[2.0 Video Guide] Tanky Beginners Righteous Fire, Incinerate Build [Atziri & HC/SC Viable]


Check out my 2.0 video-guide. This video will explain the details and help you get a better understanding of how this character works as well as showing in-game footage of how the build performs.

The video can be found here:

If you have any questions about the build, come to my twitch stream and I will do my best to answer them:

NOTE: The build can be played as a Templar, Marauder and Scion.


What's up my exiles!?
This is my official thread for my "Tanky Beginners RF/Incinerate Build Guide". In this thread I will cover the most basic requirements of the build. To get a more detailed explanation on how the build works and needs to be set up, check out the link to my video-guide above.

This build is very strong compared to the amount of currency you have to invest into it. Incinerate does very well with just a 4-link. That doesn't mean that Incinerate doesn't benefit from getting 5 or 6-linked, it does. A lot actually, but if you can't afford that yet, don't despair a 4-linked chest will carry you until you can.

First of all, what is this build and who is it suited for?

1. This build is designed for beginners and veterans alike. It is fairly cheap, simple and effective. This build is able to effectively destroy bosses and farm end-game maps.

2. Players who seek a powerful, but simple and easy build to understand and play.

3. Fans of anything "FIRE".

4. A build that is both viable for hardcore as well as softcore.

5. People who prefer a build that has a video-guide linked to it.


Skill-gems and setups?:

- Incinerate, Spell Echo, Lesser Multiple Projectiles, Fire Penetration, Faster Projectiles (5-link), Iron Will (6-link).

- Righteous Fire, Increased Burning Damage, Concentrated Effect, Increased Area of Effect.

- Enduring Cry, Purity of Fire, Vaal Haste, Increased Duration.

- Herald of Thunder, Flammability, Flame Dash.

- Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 17), Molten Shell (lvl 19), Summon Chaos Golem (lvl 17).

- Arctic Armour, Flame Totem, Increased Item Rarity, Culling Strike.

Use this extra totem when bosses gets on low life to finish them off for an additional chance of getting extra loot.


Passive Skill-tree:

If they for some the skill-trees wont open then check the video for skill-tree progression.[/b]

Leveling skill-tree, 28 points:

Leveling skill-tree, 64 points:

Leveling skill-tree, 81 points:

Finished build 115 points:


Bandit Quest Rewards
- Normal : Help Oak for 40+ life.
- Cruel : Kill them all for 1 extra skill point.
- Merciless: Help Kraityn for +1 to maximum frenzy charges.

Gearing and stat priorities

When you are resistance capped, this is the stats you should aim for

For defence: (Number 1 being the most important)

1. Life
2. Armor
3. Strength (Life and Iron Will damage)
4. Chaos Resistance

For offence:

1. Increased: Fire, Spell or Elemental Damage
2. Added Flat Fire/Lightning/Cold damage to spells (for wands/scepters)
3. Increased Cast Speed
4. Increased Projectile Speed
5. Strength (Iron Will damage)


Mandatory or required uniques for the build:


The above information serves as a rough guideline to get you started with the build. I recommend watching my video-guide, especially if you are new to the game. In the video I will explain some of the skills and how they work and how you should spend your skill points while leveling.

The video-guide can be found here:

Feel free to ask me any questions regarding the build, but please do me the favor of watching the video first. It should explain a lot of the common questions you might have :)

Anyway, thank you for reading guys. I'll see you for my next beginners guide!

Stay safe!

Kind Regards
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting
Reserved :)
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting
Awesome! I love your guides, I will give a try to this build for sure.

Thanks bro!
Level 78 in Tempest

HP: 5478, ES: 238

Incinerate w/LMP: 6146
w/RF,herald,golem,frenzy: 12857
at stage 3 it's 39k

All my gems are level 17 or lower. Will update stats when I level it some more.

Fire 114 cold 80, lighting 92, chaos -11

Life Regen: 695, or 966 w/ 5 frenzy and blood dance. Hardly ever seem to need to heal.

So far I'm melting everything, so will go for more life. I can kill the Desert boss in 3 seconds.
Even with righteous fire off, clear speed is fast.

I must say this is fast build to level up with especially after level 44 when you get the Blood Dance boots. I was able to fly through the questing zones. Play time for level 74 is only 24 hours. A personal record for me.

Some cons of this build to me, is the flask requirements. You need to use granite flask on high physical dmg and can't really use two quicksilvers. It's hard to get good rings with other stats because you need -7 or -8 on mana. So it's hard to add magic finding gear. I do enjoy the build as a alternate to dual flame totem build but this one does take a big more effort to play. I like poison arrow and dual flame slightly better, because you don't force to facetank mobs and can seek cover.

Last edited by Breanne#0549 on Sep 3, 2015, 1:42:30 AM
Awesome, but can you give recommended unique for leveling like you did in your marauder cyclone build? It's really fast yo level with your unique suggestion in that build, so i hope in this guide has it too :)
Thx Lifting
pinter5000 wrote:
Awesome, but can you give recommended unique for leveling like you did in your marauder cyclone build? It's really fast yo level with your unique suggestion in that build, so i hope in this guide has it too :)
Thx Lifting

Glad you like it =)

I would recommend equipping 2x Lifesprig wands. A pair of Wanderlust Boots, Goldrim or Honourhome :)
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting
Hi, beginner here! Just found your build and I wanna give it a try :)

What are your DPS? And do you mind to upload an Atziri Video? (because thats the main reason I am trying this build. Want be able to kill her, without expensive gear :) )

Are there any other (not required but nice to have) uniques to support the build?
Last edited by Bisrob#7105 on Aug 25, 2015, 5:19:32 AM

well written guide - good job :)

I was wondering why you didn´t add a "pro/con" section to your guide.
Since there a bunch of map mods you cannot run as RF character.
Like curses (Flammability, Vulnerability, Ele weakness) or blood magic or reduced max resis and so on.

These are clearly the downsides of playing RF and I think you should mention it, just to make sure that new players don´t RIP to these map mods just because they don´t know about this mechanics.

I know I´m nagging - sorry

Keep going :)

I just wanna ask, why do i still have degen when i on my RF when i have 12.8% regen.


Is this ring worth to regal? Increased fire damage seems pretty good, but I don't know if the roll is too low.

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