More Information About the Upcoming One-Month Event
" ditto this. I think the last weekend of the season having every single mod ever would be a nice way to end the league. overall though this looks great! :) "Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James
"People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln |
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I almost wish I hadn't seen the previous feedback post. If I just look at the league independently, it seems fine. After pondering what it could have been for 2 weeks, this seems like a waste of time.
Sure, it does incorporate elements of both suggested leagues, but it also incorporates the worst aspects of both. You still end up with an incentive to hold high maps until the weekend, playing more passively towards the end of the week while waiting for the more profitable all-mods. Additionally, I still find myself totally disinterested in playing with my usual group of friends because of the trainwreck that is bloodlines that completely ruins party play. Rather than having fun playing it competitively, I see myself playing for a few days to complete the challenges and quitting, which is disappointing after seeing what it could have been. IGN: Dominion / Clamor
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" This please |
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The OP looks good to me.
Support a free Hong Kong.
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. -Galileo Galilei |
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Please let this drop league specific uniques! With Jack, and the other div cards making them more attainable I don't think this would be a problem. To me those are a much bigger incentive then a seraph re-skin.
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Hey Chris, can we get the league specific uniques to drop during Nemesis etc.? This would create a huge incentive for us standard players to continue playing even after we reach all the challenge goals and prevent PoE from going "daed gaem" early on. Man, I would grind every day for that small chance of a Headhunter or Voideye dropping!
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Don't be afraid to have a 2 week time where people can enjoy std/hc perm leagues after the 1 month It's always fun when trading is really great and exciting when new items are brought into perm leagues. If the leagues/events are chained back to back most people won't give the time of day to make a trade when they don't care because its not directly involved in what they're currently doing. I can say that I'm happy that the leagues are 3 month instead of 4. Good choice even though I know a lot of people want longer leagues. 8/8 Overachiever Last edited by HegemonyTV#7983 on Sep 16, 2015, 1:37:45 AM
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Are you not at least a little worried that running these sorts of events is contributing to a new normal that's skewing perception of the challenge leagues? On the one hand, you say that you're worried about the rate of compounding random challenge league events, and you rebalanced their encounter rate for 2.0, which I think was a good call. And Chris has also said a couple of times that running XP/MF weekends and such are a cheap trick that cannibalizes games in the long term because the incentives to play start to look like disincentives when they're not on. Surely having an all-leagues-league has some of the same symptoms in terms of player psychology? While I didn't play it, I suspect that some of the discontent with Warbands had to do with people coming from the previous stacked league as a point of comparison.
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Its morphing time!
Fort Knox! Golden Power Ranger! |
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My short feedback
Prices: I would suggest you award different prices for the hardcore league. It doesn't need to be a whole lot different. But the people trying to collect the red seraph set in the previous onemonth league was one of the best things that happened for the HC scene. There where a lot of people playing HC for the first time and realizing that the BS talk (i.e. HC is unplayable in PoE) is just that, BS. I'm sure a lot of players even stayed in HC. Think of all the players that didn't tried HC before because of desinc(gone) and ping(south-america). Awarding the same set just encourages to play the std version because it is easier to acquire. Tempest/Warbands: I think 3 months is too short for a challenge league. I know that i'm probably in the minority but i feel the leagues are still active and a lot of players enjoy the last month. This league was the first one for me where i had a lot less time to play and i feel like there is still so much to do. The last month in invasion was one of the best time i ever had in poe. Everything else is just awesome, i'm very excited and looking forward to the event. As always <3 GGG |
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