2.0.1 Patch Notes and Next Week's New Divination Cards!

Nice to have more cards, and can i add damn that art on thous thing is just amazing love that art stijl!
I would hang that on the wall !

Have a good vacation chris !
Good stuff as usual.

Onto other matters, can you guys get around to properly normalizing Explosive Arrow so I can PvP again. Waste of time 1v1ing currently, its all the same EA snorefest crap win or lose its crap.
IGN: MullaXul
I wish ysou a nice and relaxing vacation, Chris; you really deserve it! Thanks for all your hard work over the years, now take it easy for 2 weeks ;)
Thank you for all you and the team do, Chris. Enjoy your vacation!
Good news.

Have a nice holidays Chris, you deserve it.
Last edited by Sir_Behemoth#4297 on Jul 31, 2015, 7:31:36 AM
why just lvl 4 enhance and no empower?
Aww Damn :( i died to thornflesh yesterday... Sad Trexis is sad!

Enjoy your vacation! You've more than earned it.
more junk
Path of Exile - RNG based hoarding simulator
Fishing vacation hype!

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