A comprehensive thread about Wild Strike mechanics and its viability
" No one said it was weak though, it's just that it's not as good as the popular skills, and I don't think that should be for a new skill. They should start out good like TS or KB to make people use them, you can always fine tune it later. " @5: Yeah, that is a limitation of EE. But a reason to use it, is that in solo games, you clear packs relatively easily with WS, it's the resistant bosses that take longer. So if you happen to be close to EE in your tree, you could make an alternative build without Elemental damage except on WS itself, and that way you have a way to cut through their resists easily. It may not be ideal, but it's not the "EE useless you just lower your own damage" that some people make it out to be. And as you say, WS does so many things at the same time, it's hard to scale it except through a few specific gems, that is an obvious issue with the skill that could take some looking at. |
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Thanks for all the information OP :)
I did some testing with this skill on my non-crit ele buzzsaw scion. I did not change a single node in the tree, and the jewels I picked can definitely get much better. The results were better than I expected With this claw Wild Strike linked with WED/Multi/Added Cold/PCoC/Increased crit strikes, Wrath/Anger/Herald of Ice I got to 46k DPS with 3 power charges up. But it's not the actual DPS that matters but the clear speed, which is... actually pretty good. Comparable to Spectral Throw I'd say, at least for packs. It's a little slower for single target, but still not bad. The main disadvantage of this skill over Spectral Throw is that with ST you can keep your distance from the enemies while with WS you need to get up-close and personal with them. Obviously, it can get much better with more suitable support gems/jewels and, more importantly, build. To sum up, from my experience, WS is viable for endgame speedclearing with the "Fast attacks, a lot of ele damage" setup. Can't really tell how it works with physical damage though. I'm not a native English speaker. Should you spot a mistake in my post, feel free to point it out. Thanks! Standard IGN: Aerandair Divination Card results: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1591823 Last edited by Anseth#4342 on Aug 5, 2015, 3:55:26 PM
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Yep, clear speed is definitely decent if you have a fair amount of damage.
A good way to use the skill is to pull a monster (preferably a beefy one) away from the rest and focus your attacks on that one only. That way you take less damage, and your WS effects will take care or weaken the rest for you. This is not needed in lower areas, but once you get to high maps it can make the difference between life and death. |
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Have you tried dual wielding gemini claws to reduce the mana problems? I've been thinking about trying a dual gemini claw build for WS. (the mana on hit from both will apply at every attack, right?)
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I want WS to be buffed, please GGG :) |
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The mana cost is insane. There's no real reason why it should be that high compared to other skills.
We fight to delay the end because it's the means that matter.
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" Assuming the stat screen isn't lying, they added LGoH values there in the latest patch, and those bonuses are separated: each weapon only gets its own LGoH (bonuses from the gem or jewelry are still global though). Mana on hit isn't listed for some reason but I assume the same rule applies there. |
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" Hi, quick question. With your claw, there are basically no physical damage modifiers, how does it contribute to WS's damage? Will a 100 pdps claw with 40% inc weap elemental dmg, outshine a 300 pdps claw with no inc weap elemental dmg? Thanks in advance. |
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It's my favourite skill and is especially fun when run with the three herald auras and status effect chances. Clearing speed is very good once you get multi strike but bosses can take ages and I always get cocky and die around 70 so imagine it doesn't hold up at higher levels. The taming ring seems especially good but can never afford it. Innervate, Ice Bite and Hypothermia also work well especially if you've got cold and lightning damage from gear and the heralds.
Last edited by scrollo#4884 on Sep 7, 2016, 8:01:18 AM
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Wild strike has a great advantage: it can shock, ignite and freeze/chill with good base damage. So crit is at the core of the skill. However the down side : we cant use a specific elemental penetration. Only elemental weakness curse is valuable. Another downside : melee part doesnt work on secondary effects but "melee with weapon" will.
So this skill is very interresting with Templar crit inquisitor, it will bypass elemental resistances while keeping all the status ailments. Let's not forget that shock adds 50% to the base damage and ignite, so if we ignite with a good base damage, it's potentially a huge ignite! Same for freeze/chill duration. It's important to get big lightning damage to shock the bosses otherwise it's ignored. So, let's try a build with: Physical to lightning added fire damage ( or faster attack/ inc crit mult/melee phys for monotarget) WED multistrike increased critical strike chance wild strike a maximum of 129% the damage as lightning, enough to shock bosses "randomly" a maximum of 104% the damage as fire, very good to get a strong ignite against hp sponges. a max of 60% of cold damage that will chill, and freeze packs. http://exilecraft.org/#AAAAAwUAAdwClgSzBS0IsQvBDc0TzBQgFPYaOBzOITQnLygqKU8piytQLlMxnjIJNZI62DrhOzs9Dz/8QT9DMUd+SphN40/zUEdR5lWpV5daGl8/YEFgZWNwZU1mVGeAaPJp/moBa7dsRm20bztybHKpdO12rHdTd+N35XgNeWh673y7gpuE2YVShXuFfYY7i0+LjJBVkm6SfZRcl3mXtJhvm2qbbpx7nsWiAKZXqAepbq2Nr6e0L7XyvFa9Nr6nwBrAZsEEwzPE9sxmz37SfNNv2L3ZYdrB3CPhc+Qi5FHlz+hm6hjsOOzL7SDtYe8O8B/xr/H+8kX3Mvnd/gr+VP6P with two doryani's catalyst dual wielded , you can get 70% crit chance with 5 power charges, 80% with assassin's mark but it needs rat's nest, maligaro/atziri gloves, a diamond ring or two. Maybe bit more crit is doable with crit chance on amulet and diamond rings, but anyway, it's already decent ! now you shock freeze and ignite without downside and has a full ele damage setup. 800% increased damage is HUGE ( 120 catalyst *2) 181% life is okey 65% as is great It doesnt count the quality of gems and % ele damage on the gear, only on dual catalyst at 120%*2 plus the tree. also shocked ennemies will take 66% more damage with the ascendancy augury of penitence. It works on ignite too, and the increased elemental damage will also improve ignite ! but ignite cant be "crit" so it doesnt bypass elemental resistance. wild strike will kick some asses the ignite damage is "maximized", it cannot stack with itself so a STRONG ignite sometimes, a chill/freeze sometimes and a shock sometimes is PERFECT! If a strike deals 100 damage with shock+augury of penitence (a base hit of 66.2), ignite deals 20% per second: 20 damage, improved by % elemental damage: 92+240 = 332%, multiplied by 1.66: 143.4 per second for 4 seconds= 573.6 so if you deal one crit with the fire side, it can add 5.7 additionnal "attacks", if you do not ignite again over the next 4 seconds. But it doesnt consider the elemental resistances. It's especially great with wild strike: you wont ignite all the time, but will also freeze and shock ! it's probably better without multi strike: it reduces the base damage by a lot, so lower freeze/shock duration and ignite damage, but against pack it's awesome. Maybe swap multi for melee phys against bosses. and it doesnt work against status ailment resistant bosses like atziri I will never be good but always I try to improve. Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Sep 7, 2016, 10:46:19 AM
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