Where is everyone?

As for me, what is making me slowly getting really bored with the game is the low appearance of the new content : Warbands and Divination cards. The former just doesn't have a high enough boss chance in four dot maps. And the latter drops much too infrequently to make grinding specific areas enjoyable.

PS : The Sarn Arenas are unusually empty, to the point that you can easily not find any player in there at all. Leo's dailies are becoming more and more of a drag, and the amount of them you need to complete to get to level 8 is just insane. I hope they'll change his missions to pvp stuff or actually make all his stuff (crafting and trade window) PvP-only.

PPS : I get the feeling that GGG shortened the leagues due to the declining attendance.
Hodari wrote:
cathartist wrote:
I am playing diablo 3. It feels pretty awesome to be able to gear up multiple characters to, in my opinion, end-game level .... The best part? The fact that I didn't have to invest 11tybillion minutes of my life in order to gear up said characters.

The worst part? You only need about 11 minutes. Or maybe 11 hours to be fair, but still..not exactly a lot of replay value there. And even less for subsequent characters.

There is no correlation between total time it takes to play an arpg through to the end and replay value. D3 most definitely has a shorter time to get to the end and into Adventure mode but that doesn't automatically make it a game of lesser value. Just slapping in a super high grind time to gain xp and wealth doesn't qualify as high replay value either. Somewhere in the middle between D3 (too fast) and PoE (too long for most) lies the sweat spot of time grind verses rewards. Neither game (nor TL2 and others) hits that sweet spot (also reffered to as the Goldilocks zone). No arpg with a fixed difficulty factor and reward rates can ever be right for most arpg players. There are just too many viewpoints and opinions on what level of content difficulty and reward rates is best. So GGG fails to give us a way to adjust our difficulty factor and loses many non super hardcore players. D3 does give us a difficulty control but then doesn't have the build diversity necessary for extended replay value. PoE starves us in the loot department and overuses RNG to gate item drops behind and increase grind time all in the name of "hardcore". D3 feeds us better gear at a more consistent rate all the time but forgoes global trading completely.

So there is no "best" arpg right now. Maybe I'll give Grim Dawn a look if it ever gets out of beta. Torchlight II was not visually pleasing (too cartoony to be visually enjoyable for me) and was too high on quality loot. And so on and so on. We all have different playing skills, expectations, and amounts of time we can devote to playing an arpg. There needs to be user adjustable controls in PoE so we can dial in and get closer to our desired balance of time/risk/rewards.

To that end I highly doubt that GGG can easily put user adjustable difficulty controls into PoE. It would probably cause an economic upheaval and major disapproval by the wealthy elite players (same as real economies). I wish that GGG could/would add content difficulty controls but I am of the opinion it will never happen (sigh!).
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
It's Dreamforce ofcourse noone plays :D
Arrowneous wrote:

 GGG, you need to seriously forget the few 100 that do get a build to level 100 in a month or a few in every league and take a huge step back and look at your arpg in the light and perspective of the 99% rest of the players that love PoE for the core build and play mechanics but hate the rest of the baggage that leaves most of us in a quagmire. GGG, you changed PoE 2.0 at the low end to be more new player friendly but that makes it a Normal and Cruel run through boring snoozefest waste of time (I can sleepwalk through with most any build). You then make Merciless Act 4 that much harder so that we either have to abandon our fun to play builds (because they aren't tanky enough) or make us play to 10 levels or more above the Merciless act 4 boss just to survive with a fun to play but more glass cannon build. Many, many working builds were shown the door in PoE 2.0 and while yes, I can start over from square one and learn the new system of reduced leach and all, I have come too far (from CB times) to have the energy left to want to throw out much of my time learned build and play strategy over the last 2.75 years and re-learn what works best today. GGG, you seriously need to add some kind of level of difficulty controls into PoE so new players can ease into this arpg and the top elite hardcore can get their extreme difficulty arpg daily fix and the rest of us (99%) can find a better "goldilocks" level of playing challenge so that we can play at our own pace and be happy (a good challenge but not die too often). The fixed level of difficulty does not fit all (or even most) and you've lost millions of players and our mtx's in the process of forcing us to conform to your rigidity.


GGG, please read Arrowneous post.

POE is not fun aymore.
The only thing that remains constant is that there will always be people who thing that things are good, and there will always be people who think that things have to change or the game will die.

Thing is... it's not the same game for everyone. People play with different goals, and different styles of play. The setting that GGG gives us is good for some and bad for others. The people that keep playing and enjoying the game have one thing in common... adaptability.
respwnd wrote:
Last night had unplayable lag. California gateway was going from 5ms to 900ms over and over, rubber banding, moving me across the screen, pulling mobs from areas I hadn't been to.

Decided to call it an early night.

Me too on DC server; I'm in NS, Canada and its the closest. Pings from 30 in hideout to 900 everywhere else.. couldn't play.. this is 2 days in a row too :( I will keep trying though!
POE is life. POE is ♥.
Playing good games.
When are the leagues going to end? I tried finding out in Forum but im a scrub :(
ItsRay wrote:
When are the leagues going to end? I tried finding out in Forum but im a scrub :(

oct 2
POE is life. POE is ♥.
What games, Hilbert? I think the reason it was so dead the night before last was apparently there were some server issues. Last night it seemed a normal crowd, if a little light.

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