Master Crafting Metamods

Aklyon wrote:

At least we're still probably better than [insert arbitrarily-chosen wc3 mod spinoff here] communities.

Yeah, there may be mass hysterics because of people being offended by a free market being a free market in a DII spinoff game community but at least we're still better than those filthy peasants from other Blizzard spinoff communities, right?

On topic - a new chaos sink would be nice outside of maps when taking into consideration that most exalt prices for items (specifically build enabling uniques) are still accounting for the previously accepted 1:~30 ratio.
PoE needs to be reseted!

Stop Warbands and Tempest right now and wipe the entire game. Fix Warbands system, bring Eternal Orbs back and launch Awakening again.

Standard is completely broken and when Warbands ends things going to be worst.

Please, Wilson family, stop RPGs holocaust! Cousin Jay fucked D3 a lot and now the little Chris are trying to do the same with PoE!

victorusbg1980 wrote:

You wont find and sell items for + exalt.With this new crafting, the rich ppl will craft and sell, they will get richer you wont.Thats it if you are not hardcore poe gamer/streamer and you cant spend moer then 12 hr a day farming.Otherwise yes you might do it.

... which was exactly the case pre 2.0 with 0.01% of the population able to massively use eternals+ex to craft 6 T1 items. Did you care that much ? Did it impact you that much ? Does it matter ?
Just to chip in my 2 cents worth. I am a new player who just reached Act 4 Cruel so crafting is still new to me. When I looked up information on scouring orb, I will assume it will remove all mods on an item. However, when I read about the master crafting mod, my impression is this crafting method should overwrite scouring orb. To me mod (modifiers) are parameters that will change character stats. Master mod should be an implicit mod that is not affected by scouring orb since it do nothing to character stats. Hence I always assumed I can craft in this way when I reach end game eventually.

In my opinion as someone just getting my feet wet in this game, I think this is more a case of players blinding believing some streamers rather than use their own common senses and experiment with stuff which is also exactly what the developer expect to see. To me, this is more a case of the sheep accusing the farmer when the dog lead them the wrong way.
Path of exile - The real sequel to Diablo 2
StrayYoshi wrote:
The main thing people are upset about is the exalted orb, you can easily sell them and scarcely buy them. Whatever happened is more of a result of people massively overpricing +3 items, and I do feel sorry for those who have legitimately dropped +3 weapons (I've been trying to sell one for weeks)

If I may communicate on behalf of the general PoE player, what I don't want to see is having the exalted orb, which rarely comes into the hands of the average player be the driving force behind even more exalted orb consumption. This infinite cycle results in even more scarce exalted orbs which are never used by the average player.

The reason people want the price for mastercrafts changed to chaos is because the chaos orb is available to all players. Large amounts of chaos orbs are available to all players and can easily run out for people heavily into crafting. This scenario is nowhere near true for exalted orbs.

I agree I would like to see a chaos converted price, and I see the problem, you at GGG would have to come in and put a price on the exalted orbs in chaos! A possible solution would be to use another (non-essential) currency such as vaal orbs or divines. I'd take it as a chance to bring in the popularity of lesser used orbs. I do see the simplicity of doing absolutely nothing Chris, having players devalue items is just common sense. I do see a problem with what will happen next season, people will be able to craft end game items extremely early. That would affect end-game content in ways I believe no one can predict...

How about 5,760 Scrolls of Wisdom? ;)
I don't even know what to say personally.

Do I say you guys fucked up?
Do I ignore it?
Do I say this is some shady ass shit?

Whatever the case is I'll shake my head.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy#1805 on Aug 20, 2015, 7:49:19 PM
Morsexier wrote:
Where can I play the version of PoE without masters, in my opinion, all theyve done is screw up the game I like to play, and negatively affect each area of the game I play, racing\crafting\economy\end game.

Also, making the cost go from 2 eternals to 2 ex is incredibly short sighted. Why is the cost not 6 - 8 exalts for this mod now?

Edit also :

Why did Carl quickly delete a reddit comment last year clarifying how this works?

He didn't want to accidentally reveal what was, at the time, not commonly known by the community. In the same way to how we don't reveal vendor recipes, we don't want to accidentally affect the natural progression of how players work out crafting tricks.

I don't even know what to say, once the cat was out of the bag, it was out of the bag, but only for the people who saw it.


GGG has systematically destroyed all of the fun this game once presented, it is now a game about endless grinding and hoarding of information in order to screw over the next guy. Started out with SO much potential. Ah well, back to Grim Dawn.
"the premier Action RPG for hardcore gamers."

Happy hunting/fishing
Chris wrote:
Additional uses for all currency items will continue to be added over time in future patches. We're not going to rush them in to try to keep the exchange rates fixed at some specific place though.

Well, you didn't had to explain much Chris, apparently the community is mad with themselves for not finding this, or letting other players lie to them (and then make a lot of money out of them).

Also, thanks for not rushing things in, you guys are doing a great job!
Last edited by daemmon#1312 on Aug 20, 2015, 7:51:38 PM
Imagine new player starting on standard.He reaches level 70 and looks for a build.Then he says "LoL this low live inc. look really nice.lemme check the prices of items i need to grind for." ANd then he checks Shavs and prism guardian and GOES WTF I NEED 100 EXALTS TO BUY THOSE 2ITEMS NEEDED FOR MY BUILD AND I FOUND 1 EXALT THE WHOLE LEVELING MY CHAR TO 70.GG.
The rate of chaos to exalt in warbands has made me not even interested in logging in. By the time I accumlate enough chaos orbs, I can't even trade them up, as the price has jump so far. And this includes using the 2c recipe to farm 40 or so c a day.

It's disgusting and brings forth terrible memories of D3 level rng.
Last edited by Gixxerdude#1194 on Aug 20, 2015, 7:53:41 PM

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