[<RISE>] Reborn Exiles ULTIMATUM // Casual Guild // Discord //
Up to 210 slots now!
Oh hi
Hello, I am returning since the Closed/Open beta and would like to join.
IGN: Bewood |
" Invite Sent! Oh hi
Hi, been playing for a long time and looking for a friendly guild to play with in 3.1 :-)
IGN: Possedosse |
Hi I would like to join.
IGN: Aecius_Thorn |
IGN: JarkhanReave |
Invites sent!
Oh hi
Hey, haven't played this game long but I've enjoyed it and was looking to join you all as I continue.
IGN: hautpants Had I thought about joining a guild I would have picked a different toon name as I am a dude and definitely do not wear hot pants in any way. But what can you do. |
" Sent invite! Oh hi
IGN: DuckOffHighTemplar
Looking forward to join your guild! |