Emperor's luck - Mirror of Kalandra


Someone recently posted on Reddit (<I'll place link here if I'll be able to find that thread) a screenshot featuring 5 Mirror of Kalandra from Emperor's luck divination card set. Is it possible? I wish someone from GGG could speak about it.
Last bumped on Jan 27, 2018, 5:32:31 PM
is the thread, found in 5secs, and if this really is possible, its like dunno, winning the lottery while getting striked by a Thunderbolt?
Turned my first set of emperor's luck yesterday after 300 hours in Warbands, got 5 armourer's scraps...
I got 5 transmutes ...
blubbber wrote:
I got 5 transmutes ...

If you find a nice pair of boots to transmute, whisper me first I'll be able to turn it to 20% quality... together we can achieve great things.
I got 5 Transmutations too. I know I shouldn't expect much given the drop rate of the cards is pleasent.

Emperor's Luck trades:
1. Got 5 Alchemy
2. Got 5 Chance
3. Got 5 Vaal Orb
4. Got 5 Chaos

pretty happy with those rewards, but 5 Exalted make me even happier
"This Is A Buff" (Bex_GGG august 30, 2016)
I've turned it in twice, 5 trasmutation both times.

I may be unlucky, but at least rolling the dice is fun.
Every Saturday = National Booze n Poe Day
This is a prime example of irrelevant information, you know it's possible but you also know it will never happen :)
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

and now ggg will nerf emperors luck into the ground because 1 person stumbled luckily on 5 mirrors of kalandras... .. i hope they dont though..

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