2.0.2b Patch Notes, 1000th News Post and Old Screenshots!
" Throw in a Sickle while your at it. :D IGN: Lil_Crimson
Have a relaxing time away, Bex. Thank you for doing all you do!
yea thx for showing some of the old stuff
grats on the 1000th! |
Welcome back, Chris... and have a nice time, Bex!
Thanks for the screenshots, I love this stuff. Extra style-point for asteroids! :) Every time we are nitpicking about bugs/rng/nerfs we (and you at GGG) should remember those beginnings and what an amazing world you created. Thanks and grats for this archivement! Dynamit,
Architekturkritik, die man tatsächlich sieht! Farin Urlaub http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2nz5q9 |
I cannot believe that the amazing game we have today started out as these images. It is amazing what can be done in a few years thank you GGG POE is amazing!
Thank you for all your work and i hope that the work continues and the game gets better and better. :D |
Me wants Repeating Crossbow.
Sickle :) :)
Repeating Crossbows and Arbalests confirmed for next patch!
Truly amazing how far the game has come since you started.
very curious to see...
beautiful work, has evolved a lot!! Congratulations GGG!! |