2.0.2c Patch Notes
" Abusing Tormented ghosts as described in a Reddit post might have been broken. However, GGG response should have been to fix abuse behavior rather than neuter ghosts so such abusive behavior is no longer profitable. Players that did not abuse ghosts and just randomly chased them through few packs are now getting less loot despite not doing anything wrong. GGG could have prevent multiple ghost buffs on monsters, change their interaction so they are not multiplicative rather than additive (I assume this was the case), add duration to the buff or any other solution that would prevent this abuse. Instead, GGG opted to flat out reduce the bonus for all despite the fact that buff was not game breaking on its own. |
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I'm gobsmacked!!
Ghost AI = terrible, ghost action = touch monsters and rarely possess a rare. Non-abuse = try to get ghost to posses a rare by chasing, normally into a wall, no rare possessed, lots of trash touched. Abuse method = drag trash and rares to ghost, ghost touches all trash and possesses a rare. Result = non-abuse gets a load of trash touched that is now nerfed. Result = abuse still gets a load of trash touched that is nerfed but STILL gets a rare possessed THAT IS NOW BUFFED. How was the hotfix a "buff for normal players who don't do that method", kamil? You yourself posted a paint diagram saying the only problem with ghosts is their AI. Please, without the insults, explain how this fixed the abuse and also buffed the non-abuser? Casually casual.
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" How GGG can change ghost so it doesn't affect only people who use zana mods? Only way is nerf zana mods. Thay changed rarity so now you have to push them to rare/unqiue mobs like it was designed in the first place and what you should do anyway. " You asume, so you know nothing about ghosts interactions and you talk about it... I think GGG that know numbers do better balancing that people who asume how things work. "Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms." Last edited by kamil1210#5432 on Aug 26, 2015, 6:20:58 AM
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Works for me.
Last edited by Drahken#7486 on Aug 26, 2015, 6:23:52 AM
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fucking retarded
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" *le sigh* Someday, GGG will make an exploratory test of diminishing returns, and they will discover that with a handful of curves (based on particular output/result) they can fix all of these broken balance problems without severely cramping the game for the bulk of the player base. This isn't some crackpot idea. Nature uses it for everything. It's why Usain Bolt isn't likely to run a sub 6 seconds 100 meter dash. It's why you can't just add more and more people to a rowboat and crack the speed of sound. *sigh* "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910 |
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I have a pretty good system. Whenever GGG does something to piss me off, i just dnt buy micro transactions for a set amount of time. That way they will look at their graphs and be like yo we aint getting no money. Sadly its the only way to make companies to realize their mistakes. In this case, i think the way they dealt with it was completely wrong. Yeah it was pretty abusable. The only way to deal with this is to soft cap how many ghosts can touch a creep and cap it. I.e. instead of additive have it be a multiplicative value up to say 250 % the normal IIR or so i dunno just throwing some numbers here.
Rampage IGN: InsanityIsReversed
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How dare you to get loot in a loot based game. Off to the poe.trade you go
Last edited by Teplokot#7294 on Aug 26, 2015, 9:06:31 AM
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Why dont you fix stuff that needs fixing instead of fun stuff? Like Lightning warp less duration fix you said you'd fix over a week ago?
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1401038/page/3 Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Aug 26, 2015, 9:09:39 AM
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" I don't get this constant complain at all. This hasn't been true for me ever since the start of torment. Is this latency related? My ghosts always home directly into rares as soon as they move and a rare is on the screen. Perception is reality.
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