2.0.1 Patch Notes and Next Week's New Divination Cards!

Good stuff.

Have a nice vacation Chris.
IGN: Ziggro
I kind of like the cards, they give people something to do at least. Not sure how they fit in lore-wise though, does Tasuni have a giant stash with all that good stuff in it? But then again you could ask where the vendors get all the currency from and what they do with billions of shitty pieces of gear.

Nevermind then, have a nice vacation Mr Wilson.
Have fun, Mr.Wilson

wow been years since I thought of Dennis the Menace. RIP cartoons of old
Those are cool news, but WTH, again some divination cards giving chaos. Those are kinda rare for what they give.

Still no alteration givin divination btw...
have a good one dude u deserv it
the game u guys created is just awesome
keep up the good work and keep people enjoy it!
Hello from the other side
is that the 3rd or 4th chaos orb card?
Have a great holiday, Chris!
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
Have a great time on vacation, hope you enjoy your time off free from stresses of POE. You've definitely earned it.
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia

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My beloved pets....
More chaos orbs ... really guys, wished some of those supporters had some inspiration at least.
Mr.Wilson, you deserved that Vacation! :)
Casuals have eaten my Hobby

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