[2.0.1][Tempest] Begsplosive's BM Solo-MF EA Duelist of Frugality [Cheap and Beginner-Friendly]
" I wouldn't bother finishing Act4 Merciless, it's not needed. Level to 77 in Dried Lake, then move to mapping, that's about it. Or stick to Dried Lake for some MF runs, you might find awesome booty :D For life leech rates, I used this combo in a 5L Quill: Frenzy (level 1) - GMP (level 1) - Curse on Hit (max) - Flammability (max) - Chain (level 1) - Life gain on Hit (max) In a 5 mob pack, a single Frenzy attack with LgoH rank 17 can replenish 1/3 of my hp (4.9k atm) and curse the mobs. This build would have benefited so much from Elemental Equilibrium, but still... looking forward to test this MF variation in the 1m league. I did EE EA Scion till now, but warbands is pretty much deserted :D P.S. Also, Begxiled, no build is good without some video action, get to it :D Last edited by CopiumTV#7421 on Sep 23, 2015, 4:47:15 AM
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I have completed to Mines level 2 and got last free skill point. Have been doing lake runs and am now level 71! A new HC achievement at level 70!! Woot! Lake runs can be a little touchy for me still. Trying to learn "kiteing" and not be a faceroller (what I'm used to playing). Still, big bird boss in Aqueduct can hit me for half damage, and the blink arrow chick in the lake can be a challenge sometimes. Voll is easy peasy, as long as I drop totem, stack charges, blink out, repeat. Never touches me.
Per your suggestion, I purchased new boots and gloves (saving up for a good belt): Wasn't looking for IIR at all, but was nice that both happened to have it. Was just looking for Chaos res + 1 needed res + max life possible for my price range (which was low lol). Spent just about everything I have up to this point on them + socketing, linking and coloring. Great thing is I am still capped resists and now my chaos res in in the +20's! Wow! Fire is WAY over capped tho so I can afford to loose it on belt and just get the same as others, Chaos res + needed res + max life possible + armor. I've actually started caring about my masters and doing their missions. Haven't even touched them until now, not knowing if I was going to last very long in Tempest. Will they move to HC (not tempest) as well when league ends or am I wasting my time? Would like to craft some of this gear, heh. |
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PS> I notice that you go up to Celestial Judgment for more ele damage which I would probably get next, but I was thinking since I still can barely sustain HP regen, I thinking about instead going over to Combat stamina, by way of the regen side of that wheel. But that will cost an extra 2 passives. Is that worth the 2 passive cost do you think? Or should I get more DPS now and later just get adjacent life nodes?
Current level 71 tree Edit: Never mind, heh. I see that I'm missing the "Arsonist" node. I will head to that next. Last edited by Shinare#4581 on Sep 23, 2015, 11:13:36 AM
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Level 75 update (Wraeclast: Am I the only one here lol):
Seems kinda empty in Wraeclast these days, at least in tempest hehe. Leveled up to 75 last night in lake. Finally got through to "Arsonist". Wow what a difference. Finally feels like my EA's are packing a punch and my life regens so fast now, its cool. Could probably sustain spamming a 6L now if I had one. I have about 6,200 life and hopefully that will just grow and grow now as I focus on picking up all the adjacent life nodes now. Playstyle is a little odd, I feel nice and tanky but I can still get hit pretty hard once in a while. Especially by the blink arrow bitch in the lake. Whatever she's doing can hit me for over 2,000 life in one shot. What is that black arrow skill she is using? Ouch! So I have to kite around and blink arrow here and there almost as often as the cooldown will let me. Flame Totem: I've been trying to NOT use it as I now have IIR gem in my 5L EA (rather than increased area). Its such a great utility though. Its a decoy that does massive damage so its really nice to have on hand. Not sure I want to give it up. Its almost like a security blanket now, lol. However those links probably could be used for better things. This is the first build I've ever tried that does not use Immortal Call in some fashion. Wondering how I would fit that in to one of my CwDT setups: Still hanging in there!!! Hope to reach 80 without ripping by end of weekend!! (And get a nice chaos res +life belt as well) Still the question of buying a 6L for 1ex. Should I hold on to the 1 ex I found and, if I make it, take it to standard HC? Or should I find a 1ex corrupted 6L chest before moving over? |
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Hello! Explain me something, please.
1)You said that "only Projectile / Fire / Area Damage modifiers from the tree will do anything to scale your damage" - Why projectile? Our damage goes from explosion, isn't it? But projectile damage will increase damage from arrow impact. Not from explosion. What do I understand wrong? "You need to link it with Fire Penetration (Required) and some combination of Conc Effect + GMP + Slower Projectiles + Increased AoE / Item Rarity / Empower / Faster Attacks" Again, why Slower Projectiles? If it doesn't scale damage from explosion? 2)"For mobility I use Blink Arrow with Faster Attacks" why don't you use faster projectiles instead, for teleporting more quickly after shooting? 3) I'm a beginner in poe so teach me how to shoot EAs, please. Should I stop shooting and let 5 charges to explode and then continue shooting on bosses? Last edited by servod#7272 on Sep 27, 2015, 4:43:12 AM
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Hi Servod, I am new to this as well but here's what I have noticed so far to answer a couple questions:
" I think if you have a nice and powerful bow, projectile damage is meant to actually help with the initial hit of the arrow. Do good damage here and its like its adding on to the explosion. If the initial hit takes a lot of damage off, then its easier for the explosion to finish them off. " See answer above " I noticed IMMEDIATELY when I got a quill rain that my blink arrow went from so slow that it was almost unusable to almost instantaneous. Quill rain has very fast attack speed, so attack speed must have a great benefit to Blink Arrow. " Absolutely! Actually, you should fire at one group, and then continue on to fire at another. Quill rain shoots 3 times a second, and EA takes 1 second to explode AFTER the last shot. You can shoot 3 times, move to something else, shoot others for three times, then the first group explode. Go back and forth if able. FROST WALL HELPS IMMENSELY! I have frost wall on CwDT, and its really helpful. You can stack charges on the wall, and it will "shotgun" everything arround it with the multiple AOE's from the EA's stuck in the wall. You have to time it just right, because if your wall goes away before the arrows explode, then they are wasted. Sometimes monsters with A LOT of life can take ages to kill, but if a frost wall happens right next to them and I can stack it up with EA's and they go off, they are dead. But Frost wall and EA is a little buggy still. I notice that sometimes the arrows just disappear off the wall (without exploding), and sometimes they just go right through. Its tricky but useful. Just like it was said before. Shoot once or twice into a group to see if it is "reflect safe" and if so unload 3-5 EA's into group. I'm into low 70's mapping now and hardest challenge so far has been bosses critting on me. Thank goodness I have almost 6,800 life now because something hit me this weekend (cant remember which boss) for almost 5k damage!! I don't have the right flasks because I haven't needed them in a while. Going to have to get a instant anti-bleeding flask at some point. Hope that helps, I'm having fun with this build but its not easy. Its certainly not a faceroller build, or a hide behind a wall can let your minions do the work build. This is my first time in harc core and this build has been a blast, but stressful sometimes, which is what makes it fun I think. |
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PS> One more thing I found out this weekend while experimenting. My flame totem was too powerful and getting the kill shot too many times. That's bad because I have IIR linked in my EA. But I love having a totem to distract people. So I tried out this GEM setup:
Thats Range attack totem+Ice shot+pierce+GMP. WOW this combination is so freaking cool. It just sits there firing at quill rain speed (almost) and slows down EVERYTHING coming at me so that my EA has a chance to explode on them. I drop that totem just about every time I attack a new group of mobs. Sooo helpful. I still have my flame totem setup but I never use it, so it is gem slots wasted. I think I will go with frenzy+gmp+pierce+FA so I can stack frenzy very fast. (have not been playing with frenzy yet) I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I HAVE NOT SEEN THIS TOTEM SETUP BEFORE. ITS GREAT! I am leveling my ice shot so that when it gets to 20 I can make it level 1 quality 20 and leave it there at level 1 so it doesn't do too much damage. Last edited by Shinare#4581 on Sep 28, 2015, 9:56:25 AM
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Welp, I just hit level 80 (Immortal Achievement!!!), and tempest seems pretty empty now days. I cant even find a good belt form anyone lol.
I think I am going to just take a brake now until the new leagues. Thanks for the great build! |
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Thanks for such a good answer!
" LOL, I used this totem from the start =) With Rain of arrows on packs and Ice Shot on bosses. I thought that flame totem use casting skill, but I am not a caster, so I will benefit more from totem that use attacking skill. May be I should try flame totem, if you say that it's powerful " Tell me more please - how can you make lvl 1 quality 20 gem from lvl 20 gem? And how could you leave it on lvl 1 then? Last edited by servod#7272 on Sep 29, 2015, 4:24:43 PM
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" http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Vendor_recipe_system |
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