More Information About the Upcoming One-Month Event

If there's no balance patch before the 1-month and we have to build around the current meta, count me out.
IGN Ken__Kaniff
Well Chris, you guys could do something similar to the old 1M Hybrid and give color-coded items, hideout trophies or something similar along with the Seraph set just to give the HC league more incentive to be played.

Otherwise, the HC variant will be naturally gimped and pointless to play if the rewards are the same and you just want to make sure that you'll complete the challenges to get the reward.

The old Sanguine set was a factor that led people to play that league and vice-versa for the Cerulean one.

The SC/HC items can be anything potentially, but another news posts asking about what people would like, if you decide to go this route, would be good I think.

Additionally, you could even have a reward (trophy?) for completing both sets which could be a fusion item (violet) or a composite one (red and blue parts separated) to give incentive for trying both leagues.
Chris wrote:
There would be a pair of simultaneous leagues - one Standard and one Hardcore. You can pick whichever you'd like to play in - they both have the same prizes.

The challenges (and their armour set prize) would be the same for both the Hardcore and Standard league.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Finally! That is the best decision GGG has made in years. The vast silent majority of players thank you. Hooray we dont have to play the abomination that is HC. :-)

Not a fan of having to be on at a certain time to get a certain mod to have a chance at completing a fact I hate that idea. LESS RNG CHALLENGES PLEASE!

If the Challenge for the whole Seraph set is get to level 75 or something I will be ecstatic.
Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.

I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_-
Last edited by Chameleon#4418 on Sep 16, 2015, 8:55:00 AM
wow that's a very generous prize pool. I will definitely try to participate in as much of it as I can. This will be fun!
"What's do you what?" - Kira of the Maraketh
Does this mean midnight for nz time?
Butter0311 wrote:
I propose that the one month league starts on at least Friday October 4. Starting on a Sunday is awful, it would negatively effect the player base that has to work on Monday morning.

Temporary leagues are not aimed at casuals, no matter if this starts on Friday or Sunday you will massively behind, so why bother about the start date?
IGN: AlCohonez, GhengizCohen
The HC/SC leagues should have different rewards. This was the best part of the last 1 month leagues...
- HC and SC should have different rewards - HC possibly better as it is harder with no argument.

- The league rewards should not be attainable via another way than playing the league. This makes them unique.

- Please make the regular leagues (tempest, warbands) longer than 3 months. Just when I manage to accumulate some currency to be able to get decent gear, the league is dead already.

Keep up the good work
As someone who only really got into PoE with Awakening, I love that you guys decided to go with the flashback format.

My feedback on the rewards would be to make sure that the 'raffle' MTX prizes are either randomised across everyone who completes the task within a larger timeframe, say the entire day, or are reachable by those who are not the top 20.

As for the challenges for the league, it would be nice if they could be reasonably completed without trading your life away. I feel like it would be more inticing to less 'hardcore' players if they knew they had a good chance of actually winning the Seraph Set if they just played enough during the league.
3 month's is good time i always end up 1,5-2 months and wait for new league and if you telling me (i can't make exalteds for items) <bllsht> you can make 2-3 ex (in 1 day) by just mapping 68-74 maps "without good drop"

the same prizes is good and bad idea


"We're proposing that the event runs from Sunday, October 4 (NZ time)"


Golden seraphy meh do it better... / make green and black and we have all power rangers except pink lol


IGN : Piechol

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i7 6700k 4,5GHz / 32gb G.Skill DDR4 3200MHz / Asus Maximus VIII Formula / Asus Gtx 1080 TI / Corsair RM1000i / Samsung SSD 500gb 850 Evo / Case Corsair Graphite T780 / Corsair H115i / Windows 10 x64
Last edited by Piechol#4030 on Sep 16, 2015, 9:19:16 AM

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