Photos of the New Grinding Gear Games Office!

Where's my office? Where's my paychecks for that matter?

You don't expect me to spend more miserable winters freezing up here in Canada, do you?
"I would have listened... I would have understood!" - Scion

Have you removed Asus ROG/GameFirst yet?
looks pretty rad
that is a dope office, grats
Great office guys!! Looks incredible, congrats!
"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym
i want to work there

give me job :P
ehhhhh nice job all! Good to know our money wasn't wasted on (just) cocaine and hookers!
I like to upgrade my hideout every now and again too! :D
Cool office, stay humble :)
You have to remember to chase and catch your dreams, because if you don't, your imagination will live in empty spaces, and that's nowhere land.
MaxTheLimit wrote:
Where's my office? Where's my paychecks for that matter?

You don't expect me to spend more miserable winters freezing up here in Canada, do you?

Move to the Left Coast Max, no more freezing winters ;)

Gratz GGG, nice digs.
~ There are spectacular moments.

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