[2.1] - [Super cheap] Reave double claw extravaganza [174k dps update][Atziri viable with video]
Where should i start?
This build is max 5ex, has over 64k dps with over 13 AS and decent life leech that will let you survive big groups with ease. ********** UPDATED SKILL TREE FOR 2.1 TALISMAN PATCH ***********************
Here you can see that skill tree changed a bit, and for the better. Overall DPS gain is roughly 10% better, with no drawbacks what so ever. With new leech nodes down in duelist part of the tree, build got a nice boost to survivability aswell. Rest of the build is pretty much unchanged. ********** UPDATED VERSION AT THE BOTTOM!!! ******************************** WARNING: One hits are real, and if you want to go hardcore, don't, or tell me what you have changed to make you survive those nasty one hits. Feel free to toss out any suggestions, i'd really love to improve this build in any way. Here is the skill tree: ******* NEW SKILL TREE AT THE BOTTOM ********* Bandits: 1. +40hp 2. 16% phys dmg 3. skill point or +1 frenzy charge or 1 power charge, whichever you prefer The whole idea behind the build is to have enough small hits not to kill yourself on reflect, enough lifesteal and mana steal not to wreck yourself and enough evasion, armor, dodge and block not to die pointlessly. If you are going to use Abyssus and go over 50k dps, reflects will own you, so you should avoid it! What to go for during lvling: lvl 1 - 30 :: Trickery, Assassination, Claws of the Magpie lvl 31 - 48 :: Blood Drinker, Survivalist, Spirit Void, Herbalism lvl 49 - 62 :: Aspect of the Panther, Weapon artistry, Hearth of Oak and rest hp nodes lvl 63 - 82 :: Thick skin, Cloth and Chain, Dervish, Art of Gladiator, Bravery, Master of the Arena lvl 83++ :: Fill the rest of dps nods Once you reach lvl 65 you should start to look for 300ish dps claws with possibly 1.8+AS, and you will never feel like you lack dmg. Here is the equipment:
Claws and armor were only items for 1-3ex each, while other items were either drops or 1-4c purchase; thus 5ex or so total cost. As well you can see gems and how they are linked, some are used, some are just for lvling, but here are the important ones: Reave + faster attacks + increased area of effect + multistrike + melee physical damage Whirling blades + fortify + faster attacks + culling strike Immortal call + enfeeble + increased duration + cast when damage taken there is also Hatred, herald of ice and blood rage as well as assassins mark and summon chaos golem Reave is your most used skill obviously, it simply shreds foes, no questions asked. Whirling blades is simple best, for moving fast from mob to mob, getting away from danger, executing low hp mobs and stacking fortify to reduce dmg. Fortify is CRUCIAL, try to keep it up as often as you can because 20% ALL DMG reduction is too good not to use it. Reduction doesn't apply to dmg over time thou. Immortal call and Enfeeble with cwdt is a must, it can save your ass from long range skeletors that crit so hard with ease, and with daresso's defiance, immortal call can last over 3secs, OP. Hatred and herald of ice are dmg boosters as well as nice defensive mechanic. Why? Well frozen mobs can't move, thus can't hit you, and eventually, die before even getting to you. Chaos golem is a nice addition for small defensive boost, but you don't really need it. Assassin's mark is a must, Power charges with lifesteal and extra dmg against foes, OP OP. How to play this build: Find mobs, charge first mob you can hit, whirl the edge of the group to trigger fortify, and spam reave until mobs are dead. If mobs get too close, move away at max reave distance, and keep reaving. If you see ranged foes, rush em down, or they will rush you. For bosses, you need to manually kite em, or try your luck roll with evasion. Most of the bosses are easy to face tank and out heal with life steal, but some will simply grind your gears in 1 hit. Always keep your charges, blood rage and fortify up, it will boost your dmg and defenses like mad. For extra protection and dmg pop Granite and Taste of hate flasks. *** FLASKS ARE DOWN UNDER EXPENSIVE PART OF THE BUILD********* And remember, just because you are melee char, doesn't mean you have to face tank everything. And here are some stats for you guys, they are not great but serve purpose. Maps will be cleared in minutes. Old SCreens:
![]() ![]() ********** UPDATES FROM HERE ON :: NO LONGER CHEAP AFTER THIS ***** Ok so i got 2 decent drops, Abyssus and Taste of Hate. Don't know why i didn't put flasks in first build, but now it's here, with rest of the flasks. And as soon as Abyssus dropped, i knew i had to put it on, and holymoly it gave me almost 3x dps XD literally. Then there is 6l Daresso's defiance i was saving up for a month, and after 30ex and 3 divines farmed, i finally got one. Prices: Daresso's Defiance 6l - 30ex 3divine Abyssus - 20c to 2ex more or less (was a drop) Taste of Hate - 8 - 12ex (was a drop) Jewels - 1ex each and i used 1ex on each to add 4th stat, one was ok one was fail, so it's ok XD New gear:
1. Instant recovery is a must. It saved me multiple times, when you get burst down, it's always nice to react instead of watch your hp drain to 0. And it can remove freeze. Perfect. 2.hybrid flask - i use it as main hp and mana sustain when groups of mobs are really far apart and blood rage starts to hurt, and whirling blades drain your mana. Maybe you can put another flask instead but i really find if crucial. And removes bleed, a must. 3.2nd life sustain flask, with recharge on crit, really lets you push it to the limit with this one. And back up bleed removal. Once again, a must. 4. Granite flask because +3000 armor is just op, combined with 84% evasion increased while it lasts, just insane. also recharge on crit, because you want to keep it up all the time. Rest of the flasks:
I've went for 2 jewels and +2 frenzy charges instead of few +phys + as nodes because frenzy charges are simply op. I'm thinking about going for 3rd one, but it's slightly out of reach. Maybe in 3rd iteration of this build when i get one or 2 more lvls. New skill tree:
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYAAAYAXgOHBLEFtQguDPINjRX2Ff0WvxmOG60i6iP2JP0mlSoLKjgwfDIBN9Q4lj7PRfRKfUsKTGBNklFHVUtVhVboW69c-V5FXothBmHiYnlirGRaZK9qjGqVbIxtbG9XcFJyw3gZfXWDvYTFh3aKOIw2jX2Nv5KAkvOTkJVmmyabtZ2qn4Ki2aOKpcumf6k0qwuw2LGzshm0xbVItxe32b3mvwDBScGgwzrIFMjczAbPetN-1gfdDeCV4l7jn-aI51TndOjW6xTtP-1B7YPuDu968-r1b_rr_MX-Hf66_94= New gem links: Reave + Culling strike + melee physical damage + mutlistrike + faster attack + increased area of effect reduced mana + summon chaos golem + assassin's mark fortify + faster attacks + reduced mana + whirling blades Now you will say:"Why the hell culling strike?". Simple, think of it this way, it is 10% global reduction life pool of every mob. OP if you ask me. Oh and it gives 36% more dmg and 10% attack speed. Yeah, simply the best if you ask me. Reduced mana is here to help you not get OOM while cursing foes or using whirling blades. It helps you alot and with only 150 mana you will never have mana issues if you play smartly. New screens:
http://i.imgur.com/18YPQXP.png http://i.imgur.com/AFC4jtf.png http://i.imgur.com/oFloJoG.png http://i.imgur.com/uJVYvwK.png ********* UPDATE 3.0 MORE DEFENSIVE TREE WITH FEW NEW ITEMS ***************** I've bought new items to minamx some of the dps, mainly new claw(3ex) and legacy belt(12c):
Those two alone made a huge dps improvement so i decided to retrait my tree a bit more defensively:
You can see that I swapped 4AS for 2% block near Swagger trait and +10dex nod for dual weild block near Aspect of the Panther. Removed Revenge of the haunted, Thief's craft, master of force, Claws of the Pride and Weathered Hunter completely. Instead I took Cloth and Chain, Savagery, Dervish, Art of the Gladiator, Bravery and Master of the Arena. It might see a bit dumb at first glance, but I actually gained DPS as well as more HP, armor, block and evasion, which should make this build a bit more 1hit proof:
http://i.imgur.com/w9D1n81.png http://i.imgur.com/1AVymVz.png As you can see, new tree improved the following: Life from 3571 to 3688 Block chance from 19% to 25% Armor dmg reduction from 15% to 22% (47% to 58% buffed) Fortify is NOT included. Evasion chance from 34% to 36% **************** ATZIRI STUFF **************************************** I decided to go for Atziri for the very first time, and I actually killed her on my first try. Even as someone who never fought her, and had no clue what to do, it is still possible, so I guess someone with more knowledge how things work, can kill her without trouble. Here is the video:
Hope you guys like this "guide", and PLEASE DO LEAVE FEEDBACK, i'd like to improve this build to make it more 1hit proof. ty, have fun and good luck. Last edited by Codenameoverkill#7413 on Dec 27, 2015, 4:07:33 PM Last bumped on Mar 12, 2016, 6:49:53 PM
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Here's my variant. Using stat stick on main hand and claw on offhand to get 20% aspd (Ambidex node). My suggestion would be to start thinking about what a jewel can replace on your tree. 6%phys+4%aspd x3 nodes is weak when you can get a 32%phys 8%aspd jewel plus the two evasion nodes travelling to it. (The node beside Iron Reflexes). I was originially pure eva & dodge, but dropped Acro and went Iron reflexes with Daresso's Defiance. CWDT-IC-Molten-Inc Duration is amazing for survivability! Work on your block nodes, and I can't think of a reason not to get Art of the Gladiator, Bravery, Master of the Arena nodes! Cheers let me know what you think. |
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I'm working on my jewels atm, and yeah i'll try to replace some of the nodes with jewels. But they are quite expensive, and i just got 6l daresso's defiance so i'm broke. XD
I recently got Abyssus as a drop so i might use that aswell. Once i get some decent jewels i'll update my "guide" so it's more up to date. Tnx for the feedback. |
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Ok, V2.0 is here, now with 3x more dmg and 2 more frenzy charges. 2 more jewels were added, 6l armor and abyssus are in the game as well. Pls check it out and leave feedback.
Thanks all. Last edited by Codenameoverkill#7413 on Aug 15, 2015, 5:00:36 PM
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V3.0 Is here with new skill tree with way more defensive stats but equal if not more dps, and few item improvements. Pls check it out and leave feedback.
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v4.0 :: Atziri kill video; added list of things to get during lvling.
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Yes, super cheap! Taste of hate, 6l Daresso's Defiance, with rats nest? Probably at least 20ex of gear worth there buddy. I think you will have to change the name of the build to SUPER EXPENSIVE
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I see not everyone can comprehend what it's written in this thread. It is clearly stated that build is cheap to a certain point with 5L daresso's and 1ex claws that make build cost 5-6ex tops. Also it is clearly stated when the build becomes more expensive, once you start to go all in, if you like the build, and get yourself abyssus, 6l armor, taste of hate and so on.
So please read the guide from start to finish, don't just skip and look at pretty pictures. thanks. |
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hi man im gonna try this build but i have these claws from another build..
are these any good? |
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Those claws should do just fine, low base AS doesn't mean much because of Blood Rage and frenzy charges. If you have any more questions, ask here, or whisp me in game if i'm online.
Good luck and have fun. =) |
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