Recent POE Ice Crash Marauder in Warbands

Hi /PathOfExileBuilds
Hi POE Forum Crowd

This is the recent Ice Crash build i've been playing for about 1.5 weeks in Warbands now.
Since i've returned to POE for Warbands after not playing since the Beta, i'm looking for critique /inspiration for my build.

I'd love answers/discussion to this build =)

Sadly i failed the bandits on the recent char, gonna play a new one for that reason soon.

Soo let the theory begin:

Passive Tree:Click me to see the passive tree


Basically I curse bigger Packs manually before i YOLO-Leap Slam into the pack and my auto-curse does the rest of the cursing stuff.
Thought about integrating Fortify into the build, cause I like buffs which are near to persistent stat increases/persistent dmg reductions.
Aditionally Mantra of Flames rly synergizes well with the Number of Buffs integrated yet.
Daressio with the passive auto-curse grants perma-onslaught which is pretty nice =)
(I'll ofc take the blablabla-while onslaught-nodes, as soon as i can reach them)

Future Passive Tree Suggestions:

I'm thinking about (re-)taking Elemental Equilibrium, since i'll always deal 3 kinds of elemental damage due the "physical to lightning" supp gem i like running in my ice crash 5L and the Mantra of Flames Gem.
And I guess I'll have to get shitloads of %HP-nodes.

Some of the bigger questions about the build, which i ask myself are:

How much %hp i'll need to prevent unexplainable instakills (which sadly still happen, if u can tell me why, pls do so)

Should i reroll evasion rating to armour? Or will the deminishing return fuck that up? [Possibly i can reroll ER=>Armour to make Determination obsolete, which would de-reserve 50% Mana which would be rly rly welcome for Hatred additionally to Herald of Ash]

Please don't judge if I did something really dumb in this build, just explain your opinion about it :P

I'm thankful for every critique/suggestion on my build =)

Best Regards


Warbands-recent-char-with-retarded-IGN: *Uberdong*
Last edited by Narfonkel#1568 on Sep 24, 2015, 10:09:36 AM
Your defense mechanism seems a little too messy. Like a good amout of life nodes around the tree, then some block nodes, then some armour, and life regen...
Well, do you mind posting some stats? Offense and defense

There are still some questions like:
- Why poacher's mark?
- Why no fortify on leap slam link?
- Why physical to lightning?
- Why take Versality on the start of your tree? Stats?

I took several different due i wanted to reach a combined evade which is a high as possibly.
Guess i'll swap Windscream with Atziris Slip and stop using poachers mark.
ATM I'm using it cause i get even more frenzy charges and hp+mana on hit.
Fortify on Leap Slam is an idea as easy as good, no idea why i haven't used that yet tbh, thanks =)

Physical to Lightning is a great DMG improve, without decreasing the area of the ice crash.
Last chromatic burning on my daressio made this link colour, it's not linked that good right now, but the dmg seems ok to me.

The dps infight is about ~25k, without flasking or using any active except ice crash.

Offensive and defensive screen:
A few notes about the build:

-Resolute technique, yet there are 3 points wasted in accuracy at the marauder beginning
-4 Points used to +30 intelligence/dexterity nodes
-left corner +10 str can be switched to armour/life next to juggernaut
-Missing Amplify
-Missing 14 nearby life nodes, total of 67% life
-Points in the beginning's accuracy/reduced mana cost could be spent to Unrelenting cluster for life/reduced mana cost
-No shield nodes taken
-No endurance charges (Looking at your gloves, i assume you use endurance charges.)

The tree needs alot of optimization to put those travel points in better use.

Your gear needs alot of optimization too. You should get more rare items to get the Dexterity/intelligence needed, instead of using valuable passive points on the tree.
Same goes for resistances. A quick variation I made with same points available, ended up with the following results at the cost of elemental damage:

+10% Chance to block
+50% Increased defences from equipped shield
+55% Increased maximum life
+12% Increased attack speed while holding a shield
+34% Increased melee damage while holding a shield
+1 Jewel socket
+20% increased radius of area skills (ice crash + leap slam)
+3% Reduced mana cost of skills
Ground Slam, now and forever.

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