[2.2, HC] Asta's "Lioneye's Archery" - A High Armor/HP Tornado Shot Archer
" Hey, its ok if you drop grace, like Chris mentioned. You "can" make it work, since i have really a f***ton of armor. However, from a min-max-the-build-point-of-view i guess (especially for HC) i would recomment Grace. If you like, you can post your tree and gear that you are using, then im gonna add it into the suggestions area! The Death Rush shown in the video is not postet here in the guide, since its not a so easy to acquire item, but it really supports the build very well :) Welcome to the greatest of arenas, Duelist. God is watching you.
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Just seen this guide through build of the week. This looks like a really solid build to play, been a long time since I played an archer so ill have to try it sometime. Also nice to see people making use of the new transfer jewels !
Most of all I was very impressed with how well written and considerate your guide was. I am not very creative when it comes to builds so rely on the community to write guides like this ! Thank you and hope you are enjoying the 1 month league if you are taking part. All the best. |
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Damn it! I just was making a build that used Lioneye's Fall to gain 1000% increased crit chance off the tree, now the prices are going to go up on the jewel making all the Fall's I needed unable to be obtained at a doable cost.
Whatever, cool good build. Love Lioneye as a character and its cool that you put him him in the spot light with a cool build. With the rant off my chest gratz on the good work. "ran out of high teir maps to leave on the ground - people kept taking the higher teirs" - Da Pagionator
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T31clJn_oNQ |
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interesting build, good job.
i've got a duelist with a free respec. mayb i'll do this build with him anybody got the marauder tree? wanted to see it just out of interest. |
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Finally the build i like is getting some attention, gz mate! @Others: Sadly the Marauder tree i had made as suggestion got wiped when poe.db went down. Asta can add the following Marauder trees as alternatives: No point blank, a lot of defense, low dex: Point blank, less armor & regen but bit more dps and dex: Point blank version with extra jewels: No point blank version with extra jewels: 2 jewel trees give ~70% attack speed ~300% increased bow damage (not counting iron grip) with 170%+ life and 300%+ armor. 4 jewel trees give less but offer more flexibility. I haven't tested if the One handed damage converts properly to bow modifier, but it should. If they do not, use the extra jewel versions. [2.2] The Vampire - Tanky 2H Axe Slayer Duelist - /view-thread/1611662 Last edited by Mannoth#4185 on Oct 8, 2015, 6:35:47 AM
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Nice build.
Your coil calculation however is way off. you are comparing coil + 0 armor to 27k armor, when in reality it should be coil + 15-20k armor (due to IR). In wish case coil wins by a land slide. especially so since coil conversion applies before armor calculation. Since the pure physical part of the hit is lowered, your armor becomes more efficient. |
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Congratulations on BoTW! hopefully I`ll be running this as soon as the 1 Month finishes as I have always liked the idea of RT Bow users :)
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Congrats on Build of the Week! Have you considered Split Arrow and Rearguard instead of TS and Drillneck?
I'm with you on the Blood Magic butthurt. 2.0 is just so anti mana for the majority of builds by the time they're mapping. Even casters are going Blood Magic or trying to get zero mana costs with Elreon accessories and reduced mana cost of skills. The changes to aura reservation pose a problem for all builds (how many skill points is it worth spending to reach aura nodes for enough mana? then you have to worry about mana sustain on top of it? heck no, just go with Blood Magic), and the decreased power of Clarity coupled with the loss of EB hurt casters. Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616
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" Gratz on BotW! Have you tried using Rallying Cry as a way to sustain mana? Also, you can try warlord's mark. I absolutely love that skill because it also makes enemy groups just stand by and get stunned while you leech life AND mana. Endurance charges are also nice. :) Just a couple thoughts. (I'm currently using that same setup on my lvl 95 toon in standard as a new way to sustain mana.) ign crixus_sabr
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" I personally hate warcries (I prefer to automate as much as possible, especially considering all the other things I need to activate like attacks, potions, and Vaal skills), and Warlord's Mark makes me sad. I love it, but so many builds are cornered into that curse to stay competitive, and that means less diversity. Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616 Last edited by Tempada#2630 on Oct 8, 2015, 8:41:27 AM
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