffixe)
-12% increased damage or area damage or spell damage (suffixe)
-Crit chance
-crit multi
-increased physical damage
-cast speed


Passiv three:

class Shadow assassin :
-Unstable infusion
-Deadly infusion

30 points

60 points

90 points

LVL 100


-help Oak: 40 Maximum life
-Help Oak: Increased physical damage
-Help Alira: +1 Power charge


mapping version: just the 9 power charge, Increased area of effect

Uber/boss version: 9 power charge, atziri flask, RF, Concentrated effect


-Hight dps
-Fast clear and carry 6 man party
-You can do no life/mana regen
-Mana cost is hight ? NP you have perma vaal clarity
-Clear easy normal atziri (uber in progress)
-Hight Life (for a dps SWT)
-Easy to play
-Cheap version possible


-Blood magic
-Reflect physi/ele
-Vulnerability/elemental weakness: be carefull with this curse you have no armour no dodge and only 15% chance to block attack and you are just in resistance so with elemental weakness you will be out it's possible but take care

build cost:

-Void Battery x2 : 20 EX each
-Carcass Jack 6L +1 : 110 EX
-Leg Maligaro : 12 EX
-Boots : this one cost me 2 EX
-Helm : 5 EX
-Amulet : 25 EX
-Diamond ring : self found but i think this one cost maybe 5-10 EX
-Belt: 4EX
-Total : 210 EX a near perfect gear

This version cost too much for you ? okay let's find some item cheaper :


-Carcass jack 6L cost too much for you ?
You can use a Tabula Rasa, the +1 is not require but prefered

-Void Battery cost too much for you ?
You can use Divinarius Imperial Skean and Rathpith Globe Titanium Spirit Shield

-What did you say about Legacy item ? price is too hight ?
you don't need Legacy Maligaro, you can use normal Maligaro
You don't need Legacy Crit amulet, normal one can be good

-What did you say ? this build is so good and can be so cheap ?
yeah, i know i know :D


-Why Carcass Jack ? :

The Carcass Jack is amazing for SWT cause of the area effect and damage,
that give you some ES for EB, Life and all res

-Why dual Void Battery ? :

With dual Void Battery you gain 2 power charge for more crit and a lot of spell damage,
i think that the best wand for this build

-Why Maligaro's Virtuosity ? :

Maligaro give you Critical Strike Chance and Multiplier + some dexterity.
Some guys say facebreaker can be good but i'm not sure

-Why Eldrich Battery ? :

With Eldrich Battery you don't have to take care about mana regen and you can use 100% of the mana for aura.

-Why Arctique armour and no other herald ? :

One other herald can give you more damage but i prefer use arctique armour for get more resistance to physical and fire damage, and arctique armour slow ennemi run behind you with chilled ground

-Why use Righteous fire ? :
Righteous fire increase your spell dmage for a short time with Ruby flask,
you use this only on boss if you really need

i'm open to any suggestion or question here or IG :)

Last edited by Snaker38#7488 on Mar 8, 2016, 8:07:07 AM
Last bumped on Mar 8, 2016, 4:16:21 AM
question... perma vaal clarity? how?
it's not really perma but vaal clarity don't need a lot of soul fo be charged and lvl 20 with 20/20 increased duration your vaal clarity will be on for 20 sec on use so with 20 sec you got the time to kill so many monster and charge again the vaal clarity
thanks for the quick reply.. been using vaal discipline and its horrible..
Thanx a lot! what's about es version with shav and pain attunement? any ideas?
Whats about taking arcane potency on tree?
Whats about snowforged on passive tree?
Former old diablo 2 and median player.
Last edited by pipendrusu#7760 on Nov 14, 2015, 11:36:34 AM
I don't know for version with es and shav.

my suggestion: okay i think you can have more than 10K ES but you can't use life flask so if monster jump on you before your totem start to attack i think you can die so fast or you will run back the time you ES comeback but i'm not sure for that sorry

Arcane potency will be taking in passiv tree at lvl 100

Snow foget is not a good idea okay that give you some crit chance but the fire and the cold damage is not the priority, physical and totem damage is really better

be careful it's not melee physical damage but only physical damage alone
Last edited by Snaker38#7488 on Nov 14, 2015, 11:52:24 AM
Awsome thank you for the in depth guide.

I used the Luci guide to begin with, but this one is much better written and I feel more comfortable using it as you fill in the pieces which were missing.

Keep it up!
Last edited by JamieRmusic#4742 on Nov 14, 2015, 12:59:46 PM
Are you sure the +phys dmg on belt increases phys spell dmg ?

yeah i'm sure if you want check that just out the belt and watch the dps change :)
A cheap substitute for a rare belt is Doryani's with Phys dmg.

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