Emperor's luck - Mirror of Kalandra

ZaruenVoresu wrote:
and now ggg will nerf emperors luck into the ground because 1 person stumbled luckily on 5 mirrors of kalandras... .. i hope they dont though..

Rest assure, that occurence is staged. The player that has the 5 stacked Mirrors happened to be a wealthy player in a wealthy guild. Coincidence?
Well, it's up to believer but I doubt it.

Grahf23 wrote:
blubbber wrote:
I got 5 transmutes ...

If you find a nice pair of boots to transmute, whisper me first I'll be able to turn it to 20% quality... together we can achieve great things.

I know this is years late, but I just have to login and reply to you. I for real laughed out loud for 30 min straight after saw your reply, I laughed so hard for so long my brain hurts and simply could not stop. I don't know what is it, but your avatar and your reply just got me.

Well played, Sir, Well played.

this was removed like a year ago lol you cant get mirros of that divination card anymore.

you need to chill on the fake news lol

having fun necro posting tho
Only a dumbass pays for a F2P game.
Last edited by noheal on Jan 27, 2018, 12:23:10 PM
well i got a house of mirrors off a gambler car last league, some not 100 percent accurate

noheal wrote:

this was removed like a year ago lol you cant get mirros of that divination card anymore.

you need to chill on the fake news lol

having fun necro posting tho
You got any source for that besides your lack of getting mirrors through Emperor's Luck cards?
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class www.theamazonbasin.com

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