2.0.2 Deployed, Grand Winners of the Video Making Event and the End of the Emberwake Race Season!

Is that nuke Hardcore viable? :v
Congrats to one and all. Well done to the winners of all!
To Die Is Not An Option, To Fight Until DIESync Is The Only Answer. ☺☻☺

Happy Hunting Exiles.
@ Chris: List of 8/8 in Tempest/Warbands soon?
Completed 8/8 Challenges Ons/Ana
8/8 Challenges Nem/Dom #1 Templar Nem/Dom
6/8 Challenges Invasion/Ambush #1 Templar 2 Week Race
8/8 Challenges Beyond/Rampage & Bloodlines/Torment #1 Templar BL (lvl100)
IGN: BeerBeastTheBurninator | 8/8 Temp/Warb | 32/32 TalismanHC | 40/40 PerandusHC
Last edited by alfims#6138 on Aug 19, 2015, 11:27:28 PM
nice videos thanks!

Snorkle_uk wrote:
grats to the winners! well played

side note:

something odd going on with skinned text on forums

someone vaaled the servers again
I'm absolutely blown away by the high quality of those videos. Time to bookmark #PathOfExile on plays.tv and visit that site more frequently. Also congrats to the winners from me as well! Well deserved!
Yay! :D Thanks to GGG and PlaysTV for the awesome event. Enjoyed watching all the creative submissions that everyone made! :) Hoping there will be more events in the future. It really brings out the best of the community.

ShikuTeshi wrote:
Congrats Chicken_Nugget. I was hoping to get Grand but when you released the Malachai video I had no idea how to compete.
Also, congrats to all the other winners. This was a pretty fun event, hopefully we can have another.
Thanks, congrats to you as well! I had a feeling that we would be in close competition ;) We both jumped on this event immediately and kept making videos until the end. Enjoyed watching everything you made. Even showed some friends your hilarious nuke build. :)
◄ IGN: Slayer_of_Monkeys ►
◄ YouTube: http://goo.gl/QYWGL7 ►
◄ PlaysTV: http://goo.gl/zutTCE ►
◄ Basics & Mechanics Guide: http://goo.gl/AZnGQp ►
◄ Steam: http://goo.gl/XfFxxN ►
Mr. Nugget, well deserved sir. Epic!

Pets in game are still waaaay to drab, dark and dull. They are nothing like the bright advertised image. :-(
Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.

I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_-
Wooooh my dance video got the last weekly price, thx!
Gratulation to all other winners, awesome videos!
Well then, I appear to have won. I'm not entirely sure how, but sweet! :D
I fought for God Exile. Who do you fight for?

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