[2.2] A Storm of Ice and Fire - Avatar of Fire CI Whispering Ice - Uber Viable!


What should I try and improve in my gear? Should I just try to save for skyforth next? I have about 16ex atm in PSC
RoncocoMo wrote:
So since Beserker has that +25% to cast speed/attack speed if you take a savage hit... If you find a reflect mob do you just kiss your ass goodbye, or what? Or Does your ES outweigh that savage reflect dmg?

Savage Hit does not work with CI. It requires taking actual Life damage.
Amazing build! This inspired me to make a whispering ice build.
I like to make a twist to the builds I find making them my own(kinda), and I would love to hear your thoughts on it.
I am currently level 84 on perandus running as witch - ascendancy Elementalist.
Running Liege of primordial for major flame golem boost + survivability for the golem.
Pendulum of Destruction and Mastermind of Discord(using lightning warp to activate).
I am running a low life build with shav and Heretic's veil for dual blasphemy curse (flammability + Warlords mark)
Auras : Discipline, Clarity, Arctic Armour, Purity of fire (easier to cap resists + max res for flameblasts at atziri/reflect mobs)

Current damage on icestorm

With fire pen gem(37%) + skill tree(2%) and flammability(51%) + mastermind of discord(20%) I am sitting at 110 % Fire penetration

Level 100 Skill tree

If I have missed something vital in my build I would love to hear it. I'm going to attempt uber when I reach 90+

Regards Satura
Anyone has calculated the actual sustained dps?

I tried to calculate using the firestorm dps calculator, i inserted:
- 6k average dmg
- conc effect negative radius multiplier
- 5,6sec duration
- 2,2 cast speed modifier

The result is something around 200k sustained dps, which i find a bit low, even when i insert higher enemy hitbox radius than 2.
Bosses seem to melt down like candy with multiple concentrated effect icestorms, i am sure 200k dps doesnt do that.

Any thoughts on this?
Last edited by Tianelo#3853 on Apr 1, 2016, 9:04:35 AM
Tianelo wrote:
Anyone has calculated the actual sustained dps?

I tried to calculate using the firestorm dps calculator, i inserted:
- 6k average dmg
- conc effect negative radius multiplier
- 5,6sec duration
- 2,2 cast speed modifier

The result is something around 200k sustained dps, which i find a bit low, even when i insert higher enemy hitbox radius than 2.
Bosses seem to melt down like candy with multiple concentrated effect icestorms, i am sure 200k dps doesnt do that.

Any thoughts on this?

I got the same issue, has anyone tried the calculator or knows anything about the actual sustained dps of the build?
WHat do i need in order to run AA+Disc+Blasphemy and Herald? I have Skyforts - is it worth it to try to use herald aswell?
Duba wrote:
WHat do i need in order to run AA+Disc+Blasphemy and Herald? I have Skyforts - is it worth it to try to use herald aswell?


You'll need Charisma (12% mana reservation reduction in the node) and probably a lvl 4 Enlighten to feel comfortable with mana consumption.

And a 6L.

Personally I think it isn't worth that much of an effort for a minor gain.
Last edited by djnat#4628 on Apr 1, 2016, 12:49:01 PM
So... how the hell does this build do merc Izaro?

I've at lv 90, 11k es, 5k icestorm, I can faceroll maps up to t13 without touching my flasks, including residence dom, malformation piety; all the nasty ones. And yet I don't stand a snowball's chance in fucking hell of downing merc Izaro. he's curse resistant, so I can't leech worth a shit. All vaal charges are removed beforehand, and his adds don't grant charges either.
Daimoth wrote:
So... how the hell does this build do merc Izaro?

I've at lv 90, 11k es, 5k icestorm, I can faceroll maps up to t13 without touching my flasks, including residence dom, malformation piety; all the nasty ones. And yet I don't stand a snowball's chance in fucking hell of downing merc Izaro. he's curse resistant, so I can't leech worth a shit. All vaal charges are removed beforehand, and his adds don't grant charges either.

Izaro's skills are all super-telegraphed and easily avoidable.

Are you talking about the last of the three Izaro encounters in the Lab or the first / second one? Last Izaro is incredibly easy if you correctly countered the mechanics of the previous ones.

The whole fight is a matter of dodging, with a little practice you should beat him and put him in farming status.
Hello there.
Just wanting to say thanks for the guide.
Mainly following it, lvl 80 atm, having lots of fun. (first CI build)

I'm doing lvl 8 max maps atm (i go slowly step by step) and it's really easy.

Just a question though :
I am not using blashem with warlord's mark. Is it necessary to run this (and to have an enlighten cause it will be hard otherwise) if I want to do ele reflect maps ? Cause Berserker ascendanc isn't quite enough to counter the the reflect dmg.
Or should a purity of fire be enough ?

(To Daimoth : i rolled on Izaro merc so easily with 7K ES and a tooltip of 3.4K, dude)

EDIT : Did my first ever Atziri with this build, so happy :)
Last edited by DecadoW#7336 on Apr 3, 2016, 7:08:10 AM

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