More Information About the Upcoming One-Month Event

I'm disappointed that the challenges leagues are less than 3 months. I would really prefer 4 to 6 month leagues with decent in between time to enjoy the permanent leagues. As someone who enjoys playing the special leagues, but also likes to play hardcore, and is a very slow-paced player I always feel very rushed and don't feel like I can really settle into and fully enjoy my character. The last 2 leagues it has been stated previously that you wanted to make them longer(going back to about 4 months, but not stating the end date ahead of time) but both times it's been less than 4, in this case substantially.

I mean I can't complain too much, I absolutely love this game and am having so much fun since the expansion, which I just find amazing, but could you explain why the short league durations, and what the future plans really are?

Ultimately I enjoy the fresh start of making a new character and trying out experimental stuff of leagues, with special league-only uniques, but I think I would enjoy a little more focus and reason to play in permanent leagues(as stated above: longer duration temp leagues, longer time between them, or something else?). I guess I just feel like there's a lot of short attention span stuff flying at me all the time, and I kind of feel like I should play in them, but I don't necessarily really want to. I know I don't have to play all leagues/races/etc. I just have more fun settling down in endgame stuff than starting over again.(which I enjoy every now and again, but not often) I also have neither the skill, nor nature, nor desire to cultivate the skill to be competitive at all. :)
And My Giveaway Pages:
pls no, not again.

russian roulette league mods are the worst. make a set that is interesting to play for 1 month.

if you don't have new ideas, even making it an immolation or emberwake league would be more fun.

...and in my opinion, tempest and warbands could well go on for 1 more month
Last edited by PopeJo#5880 on Sep 16, 2015, 2:47:41 AM
Can't please everyone, but you did please me. These leagues are always so interesting and have a lot of potential. I'll be playing this one for that Gold set for sure.
Awww yeah, the best is back. Except beyond. Beyond can go third class on the Titanic.
XxLabanxX wrote:
I personally like the idea and it sounds like fun. I would only like to see 2 alterations

1 - Armour MTX. If any of these challenges are going to be based on having to do certain things while certain mods are active, please don't make them things that are based on RNG. Kill x amount of tormented spirits is one thing. Having to hunt down 5 specific spirits, especially when it becomes the ones that are difficult to find period makes it beyond frustrating to achieve and pretty much basis it on luck. This becomes even more frustrating when each league is based on a certain time window when the majority of the community may or may not be able to play based on real life. The top 1% will of course be able to complete them easily because they can play whenever they need too. that is not the case for the biggest part of the community though. Killing certain mobs that are static in the game and can always be found is one thing. But to rely on RNG on top of hoping you can actually find time to play based on a small time window is going to be a big turn off to alot of players. Noone wants incomplete sets. I feel if there are parts that are not achievable to the majority of players (with a little work obviously, not asking for freebies here) Then it may be a turn off for the whole thing. If they are going to be static, Kill these beyond mobs, Box with this mod on it, Kill this Spirit, Kill this warband mob, please at least consider excluding the rare ones which are very seldomly encountered. (Divine Shrine/Echoing shrine not seen after playing the entire league for 3-5 hours per day, happen to anyone but me?) Zoning in and out of zones just to run through and try to find one specific thing is not fun at all.

2 - Please refrain from challenges that in a round about way cater to the rich. Identifying/Owning T1-T2 uniques, Turning in high value div cards (lets face it, most who completed these did not farm them their selves... they bought most of them) Clearing high level, hard to come by maps (Not only do you have to have the wealth to aquire these maps but also the gear to live through them. I'm not talking about the lower end of high maps here, more along the lines of lvl 80+ maps that once again...the majority of dedicated players can't even sustain. Lets face it...the demigods are already there to accomodate that top 1% as I am sure the upper end of the tiered rewards will be as well. We can probably already predict the players that will achieve these so I don't even see them as a challenge or incentive for most players. Lets make the rest of the stuff based more around the dedicated players who are not able to play 40+ hours a week. Once again I don't think they should all be based on a casual play style, but the meat &potatoes so to speak should probably be geared more around the dedicated player base

And just to clarify because I am sure everyones definitions are differnt this is how I rate player types

Casual Player - hour a day - 6-10 hours a week
Dedicated Player - 2-5 hours a day - 15-30 hours a week
Hardcore Players - Plays more than the average person spends at work a week - 40+ hours a week
No Lifers - Eat, Sleep, Urinate,Poop & Play PoE and often multitask by accomplishing some of the first 4 choices while still playing poe

Edit for a 3rd change - Different MTX's for Standard & Hardcore. Ebony Serph FTW. Hardcore is dead to me unless I have a very compelling reason to go for it.

pretty much this!

there is one more thing i want to add.

ggg somehow refuses to fix warbands (spawn/droprate), mapdrops and map-disconnects (to name 3 of the most popular topics). they wont fix this the next 2 weeks and if they keep these the same for the 1 month event this will still be underwhelming and will drive even more players away from the game for a longer time.
Start on a Friday - jeez, some of us have to work and pay taxes...

Ebony seraph for hardcore - golden seraph for softcore. If you want people to play your game, then dont give out the same rewards, ppl will play 50% less simply put...

I approve!
HoolaBandoola, creator of all things Hoola and destroyer of Rhoas.
very nice! three month leagues are indeed ideal IMO
The mods looks awesome, nothing to say about that as i loved the last flashback league aswell.
But as so many others have already mentioned, DONT USE SAME REWARDS FOR BOTH LEAGUES!!
Lvling a character and completing the challenges in a HC league is so much more challenging than in a SC league and you should be rewarded for that!
Say for example a bright green set, seraph or not.
I mean look for example at this set:

It would look so sick with a green seraph set instead of a golden that almost looks like the one u can buy in the store.

This would multiply the number of players playing HC by a lot!
I really think u should consider this!
Last edited by SpookyMindz#2280 on Sep 16, 2015, 2:58:45 AM
Why start the leagues on a Sunday? Please, there are many of us who struggles to get free time to PoE. The weekends are golden for me when it comes to personal interests and gaming... Please please please make it start saturday atleast.
Last edited by Jonta#2372 on Sep 16, 2015, 2:59:01 AM

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