[2.6] TheBockwursts Disfavour 2H CYCLONE STEAMROLLER - 7kHP / 165k incrAoE DPS / NO BLOODMAGIC
" You're right it does add a good amount of damage, but sometimes I wouldn't be able to tank enough damage and leech quick enough which would result in my death. Also against certain bosses I am not able to keep up frenzy charges. So I take it out and use the new totem which gives 20% IAS and adds a further 9k dps of his own, plus another target to hit for enemies and is tankier than expected. My life regen without Bloodrage makes me a lot more tanky too. It doesn't fit my play style as much as using the totem. But maybe I will try it again. But about the Hematophagy cluster, I have a feeling it won't be worth it, or will that 8% of maximum LL per second be stronger than I think? hmm EDIT: ok I take that back, now i can sustain quite nicely with bloodrage and lgoh with cyclone. I guess its all that extra damage I am doing which makes quite the difference. The leech still isn't really quick though for them bosses that hit extra hard. What do you die to? if ever lol Last edited by Ndragon88#1275 on Apr 2, 2016, 9:47:10 AM
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" Well, there are still enough bosses that can easily oneshot you when coupled with difficult map mods (ever tried Vulnerability ExtraDmg Village Ruin?). Even if it isn't HC a death can mean the loss of valuable XP, especially in higher levels.. so the only thing you really can do is play smart, know when to flask and when to run. |
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ever considered multistrike linked to EQ?
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I've tried it, not much benefit to doing so. There are much better multipliers to run that scale both the initial and second hit.
For try, for see, and for know.
This is a buff |
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" " That's the exact reason. There are way better options than running MS in EQ as we're relying on slow, hard hits to really chunk bosses down and achieve better armor penetration. |
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hey there,
it´s me again with another thought. what´s about empower lvl 4 instead of any other dmg gem? +2 axe, +4 empower,ideally all gems 21 (provided it´s worth it) i think that could be interesting.. what do you think about it? |
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" It's generally not worth it. Melee skills do not scale that much when pushed beyond 20/20 in contrast to spells, which massively benefit from Empower or any other level upgrades. Sure, if you want to minmax this build to hell and back then a full set of 21/20 or 20/23 might be a "nice to have" upgrade but I'd be surprised if the overall DPS gain in the end would be more than 3-5 percent. If you wanna upgrade I'd rather suggest optimizing the jewellery (more flat phys & WED) and the gloves which would yield way better results than going full 21/20. |
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Hi I'm thinking about trying this build I have 5ex and 100 chaos is that enought currency for the build? I wont be able to get any 6 links so what are the 5 link set ups for the cyclone and eq? Also is the enlighten required?
Dratax Last edited by Dratax9#2201 on Apr 21, 2016, 9:02:20 AM
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" For 5links I'd drop Added Fire from the EQ setup and Increased AoE on the Cyclone Setup. Enlighten is not mandatory, it just gives a bit more unreserved Mana. Hope this helps. |
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what about going scion with berserker/champion and getting that 1.5 global leech?
that could easily outleech the LoH gem and provide more dps overall than the marauder ascendency? plus having nearly perma fortify even without leaping IGN: Kitaen
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